A full 15 months after 11 September...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
George has finally appointed a commission to investigate the government's failures to detect and prevent the terrorist attacks. I suppose it's a case of better late than never.

Guess who the Chairman's going to be?

Our old pal Henry Kissinger.

"Critics say Mr. Kissinger could create as many doubts about the commission as he settles. "He was not the greatest proponent of openness in government," said one of the critics, Michael Posner, executive director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, citing as an example Mr. Kissinger's role in the secret bombing of Cambodia."

Other "critics say Mr. Kissinger's appointment raises the possibility of conflicts of interest. As the head of an influential consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, he has represented multinational corporations — including ITT, American Express, Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola and H. J. Heinz — that have a stake in American foreign policy."

Will the findings of the Commission be open to all? Only time will tell...

Source:Kissinger Returning to the Political Stage

big fucking deal

the govenrment's controlled by a few corporate lackeys. jaysis, p_p_man, give it up. stop wasting yer breath. Fight the Power!
p_p_man said:
George has finally appointed a commission to investigate the government's failures to detect and prevent the terrorist attacks. I suppose it's a case of better late than never.

Guess who the Chairman's going to be?

Our old pal Henry Kissinger.

"Critics say Mr. Kissinger could create as many doubts about the commission as he settles. "He was not the greatest proponent of openness in government," said one of the critics, Michael Posner, executive director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, citing as an example Mr. Kissinger's role in the secret bombing of Cambodia."

Other "critics say Mr. Kissinger's appointment raises the possibility of conflicts of interest. As the head of an influential consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, he has represented multinational corporations ? including ITT, American Express, Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola and H. J. Heinz ? that have a stake in American foreign policy."

Will the findings of the Commission be open to all? Only time will tell...

Source:Kissinger Returning to the Political Stage

I lobbied hard to get Bush to appoint you, :p
Republican Logic

Well, how about that . . . one of America's biggest unconvicted war criminals is going to investigate America's biggest mass assassination . . . Now that SURELY is Republican Party logic for you . . . guarantee the outcome you always wanted . . .

I hope the results are better than the Warren Commission. Remember, how just before appearing in front of the Warren Commission the top men from the FBI, numbers 3 through 10, all died separately in mysterious accidents, frequently involving car accidents or shooting accidents?? The only two survivors were cross dressing J Edgar Hoover and his bf Clyde Tolson as No 2 . . . makes you wonder who runs America?? :)
Re: Republican Logic

Don K Dyck said:
who runs America?? :)

Maybe it's time we fessed up, Don.

Castordyck Inc. runs America....has for years now.

Sorry for the confusion...we've just been fucking with your heads.

New big-screens & SUV's for EVERYBODY!!!

p_p_man said:
George has finally appointed a commission to investigate the government's failures to detect and prevent the terrorist attacks. I suppose it's a case of better late than never.

Guess who the Chairman's going to be?

Our old pal Henry Kissinger.

"Critics say Mr. Kissinger could create as many doubts about the commission as he settles. "He was not the greatest proponent of openness in government," said one of the critics, Michael Posner, executive director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, citing as an example Mr. Kissinger's role in the secret bombing of Cambodia."

Other "critics say Mr. Kissinger's appointment raises the possibility of conflicts of interest. As the head of an influential consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, he has represented multinational corporations — including ITT, American Express, Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola and H. J. Heinz — that have a stake in American foreign policy."

Will the findings of the Commission be open to all? Only time will tell...

Source:Kissinger Returning to the Political Stage
Who would you rather have?

Kissinger's as qualified as they come.

Re: Re: A full 15 months after 11 September...

teddybear4play said:
Who would you rather have?

Kissinger's as qualified as they come. TB4p

You're right, TB4p, Kissinger is very well qualified in killing Americans . . . LBJ, Tricky Dicky Nixon, Kissinger and Robert McNamara did a great job in Vietnam . . . that's why there are so many people who would like him to stand trail as a war criminal. :)
Re: Re: A full 15 months after 11 September...

teddybear4play said:
Who would you rather have?

