A family goes through airport security


Aug 27, 2004

After having received little response to my fetish post (http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=907126), and to makeup for the lack of solid content, I decided to write a story. The first chapter is below and I'm finishing up the third chapter right now. I'm interested in any feedback, and also in any similar content that might already be out there.



Emily dropped her overflowing purse and pushed it forward with her foot. The airport was crowded and her family was one of many in line at check-in. Next to her was her brother, Daniel. His eyes were downcast on his phone, probably playing some game. Emily thought of him as lazy and immature, though he was four years her senior. While he was getting ready to enter his last year college, she was thinking about where to go and what to major in.

"How many bags are you checking?" asked the ticket agent.

"Four" replied Jeff.

"No, there's five honey. Emily is checking two," said Sarah. Sarah had married Jeff straight out of high-school. They had both their kids in their early 20's. Jeff and Sarah were the old-fashioned white-picket-fence couple that seemed to only exist in movies.

"Five" said Jeff

While Jeff handled the payment, the rest of them started loading their luggage onto the platform. Except for Daniel, who pretended to be so into his phone that he wasn't realizing what was going on. Emily stared at him for a few seconds in disgust before picking up his bag for him. As she bent over slightly, her button-up white blouse fell forward. Daniel was well aware and shifted his glance, getting a solid look at the top of her breasts and how her black bra held them. The airport was air-conditioned and he noticed small goosebumps on her soft beige skin. He saw how the plump they looked, contained in her bra like that. They weren't large by any means, a little smaller than a handful. But still, he imagined playing with them and kneading them.

He had never touched a woman's breast before, not really. Once, many years ago, his sister and him had to sleep in the same bed during a vacation. He cupped Emily's breasts that night, while she sounded asleep. But that's another story.

Jeff finished up paying and lead his family to security. He kept a few paces ahead of the rest of them. Sarah was talking to Emily, making sure she didn't have any large amounts of make-up still in her purse. The previous time they traveled, the security officer had to throw it out because it was over the size limit. Last there was Daniel, who was lagging purposefully behind. He pretended to be looking around the Denver airport one final time before they left for home. But, his attention was purely on the two women in front of him.

Daniel had always thought of himself as lucky to have a mom so young. He liked the way her blond hair fell on her shoulders. It was always cut so delicately that each stand just lightly bounced up and down on her upper back as she walked. Daniel noticed that today. He enjoyed the contrast of the blond hair against the navy blue sweater she was wearing. The sweater was that finely woven thin wool that you can wear even as the temperatures warm up. It followed the curves of her back before cropping off just over the top of her skirt. It was a business skirt of pure black. As Sarah walked, Daniel saw the shape of her ass that the skirt outlined for him. Sarah had a natural curve in her back that accentuated her waist and butt. Her ass had some droop in it, but you couldn't really tell once her panties were on (not that Daniel knew that). All Daniel saw was this shapely round piece of women that he wanted to place his hand on, spread his fingers, and squeeze. The fabric continued straight down and ended at the very tops of her calves.

To the left of his mom was Emily. Her black bra showed slightly through the blouse. Though, her hair almost blocked the view. She had her dad's dark brown hair. It never sat flat on her head, but first went up slightly before curving down and dropping in thick cascades along her shoulders and back. It was the type of hair that looked best when left completely alone. Daniel always thought it inviting and sexy, the way it remained so unconstrained as if Emily was in a constant state of waking up from a long-night of sex. She was built slightly thinner than her mother and wore dark silver cotton pants. They weren't yoga pants, but they hugged her skin well and Daniel could easily see the exact curves of her lower back transitioning into her butt and then into her thighs and calves. Emily had a thin waste compared to Sarah's womanly lines. Her ass was much tighter as well and had less to grab onto. But, Daniel had a thing for that area between her two upper thighs that he could see right through. His mom's thighs touched there, but Emily's left an empty pocket of air that Daniel wanted to place his palm in so that his fingers would graze her mound and his wrist would wedge in-between her cheeks.

They reached the security line, dropped their carry-ons to the ground, and waited the wait. Daniel went back to his phone. Sarah and Jeff were in some conversation and Emily just stared into space, bored. A sudden insight bumped into Daniel, and he realized that this might be the last time he gets to see Emily for awhile. Tantalized by the cleavage he saw earlier, he put his phone into camera mode in hopes another opportunity would present itself.

"Have your boarding pass and identification ready" shouted a young black women officer from the front of the line. Jeff turned to his family to make sure everyone overheard.

