Redheads need a different kind of fucking than the rest of the world, and lately what I've found is far off the mark. There's gotta be room for a bit of straight-foward fun . . . and hey---if people end up shapeshifting into some sex magic bliss, amen brother. Selah. So say we all. You get me.
I'm a switch, but only because I can never decide which thrills do my head in the most. If I could get one good dominant fuck, one really nice wake-up-aching-full-of-glory submissive experience, I bet I'd be un-switched forever and live my days out a proper little feral slut.
As it stands, there isn't a person alive, man or woman, who's been able to make me come the way I want to. The way I need to, and know I can. I could give long aching hours of thin, sheeny sweat and heart-stopping dedication to stretching limits. If I could find one person to open the swift dark corners of my mind to, they'd never know boredom again.
If you're up, and you're not taking the piss, PM me. If you're in England, and you're not taking the piss, and there's no Special Brew in your hand, *definitely* PM me.
I'm a switch, but only because I can never decide which thrills do my head in the most. If I could get one good dominant fuck, one really nice wake-up-aching-full-of-glory submissive experience, I bet I'd be un-switched forever and live my days out a proper little feral slut.
As it stands, there isn't a person alive, man or woman, who's been able to make me come the way I want to. The way I need to, and know I can. I could give long aching hours of thin, sheeny sweat and heart-stopping dedication to stretching limits. If I could find one person to open the swift dark corners of my mind to, they'd never know boredom again.
If you're up, and you're not taking the piss, PM me. If you're in England, and you're not taking the piss, and there's no Special Brew in your hand, *definitely* PM me.