Kissinger's as qualified as they come.


You don't have be qualified in anything to uncover fuck ups. An enquiring mind, a tenacious personality and an obstinancy that doesn't take all excuses as gospel is all that's really needed.

To appoint someone who is definitely not independent from American main stream politics is not a good choice.

Any decent police officer would have been better...

It's clear the appointee would be criticized, regardless of who it was.
I ask the critics: Who would you appoint?
Ham Murabi said:
It's clear the appointee would be criticized, regardless of who it was.
I ask the critics: Who would you appoint?

A senior police officer trained in uncovering lies and cover ups...

To appoint Kissinger seems like 'jobs for the boys'. But in Kissinger's case it's jobs for the boys who have the most to lose if any adverse facts are uncovered...

I'd side with any one of these three before Kissinger: Russell Johnson, Bob Denver, and/or Tina Louise. Have you seen any of Kissinger's interviews from the past 6months? The only person he gushes over more than Bush is Sharon.
p_p_man said:
A senior police officer trained in uncovering lies and cover ups...

To appoint Kissinger seems like 'jobs for the boys'. But in Kissinger's case it's jobs for the boys who have the most to lose if any adverse facts are uncovered...


The full disclosure you're seeking won't make anyone look good — and I'm not saying that's bad. But the Democrats will get hit just as hard as the Republicans, or perhaps moreso, since bin Laden's attacks grew more brazen the longer Bill Clinton was in office and responding ineffectually and half-heartedly.
Re: Re: Re: A full 15 months after 11 September...

Don K Dyck said:
You're right, TB4p, Kissinger is very well qualified in killing Americans . . . LBJ, Tricky Dicky Nixon, Kissinger and Robert McNamara did a great job in Vietnam . . . that's why there are so many people who would like him to stand trail as a war criminal. :)
I count one.

And since you think the CIA is spying on you, it doesn't count.

p_p_man said:
To appoint someone who is definitely not independent from American main stream politics is not a good choice.
And how long has Kissinger been out of the mainstream? Do you really think he gives a shit either way?

I'm scared of officials that are fatalists because they are senile and/or breathing their last breaths, they wanna go out in a big heroic bang...knocking Bush off his paper machete podium isn't the patriotic kind of heroism.

On a different note, please nominate RUDY for VP in 04, I'll even give CONs a campaign slogan "We will never forget!!!!" Guaranteed to work, honestly, it's just too much of a health risk for Cheney to be bombarded with the kind of stress he's constantly under. Daschle did have a great point, we need to start treating our public officials as our brothers and sisters-we're all Americans and 90% of our goals and dreams are identical.
Teddy the Genuis...

"As the head of an influential consulting firm, Kissinger Associates..."
Re: Re: Re: Re: A full 15 months after 11 September...

teddybear4play said:
Do you really think he gives a shit either way?


Only if his personal empire is harmed...

But then you won't be hearing the whole story...

70/30 said:
On a different note, please nominate RUDY for VP in 04, I'll even give CONs a campaign slogan "We will never forget!!!!" Guaranteed to work, honestly, it's just too much of a health risk for Cheney to be bombarded with the kind of stress he's constantly under. Daschle did have a great point, we need to start treating our public officials as our brothers and sisters-we're all Americans and 90% of our goals and dreams are identical.
I wish they would.

70/30 said:
Teddy the Genuis...

"As the head of an influential consulting firm, Kissinger Associates..."
Your point?

70/30 said:
Only if his personal empire is harmed...

But then you won't be hearing the whole story...
Personal empire? That's rich.

Kissinger is involved in today's political arena in many, many ways. I'd consider Gerald Ford as being outside the daily influence but he has previous direct experience ignoring a conflict of interest and letting an obvious crook go free. I'm thinking they might have included William French Smith, Edwin Meese, Richard Thornburgh, or William P. Barr close to the top of the bill.