Daniel got his wallet from his pocket and Jeff gave him his boarding pass. Emily bent down to search through her purse. Daniel noticed and fumbled for his phone. He had to shift his position to get a good view down her blouse, but he was able to do it innocently enough. A few seconds later, he had a series of pictures. He turned off the screen and casually looked around to see if anyone noticed.

A good thirty people behind Daniel in line, an old gentleman in a suit was staring right at him. Daniel froze, a bit scarred of being caught. But the man just smirked and moved his eyes to Sarah, who had clasped her hands behind her back for a good stretch. Daniel followed the man's eyes and noticed his mom's tits stretching the wool fabric. It was certainly a nice sight. His mom had great tits, a well shaped D cup that drooped slightly, but in a very natural way, just enough so one could lift them and watch them bounce back down. They weren't too wide either, and Daniel loved the sight of them in a car with a seat-belt placed between to them, clearly outlining each mound of soft flesh. Daniel was much closer to his mom and was able to see tiny glimpses of white lace through the threads of stretched fabric. He stared back at the gentleman, caught his gaze, and gave him a smirk in return.

Jeff was getting impatient waiting in line. There was only one family ahead of them now, but they had a group of small kids and couldn't seem to get organized. The guard checking ID's was looking at them with contempt. Finally, the mom of the family was able to pull her ID out while getting her children in line with her feet, like a dog herding sheep. The guard passed them through, and Jeff immediately stepped forward, handed the guard his boarding pass and license, and turned to Sarah, Emily, and Daniel, making sure they were ready to do the same. The guard noticed Jeff's promptness, and his thick muscular build, and was glad to finally pass through a person with competence. He could not think the same about Daniel, who looked thin, week and nerdy. But, they all went through with no issue.

Daniel continued to get good glances of Emily and his mom as they took off their shoes and lifted their bags onto the conveyor belt. He didn't risk taking more pictures though, not with all the security guards around. Besides, he had to empty his pockets and place his phone in the plastic container. Jeff finished first, patted his pockets one last time to make sure, and then asked if everyone else was ready.

"One second" responded Emily, who was digging in her pockets for any loose change.

"Come on, you're taking forever" said Daniel.

"Stop getting on my case!"

"Emily, Daniel, lets go" said Jeff.

Jeff and Sarah were already beginning to move in line for the metal detector. Emily was slightly agitated about being rushed. Daniel moved in line behind his mom, and once Emily saw the rest of her family move away from her, she followed.

A Mexican security guard paced up and down the line. He gave a cursory glance at each person. Emily was a little bit disgusted by him. He reminded her of Daniel except more dumpy looking. He had that greased dirty skin that made it seem as if he was always sweating motor oil. Sarah gazed into the distance, lost in her own thoughts or perhaps trying not to draw attention to herself. His eyes passed over Sarah. At first, while glancing, all he saw was this pale-skinned heart-shaped face. Then he looked further. He liked the way her upper and lower lip puckered together, as if lost between whether to pout or whether to kiss. He also liked her pale blue eyes and the shaped eyebrows that drew your attention to them. Once he saw her face, he cast his eyes down her neck and oven her breasts. That's when he couldn't help but smile. Jeff, who was facing the disorganized family with the many small kids, was oblivious to the whole thing. But, Daniel noticed the smile and thought it was a bit odd. Emily thought it was creepy.

The Mexican turned towards his colleague, who was sitting behind one of the computer monitors in an employee only section. His colleague was watching Juan, and when Juan turned to him, he met his gaze. That's all it took and then Juan continued down the line. He saw Daniel behind Sarah and immediately recognized him as someone he could be friends with. Daniel, like Sarah, was now gazing off into the distance, but Juan drew his attention by asking his name.

"Daniel" he responded.

"Where are you heading?"

"Home, to Ohio"

"I see. And is this your family with you?" asked Juan, gesturing his mom and dad in-front of him.

"And my sister" said Daniel, glancing behind him.

Juan looked at Emily, who was watching the whole thing. Her face was narrower, her jaw and cheek bones more defined. Juan noticed her pursed thin lips that puckered out slightly like a Greek's. He noticed her hazel eyes that edged the way of dark green and the fine slanted eyebrows above them. She seemed a bit wild to him, especially with her hair down like that. He was getting excited. It was a split second, but Daniel noticed him quickly turn back towards his colleague, and then back to Emily.

