A few others..


Oct 1, 2002
I'm heading out for the majority of the day.. but thought I'd post a few others of me in my leather corset and some pics on the bed before I headed out.. you all will have to let me know what you think.
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Zaudika said:
I'm heading out for the majority of the day.. but thought I'd post a few others of me in my leather corset and some pics on the bed before I headed out.. you all will have to let me know what you think.

I like!!! please post more!
Re: Re: A few others..

huskie said:
I like!!! please post more!

Thank you huskie!.. :) Few others before I go.. that and there's some more at the link at the bottom of my posts also.

Here's a nice up close one of my cleavage in the outfit.. in bw.. there's a pic in color similar to it on the other thread.
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heh.. well, speak of the devil.. my plans for the afternoon just got cancelled.. guess i'll be spending some time taking more pics instead. ;)
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one other for now..... going to go play with the camera,.. and maybe myself. :devil:
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Plans cancelled definitely makes it easier to have some fun.. :)
Working on doing some fetish type scenario's...... some with a bridle from a ponygirl outfit i used to have, office type pics, school girl, etc..
love the pic's and you do updates as you go along please Office type with no under garments are very nice
soupy said:
love the pic's and you do updates as you go along please Office type with no under garments are very nice

Thanks Soupy! I appreciate the suggestion also.. I just got finished doing an office type set... but do have a black thong and bra on underneath... thinking I might go back and just add them to the length of the first thread instead of here. Do the whole sticking to one thread thing...... I'll post them in a minute. :) :kiss:
wow Zaudika that corset really suits you! you're looking damn hot and desirable in that! :kiss:
soupy said:
Thank you.:p :p :p You have aroused me hurry hurry

:kiss: :kiss: for Soupy..... :) I posted the beginnings of the office pics on my other thread.. there'll be more..but the battery on my camera died out. I actually really need to get a new battery, this one got fried and lasts for about 15 minutes before needing to charge for awhile again.
BertieC said:
wow Zaudika that corset really suits you! you're looking damn hot and desirable in that! :kiss:

hehe.. thanks Bertie.. love my corset.. dying to buy some others that I want.. but I'll be doing some more pics soon in that one, and in my vinyl one.
This is a pic of my vinyl one... old pic.. but you can see part of it at least.
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Zaudika said:
hehe.. thanks Bertie.. love my corset.. dying to buy some others that I want.. but I'll be doing some more pics soon in that one, and in my vinyl one.
This is a pic of my vinyl one... old pic.. but you can see part of it at least.

mmmhhhh, nice cleavage! you busty babe are looking hot hotter hottest in that vinyl! :kiss:
BertieC said:
mmmhhhh, nice cleavage! you busty babe are looking hot hotter hottest in that vinyl! :kiss:

:) I'll take some more later in it just for you darlin'.. unlike my leather corset, its difficult to get into without help.. :( .. but I'll manage.... ;)
:heart: :kiss: saw other thread :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: you are titalating me please cuntinue hint hint when you get recharged I'll be waiting
:D Love to HELP another time when we are a little closer than 3000 miles.
Zaudika said:
:) I'll take some more later in it just for you darlin'.. unlike my leather corset, its difficult to get into without help.. :( .. but I'll manage.... ;)

now i'm feeling a bit sad not being there to help you getting in! :( ;)
While help getting into it can be fun...... and such a turn on as i feel the leather or vinyl closing around me,.. hugging my body tightly.. ok... turned on just thinking about it...........
Help getting out of it can be even more fun. ;)
BertieC said:
too bad i'm noth there! :(

ahh.. but imagination can still be so much fun....
perhaps a couple hardcore pictures playing would be appreciated? ;)