A Fantasy Weekend Pass Back in the Day


Aug 3, 2015
Remembering back when I was an Army trainee and 4 of us marked our first 3 day weekend pass together. We met up with some girls in the next room from a university marching band - 4 guys, 4 girls, 4 beds, 2 rooms, 3 nights - and a pool (guys forgot to pack bathing suits). The reality did not live up to my fantasies but perhaps a multipart series of stories could explore the possible variations?
4 guys, 4 girls, 4 beds, 2 rooms, 3 nights - and a pool (guys forgot to pack bathing suits).
I find the part in the parentheses especially promising, although I would prefer it even more if the gender there was reversed ;) but I assume it would end there anyway.
Four interchangeable guys and four interchangeable girls is going to make for a confusing and probably boring story. You should make sure they each have distinguishing characteristics, well defined up front, so that the story will have some dynamics to it.