"Have a good flight" said Juan, and he continued on down the line.

End of Ch.1
This isn't a place to post whole chapters/stories. The guideline is that an excerpt of about three paragraphs is acceptable here.
This isn't a place to post whole chapters/stories. The guideline is that an excerpt of about three paragraphs is acceptable here.

'Sorry - I'm new to this. Where should I post this? Is that what the "Story Feedback" board is. I wasn't sure the difference between that and here.
'Sorry - I'm new to this. Where should I post this? Is that what the "Story Feedback" board is. I wasn't sure the difference between that and here.

As far as I know the site owners/mods prefer not to have full-length stories posted anywhere in the forums. I think that's because they prefer to have editorial oversight on what stories get hosted and posting here bypasses that.

Your options are to put the story-in-progress up somewhere else and then post a link to it here with your request for comment, or just to ask for readers and then send it privately to those who are interested.
'glad you're enjoying it. The beginning of the next chapter is below. This is my first story so please leave some feedback. That's why I'm posting it here. What do you like? What don't you like?


Jeff stared intently at the family ahead of them. He wished they would hurry up. The frizzled mom was trying to get her kids together again.

“Don't you want to go into the big toy that see's inside you?” she said. That was the right thing to say and the kids perked to attention at the sound of “big toy”. Soon enough, they were going through. They giggled at each other when asked to raise their hands above their heads, but felt underwhelmed at not being able to see inside their body.

Jeff was next and the security guard gestured him forward. He placed his feet on the yellow icons, raised his hands, waited for the machine's sensor to slide back and forth, and passed through without issue. He watched his family from the other side of the machine.

The guard gestured Sarah forward. She walked into the machine but found it difficult to place her feet on the icons. It was a bit too wide for her skirt.

“Mam, please place your feet on the yellow placeholders” said the guard.

“I can't spread my legs that far apart” replied Sarah.

“You'll have to find a way”

Daniel was next in line and watching the whole thing. He felt himself starting to get hard when he heard his mom say “spread my legs”. Just the idea was enough for him, and he became a bit nervous that the guard would notice his rising tent. He tried to casually look away and think of something else. In the process, he noticed that the Mexican security guard was no longer pacing the line.

“Mam, you're holding up the line” said the guard.

“OK, just give me a second” said Sarah

Daniel looked back at his mom. She bent forward slightly and took hold of the hem of her skirt. She folded it upward until Daniel saw the beginning of her thigh. Her face appeared a bit unsettled during the whole process, but those few folds gave her the extra inches necessary to move her feet far enough apart. She forgot what to do next in her nervousness.

“Hands above your head” said the agitated guard.

Sarah raised her hands. Daniel watched as the sweater pulled tightly against her bust. He clearly saw the outline of each breast and was even close enough to see the small indent where her bra ended and her flesh began. Her back arched slightly as her arms moved upward, and Daniel stared at his mom's ass as it pushed outward against her stretched skirt. He noticed the guard behind her, staring, and then turning his head to the right. Daniel followed his gaze and saw Juan standing next to his colleague, both looking at a monitor. Juan turned to the guard and nodded.

“Higher” said the guard.

Sarah continued raising her hands. Her sweater moved upward and Daniel saw the white skin of her torso.

“Good, please stand still until prompted.”

Sarah stayed at her position. It was hard to keep her hands that high, and Daniel noticed her arms beginning to shake. He noticed the white lace of her bra again, peeping through the blue fabric of her sweater. Daniel wished he had his phone. Suddenly, he realized his throbbing boner, and quickly flipped it up. Emily saw the movement of Daniel's hand into his pants, but wasn't sure why. She couldn't really see her mom because of Daniel blocking her view, and didn't understand what was taking so long.

On the other hand, Jeff could see his wife and didn't understand what was taking so long either.

“Hey, what's the hold-up, the machine finished?” asked Jeff to the guard.

“Sometimes our computer gets backed up, don't worry, it won't take long.” replied the guard.

Sarah was visibly distressed now, not used to staying in one position for over a minute. Her eyes had a look of concern and her arms were shaking with fatigue.

“Mam, we're going to need you to raise your hands a little bit higher, it seems something is wrong with one of the scanners and we need to use a backup located at the top of the machine.” said the guard. Daniel noticed him smirking.

Sarah turned her head to Jeff.

“Eyes forward!” shouted the guard.

