A Good Girl with a bad Boy. [Closed for Ash13]


RP Enjoyment
Oct 23, 2006
-Zack is average 27 year old young man who works in a warehouse the side of town he was on was shady and it was bad but Zack found him self with good company they were tough but they didn't do anything bad per say.nothing to illegal nothing they got caught for..no rape, no beatings, they defended there territory. Zack is a toned average guy, Brown short hair and blue eyes, His eyes shined bright and a blue bandana on his head. A Vest with a white shirt under it and blue jeans. His sneakers on his feet tight. Zack and his friends were hanging out when a car was driving a very nice car yet as they herd yelling and fighting soon a girl, about 28 5'5 130 shoulder length black hair 35C chest..wearing silky pink blouse,dark grey pleated skirt 3" above knees nude pantyhose and 3" strappy pink heels. Got out and huffed and cursed at the Car as it drove off. Zack motioned this was a rich girl and these sluts usually caused problems for them. Zack would see what happen and if she was not there to cause trouble he may help her. They walked over and Zack approached with his 4 friends.-

"Excuse me...are you in trouble?" -Zack stood there yes he was not all that rich but he didn't look deadly to her Poor yes, rough yes, but he didn't look mean and didn't want to hurt her.-
"I was visiting a friend with another and we got lost coming here because I am not familiar with this "rough" area. She got mad at me blaming me for getting us lost and I got in a fight with her and she drove off without me. I didnt actually think she would and now I need to find the nearest bust depot.
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"How far do you live...I do drive and i could give you a ride if you do not mind walking with me."-He said and looked to her his friends giving her looks but she knew why. The rich in this city looked and frowned a upon there kind and yet this stranger to her was offering her a ride.-"Zack Is my name...and you?"
Probably being more naive then I should I say "I live about 15 miles west of here in the new upper class development. I am Ashley Cuminners or since you dont know me MISS Cuminners to you guys" I laugh but you can tell its a snobby fake laugh. "sure a ride would be nice."
-The guys laugh a bit and Zack smiled to her.-"Well then if you live that far yeah i can give you a ride come on we just have to walk to my place if you can keep up Miss Cumners."-He smiled and began walking towards his place his friends left him alone and went off.-"So...what do you do?"
I work in a bank as a bank teller and account executive. I have been there for about 3 years now. What about you Zack what do you do? This is kind of a rough hood don"t you think?" I say as we walk the gentle breeze slightly blowing the hum of my sort pleated skirt as we walk.
-He nods to her as Zack see's her as a intelligent woman to work in a bank as they walk he nods once more.-"I work at the shipping docks. I work at pier 69 as a ware house worker...It does get rough here so i had to adapt to not get beat down here..."-They reached his home soon.-"I need to grab my keys do you want to come up so your not alone...it won't take me long."
"sure that would probably be a good idea" You let em go first and as we walk up my skirt bounces a bit as i walk up the stairs. As we enter you go to another room to get something and I see your computer on the table and a website open that you forgot to log off of..=I see..
-As i run in my room i also fix my self a bit and try to look for my keys and wallet. On my computer you see my Open Diary and a Porn Website open. The porn website is a customizable porn tube to your likes. The Open Diary has my entry about what kind of sex i am in to and my kinks, Bondage, Dom sub, costumes in sex, gangbang, DP, Public fucking, I had a wide list past that a lot of things others did. I called out.-"I just found my wallet and i located my keys i am goign to the rest room and be right out."-He ran in and closed the door as he didi his business and washed his hands good.-
you come out and see me there looking at computer screen. I see you and gasp blushing" ummm.umm I am sorry I..I did not mean to snoop it was just open to that page ". Are you really into all that kind of stuff/" i say trying to make some conversation in this awkward moment.
-He grins and chuckled a bit approaching her so much she didn't notice till he pinned her lightly to the wall.-"I am....you ready."-He moved away teasing her a bit like she did him with her snobby attitude he played bad boy for a moment.-"come on Ashley."-He said and saw her walk out and he locked the door. They went down to his car a Honda Civic CRX 1986. It was not pretty but it was nice a classic sports. They buckled up and the small two seater started up beautifully. He shifted in to first gear and began to drive off.-"Just direct me."
We drive foir awhile then we approach some construction and signs that say "road closed." CRAP" i exclaim now its just the "scenic" route to get home which is through old factory buildings and desolate abandoned areas.
-Zack begins to drive through the abandoned looking area as he smiled to her.-"So...you got any upper class boy friends i should be aware of...after all wouldn't want to think i be stealing his girl if he knew i took you home."-He chuckled.-
"No Zack i am single right now" I say as we drive then a POP sound can be heard and the car begins to slow.
The car tire blows we get out and you say it should take only a few moments to fix it. With that i look around at the rough area and three bums by a fire barrel about 30 feet away. "Umm Zack I hope this is not being too forward but i have always had a fantasy of getting felt up while others watch. MY boyfriend though that was odd. Want to feel me up and give those dirty bums a show? I say lightly biting my lower lip.
-Zack began to jack up the Car when Ashley stood by him watching then he herd what she said he looked up and smiled.-"You want to gt a bit dirty for those bums?....sure we can do that.."-He said and stood up and went behind her feeling up her perky tits through her clothes at first being right behind her his crotch to her ass. Her Pink blouse was being slowly unbuttoned by Zack as he grinds gently against her giving a show to the bums.-
The bums see it and walk abit closer but are still like 20 feet away. "looks like a lost rich girl" they say. as my silky blouse gets unbuttoned revealing a lacy pink front hook bra as I feel your heard member rubbing against my ass from behind.
-Leon shows you off like you want and opens your blouse wide and slowly lifts her skirt rubbing her pussy for the bums her hose blocking actual entrance.-"Is this hot for you Ashley?"
part of me wants to stop but the other part takes over. "umm yes Zack those dirty bums would probably love to touch a girl like this and never will." i say snobbishly. Probably first time you have huh" I say teasingly yet still a bit snobbishly in tone.
"Yeah i have your right...i wonder if i can corrupt your high class ass...you want me to do more..how hot is this making you."-The Bums are watching getting hard i can see them touching them selves over there clothes.-
I shrug shoulder s and say "sure give those dirty bums a good show. something to really jerk to..such losers" i laugh as I bit my lower lip as your hands roam my body.
"Go a head Ashley you are the rich girl...want to suck me off or should i finger that hot rich pussy for them."-He grins looking to the men as i put my hands down your hose and begin to rub and finger your pussy for them for only a moment and smile.-
I gasp as you lead me from out of the cover of the car and i feel your rough hands find my bald slit."mmmm feeels nice" i say as i grab your hand from outside my hose pressing it into my crotch area more. Then i feel two fingers dip inside me and begin to slide in and out as you hold me tight against you.
-Zack was enjoying this fingering her bald cunt in her pantyhose.-"Oh Ashley your a naughty little pantyhose slut aren't you oh being dirty for those bums."-His fingers drive faster moving deeper in to her hot cunt groaning with pleasure and lust.-
My eyes roll back in my head from pleasure as your fingers rock my tight pussy. The taboo nature of this encounter is driving me crazy as I grow wetter. The bums get closer and watch more intently calling me names knowing I am not from their hood.