Sarah snapped back at the force of the command. She began to move onto her toes. Daniel saw her back arch more, her skirt rise slightly further up, showing more of her thighs. They had a nice pale creaminess to them. And then, her sweater moved further upward. Daniel saw her navel. He saw the faint lines that accentuated where her torso began and her waist ended.

“Dale, the machine isn't getting a full read” said Juan to the guard next to Jeff.

“Okay, restart it and we'll move on to the next client. Mam, please step through.” said Dale.

Sarah moved to stand next to Jeff. But Dale came between them, placed his hand on Sarah's lower back and guided her to his right-side, opposite Jeff. Sarah complied, and began to adjust her sweater back down and unfurl her skirt.

“No” said Dale sternly.

“What are you talking about?” said Jeff, a bit frustrated with the whole thing.

“Sir, do not interfere. Mam, we need you as you are and you are to be absolutely still without movement. This is for everyone's safety” said Dale. He had a commanding voice and Jeff stayed silent.

Sarah, who was happy enough to have her arms resting by her side, nodded her head and looked towards Daniel, who was getting ready to enter the metal-detector.

“Please step forward and place your feet on the yellow icons” said Dale.

“I thought the machine was broken...” said Sarah.

“As mentioned, we restarted it and it should be working now. Please be quiet and let us do our job.” replied Dale

Daniel walked into the detector and stood in position. He looked down to check that his boner was still flipped into his waistband. It was. He looked up, placed his hands above his head in the normal fashion expected, and waited for the machine to sweep back and forth. It did.

“Okay, you can step through” said Dale.

Daniel walked through and stood next to his Dad. He looked over at Emily, who was looking back and forth from her mom to her dad. Jeff shrugged his shoulders in response to her confused face. Daniel noticed the old gentleman staring at Emily's back, probably checking out her ass. “I wonder if he saw my mom” thought Daniel, who took a quick glance over to Sarah and still noticed her bare midriff.

“Miss, please step into the detector and place your feet on the yellow icons” said Dale.

Emily walked into the detector and did as she was told. In anticipation, she placed her hands above her head. The machine scanned back and forth. She waited, but Dale was silent.

“Dale, the top of the machine is not responding again. Please ask the client to assume position B.” shouted Juan.

“Miss, please lower your hands and stand as you would normally. What's your name, miss?” said Dale.


“Okay Emily, listen carefully and we can get you through here quickly. The top half of the machine is not working. We have a modified position that gets you scanned using only the lower half of the machine. The position is repeated three times as you have to rotate 90 degrees to the left and 90 degrees to the right for a full scan. Understand so far?”


“Now, I need you to widen your feet about twice as far apart as the yellow icons. You will then bend forward, drop your hands and head to the floor and stay there until told to get up. Please do this now.” said Dale

Emily widened her legs.

“Wider Emily” said Dale

Emily looked at him distastefully and spread her legs until her feet touched the ends of the platform.

“Good, now bend forward” said Dale

“Excuse me officer, but the entire security line is watching this. Where's the privacy?” said Jeff.

“What did I tell you before? You need to be silent and this will be done with soon. We are following nothing but standard procedure as outlined by TSA. If your daughter wants to board your plane, she will have to do as instructed. Another peep out of you and your family will miss your flight. I guarantee it. Understand?” replied Dale. His face was stern.

“Okay, just please understand my position.”

“I have a daughter too you know. I understand your position.”

Emily began to bend over to touch the ground. Daniels eyes were glued to her like a hawk to its pray. Her ass jutted into the air, each cheek clearly outlined by the tight pants. As her torso dropped below her waist, the seem of her pants receded. A dark blue band of fabric appeared underneath the silver. The thin strand continued towards her crack were it formed a small triangle. The gap between the dark blue and silver was the beige skin of her ass. Just the top of one cheek, but Daniel was getting so hard he felt each pulse of his heart at the tip of his dick.

Jeff saw all of this too. He felt a tingling in his own cock and the simultaneous pang of guilt that came with it. He diverted his eyes elsewhere, toward the crowed waiting in the security line. He saw boys with their eyes widened and their moms scolding them. He saw men, looking elsewhere but knowingly in that way men look at cleavage. He saw a man in a suit not even disguising his interests. Jeff didn't notice his son's intent stare, but if he did he would recognize it in this man's eyes.

Sarah just looked down at her feet.

“Emily, you have to bend further so that your hands are touching the ground and your head is dropped. We need your entire body below your waist” said Dale.

Emily didn't respond, but simply continued her movement. She had no sense of where her clothes were and she just wanted to get out of this damn security line. However, she did feel her blouse slip down her back as she bent down.

Daniels eyes shifted. He saw the thin white fabric cling onto her black bra clasp. As Emily finally got her hands on the ground, the blouse gave up its hold onto her bra, and fell completely down and around her arms. Daniel just gazed and gazed, entranced by his sister's tits hanging to the ground, contained only by the black fabric that hung with them. He could see their full shape and size, the underside of them. They looked larger, hanging like that. He imagined placing his hand on one and pushing back and forth into the other, letting them swing like a pendulum. He danced his eyes back to her thong and noted that he could now see the end of the blue triangle and how it formed back into a thin thread that seeped into Emily's crack. He compared the color of her ass to that of her tits. Her tits had a softer beige to them.

Jeff didn't see this as well as his son, but he did see the old gentleman. His previous arousal gave way to anger as he stared down this man, who clearly was looking at Emily and gobbling up her body like a good breakfast.

Emily felt each stare like a ray of sun. Her body warmed in embarrassment. She could feel her blouse around her arms and though she didn't know about her exposed thong, she certainly knew about her exposed bra. She had heard the machine scan back and forth and expected to get up immediately after she got down, but the guard had been silent.

“Got it? Can I go through now?” shouted Emily. No one could see her face between all of her hair, but her eyebrows were furrowed.

Daniel looked over at Dale and noticed that he had slipped a phone back into his pocket.


I have the rest of chapter 2 finished. Chapter 3 is taking longer than expected, but I should be done with it soon.
'got a lot of interest from PMs - so here's the rest of ch.2


Ch.2 Continued

“Emily, you have to bend further so that your hands are touching the ground and your head is dropped. We need your entire body below your waist” said Dale.

Emily didn't respond, but simply continued her movement. She had no sense of where her clothes were and she just wanted to get out of this damn security line. However, she did feel her blouse slip down her back as she bent down.

Daniels eyes shifted. He saw the thin white fabric cling onto her black bra clasp. As Emily finally got her hands on the ground, the blouse gave up its hold onto her bra, and fell completely down and around her arms. Daniel just gazed and gazed, entranced by his sister's tits hanging to the ground, contained only by the black fabric that hung with them. He could see their full shape and size, the underside of them. They looked larger, hanging like that. He imagined placing his hand on one and pushing back and forth into the other, letting them swing like a pendulum. He danced his eyes back to her thong and noted that he could now see the end of the blue triangle and how it formed back into a thin thread that seeped into Emily's crack. He compared the color of her ass to that of her tits. Her tits had a softer beige to them.

Jeff didn't see this as well as his son, but he did see the old gentleman. His previous arousal gave way to anger as he stared down this man, who clearly was looking at Emily and gobbling up her body like a good breakfast.

Emily felt each stare like a ray of sun. Her body warmed in embarrassment. She could feel her blouse around her arms and though she didn't know about her exposed thong, she certainly knew about her exposed bra. She had heard the machine scan back and forth and expected to get up immediately after she got down, but the guard had been silent.

“Got it? Can I go through now?” shouted Emily. No one could see her face between all of her hair, but her eyebrows were furrowed.

Daniel looked over at Dale and noticed that he had slipped a phone back into his pocket.

“Miss, I will tell you when to move. You don't have to ask. Now, you are to remain down and rotate 90 degrees to your left. Imagine there is a rod between your feet, forcing them apart. This will help keep your position as you turn. Turning is necessary for a complete scan. Now turn to your left.”

Emily began to shuffle her feet in a turning manner. She had to work her hips and legs to keep her feet apart. It was not easy. She placed some of her weight on her hands to help. Each wiggle moved her pants further and further down. Daniel couldn't really see that though, since she was turning towards him and his parents. He was disappointed as really, not much changed from his earlier vantage point. Daniel looked at the crowd and noticed the smirk on the gentleman's face get wider and wider. His dick couldn't get any harder, but somehow the idea that another person was enjoying the view as much as him excited Daniel and he felt his pulse increase and strengthen. His dick began to bend back into his stomach, liked a curved katana.

“Good Emily, now continue rotating into the last part of the position, that's 180 degrees from where you are now.” said Dale.

Daniel looked back at Emily. He watched as her right breast came into view. He wondered at the size of her nipple. Her bra was too big to get any idea, but from certain angles during her turn he did get to see the milky white flesh alongside the normal beige of her skin. He attempted to peek into the darkened area that was truly private and tried to imagine the rest. Then, once his sister's ass started turning towards him, he couldn't help but smile. He heard a sharp inhale from his dad. Through all the shuffling and hip movements, Emily's pants had dropped almost to the edge of her ass. He couldn't see any sign of a mound yet, but he clearly saw the two cheeks. He saw the tightness of each cheek and he saw the blue thong thread its way between them. He stared intently at them and knew why the gentleman had smirked.

Jeff didn't know what to do. His daughter was mooning him and try as he might he couldn't look away. His anger was gone again and he felt an uncomfortable arousal rising again. Sarah was still looking down, but could smell the heat from the men around her. Finally, Dale spoke.

“Okay Emily, you've done well. I need you to rise up and return to a standing position, please don't make any movements beyond those I just mentioned.”

Emily raised her torso. As she did, she kept her hands up, allowing her blouse to fall back into place. Her ass wasn't too plump, and as she stood her pants did rise back up around it, though Daniel still saw the blue triangle of her thong. As she turned back to the original standing position, Daniel noticed her blouse had not completely fallen and her skin around her waist was visible. He also could see a good deal more cleavage than before, and guessed that one of the blouse's buttons came undone.

Suddenly, Juan appeared next to Dale and whispered into his ear. Dale looked at him and nodded. Juan returned to his post next to the monitor.

“Emily, the machine got a complete scan, but there was a malfunction in the analysis. I'm very sorry, but please understand that this technology is still relatively new. However, we are allowing you to proceed. Please step through the detector.” said Dale.

Emily went through to join her father, but again Dale interjected. He smoothly placed his hand on her lower back, and steered her next to Sarah. Both Jeff and Daniel noticed Dale's pinky trail into the blue triangle of her thong like a darting snake's tongue. Emily felt it, tried to shift away, but said nothing.

“What's going on here?” said Jeff, clearly angered now that his wife and daughter were separated from him.

“As you know, the machine malfunctioned with both of these ladies. As instructed in our manual, we have an additional procedure clients must pass through before boarding” replied Dale.

“Juan, ask Michael to take my spot as I take care of these ladies.” shouted Dale. Daniel wondered what he meant.

“Michael took a sick day today.” replied Juan

“Okay, who else is there?”

“We're understaffed, budget cuts and all, there isn't anyone else.”

“Well...” said Dale to himself. He just stood there, a bit unsure of what to do. He was following Juan's plan, but this was unexpected. He looked at Juan, who smirked back and pressed a button on the keyboard. The lights of the metal-detector turned off. Dale understood.

“Ladies and gentleman, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but due to recent budge cuts, we have to hold up security checks until this family is accepted through. Please remain where you. We will do our best to make sure everyone boards their plane on time.” shouted Dale.

The crowd looked at Jeff's family in annoyance, though a few were not done ogling over the slightly exposed Sarah and Emily.

On each side of the metal-detector was a locked gate. On the security-line side, there was a curtained off area opposite the conveyor belt. Jeff noticed it when they were waiting in line and thought it strange that it was on his side of the gate. Dale unlocked one of the gates, and gestured Sarah and Emily through. Jeff followed them, and seeing this, so did Daniel.

“You are already through, there's no need to follow.” said Dale.

“My family stays together” commanded Jeff.

Dale didn't care about the power in Jeff's voice, but agreed nevertheless. He saw no reason to keep them away. In fact, he sort-of liked the idea. He turned to Sarah and Emily, who both didn't appreciate the attention and were trying to stare at a wall, away from all the people.

“Ladies, I need you to look at me and give me your full focus.” said Dale. Loudly he continued, “The backup security procedure comes in two parts. First there is a metal-detector wand search and a light-pat down. Then you will step into this curtained-off area, and the second part will follow. I will give more details on that later. You are not to speak or make any sudden movements. As of right now, we treat this as a security hazard and any sounds are interpreted as communication with an accomplice. Any movements, are interpreted as aggressive. Nod your heads to show me you understand.”

Both Sarah and Emily nodded. Daniel couldn't believe what was happening. He was a bit scared of the command in Dale's voice, but his anticipation for what was to come far outweighed it. He looked at his mom and sister. His mom stood firm, but his sister looked scared as well and her eyes appeared slightly moist as if near crying.

“Sarah, please step over here,” said Dale, gesturing to a spot a few feet away.

End of Ch.2