A Courtesan's Love


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2001
OOC:A closed thread for the lovely LadyKit and myself

“Out of my way!”

Her frail body under layers and layers of thin garments jumped back off the narrow sidewalk and onto the cobblestone street of downtown London. A horse-drawn carriage flew past almost spinning her further onto the narrow road.

With her eyes cast low, a childlike whisper spoke to the ground under her worn boots. “Pardon me, mister.”

“I’d say. We must address how we can keep the beggars from straying from their block.”

The gruff voice wearing a tall black hat spoke to his female partner. They strolled off quickly as if they feared catching a disease. With her head slumped lower, she scampered onward trying to avoid another episode again.

Only when the streets quieted did she slow her pace. The sidewalk was streamed with high birch trees bare from the winter season. Well-groomed homes lined the street each identical varying by different shades of shutters. Two wrens were fluttering from tree to tree indicating spring was right around the corner.

“Oh, how I wish to be one of them.”

She couldn’t help thinking. A tall man in a long waist tailed suit was walking briskly towards her. Her boots quickened. There really was no sense of having another episode especially in a neighborhood she’s so unfamiliar with.

“Pray tell, are you lost?”

Surprisingly, there was warmth in his voice. When her head rose to greet his, they both jumped back in surprise. She, because his eyes were kind as his voice. And he because she was a lot younger than he assumed.

“I am looking for the Thompson’s residence.”

“Two houses down. Come.”

He turned abruptly leaving her no choice but to follow behind. He climbed up the brick walkway and onto the front doorsteps. She tried to protest. But the words failed. The kind stranger rang the doorbell. Before she had a chance to offer her gratitude, he was halfway down the walkway.

A matronly woman answered the door immediately.

“Beggars are to knock on the servant’s doors. Oh, never mind. Come. Come in quickly. Quickly before you let the cold in. Good thing the Master isn’t home.”

“Please. I’m not a beggar. I’m here to seek employment as housemaid.”

“Employment. Today? We have just arrived. Can’t you see the house is in turmoil?”

The young girl can see that. Servants were walking swiftly with armful of linens. The dark almond eyes peeking from layers of worn coats pleaded. She has walked a long distance and had nowhere to sleep that night. She didn’t even want to think about her bare pockets. Her last meal was stored far back in her memory to not trigger her hunger pangs again.

“Please. Mr. Rochester sent me.”

A war raged on her deepening lines of hard servitude. When she saw the desperation in the young girl’s face, the battle had won.

“Madame will not like this.” She muttered around her breath. “Come. We’ve wasted enough time standing in the hall.”

The matronly servant lead her up long winding stairs, along endless hallways and another set of stairs. The young girl was simply in awe. She had never seen a house of this magnitude. Finally, they stopped.

“Whom shall I say seeks an appointment?”

“Rochelle. Rochelle Trousdale.”

For the first time that day, the girl’s head held high and there was dignity in her voice.
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“Begging your pardon, Mum, but there’s a young woman to see you. She says that Mr. Rochester sent her round.”

Alexandra Dunbar raised her head as Mrs. Brown entered her receiving room. She laid aside the slim volume of poetry she had been reading and smiled at the housekeeper before instructing her to bring in her guest and see to refreshments. The housekeeper turned and ushered in a slight figure wrapped in a jumble of threadbare, but seemingly clean garments. Alexandra extended one pale and bejeweled hand to the hesitant child, for she surely could be little more than that, and beckoned her closer. The girl dropped a quick curtsey, and stood before the chair that Alexandra occupied.

Come here, child, I won’t bite you. You say that Mr. Rochester sent you? Did he give you any papers to convey to me?

“Yes, ma’m. He gave me this and said to give it to you straight away.”

The girl handed over a folded parchment that carried the unbroken seal of the Rochester house. Breaking the wax, Alexandra unfolded the missive and quickly read the letter.

“My dear Alexandra,
This letter is delivered by one Rochelle Trousdale, a young girl who is in need of your guidance. Miss Trousdale has been chosen for a particular honor. She will one day serve a member of the royal house, but as yet, has no understanding of the duties she will perform. I beg you to instruct her in the arts of the Courtesan, to school her in the ways of the court and the bedchamber. If you can convey but a small portion of your skill in the arts of Love she will indeed become a treasure worthy of the finest chambers in London. Your efforts will, of course be amply rewarded and I shall be forever in your debt.

Alexandra looked at the girl before her and considered the words of the letter. A Courtesan? Well, the girl looked to be well formed, there were no marks of the pox upon her face or hands and it was unlikely that any were hidden beneath her clothing, Rochester would have determined that before sending her this far. It was possible that the child could be trained. At least it would provide a diversion for the time when her current lover was attending to his duties, and his wife.

Miss Trousdale, Mr. Rochester has asked me to provide instruction to you in certain areas. To do as he has asked, you will join my household, and become my ward for a time. You will do as I say, when I say and without question. If you disobey me, or if I find you have behaved in any way that is contrary to my directions you will be punished. I will treat you well and teach you the things you must know, but you must never forget that you live in this house by my desire alone and should I choose to cast you out, none will rebuke me or assist you. In all things, you will serve me as I direct. Do you agree to my conditions?
What choice she have? The thought more than a question couldn’t help invading Rochelle’s private thoughts. She woke up early yesterday morning with orders from her Mum to appear at this address. It’s time for you to make your way in this world, she added. With no dowry for suitable marriage or special skill to earn a living, Rochelle had nowhere to turn to but follow her fated orders. Standing at the tiny, bare kitchen, with tears streaming down her face, Rochelle hugged her brothers and sisters tightly. Somehow, she knew it was the last time she’ll see them. She turned to her mother last; her arms open with hesitance hoping for a last hug only to receive a note shoved in her pocket and a stern voice of warning.

I am here today because of love. I chose love over sense. So, let your hungry and cold childhood be a lesson to you. This is what happens if you allow your heart to rule you. Now, now, do not be sad. You should be most grateful; Mr. Rochester took notice of you and is offering you employment.

Rochelle opened her heart-shaped lips to protest. She was happy at her home with her brothers and sisters. She felt safe. But her mother wouldn’t hear of it.

Now…go…before you’re tardy for your first employment. With that, she turned her back and scooped up the youngest and shooed the rest of the clan upstairs leaving Rochelle standing at the doorway all alone, nowhere to go to but out into the cold air.

Again the question returned. What choice does she have?

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am. You will find I am a willing student. And a grateful one.…..” She was groveling. Her childlike whisper trailed into thin air. How do you react to such stern orders?

“Good. Come closer to the fire. I want a good look at you.”

Rochelle took the necessary steps across the room. The heat of the fire roared at her sudden presence. She stood tall and erect and faced Ms. Dunbar with such boldness, it made her much taller than first seemed. She took that time to observe Ms. Dunbar silently and found each passing moment becoming more pleasant.

Ms. Dunbar was beautiful, exquisitely beautiful. Her eyes were surprisingly blue and alert. Her thin aquiline nose was long giving her an air of arrogance. Though her top lip was thin, her bottom one made up for its fullness and was borderline pouty.
Her skin was flawless. It would have to take a powerful set of spectacles to notice any kind of flaw, if there was one. Her blonde curls lay shiny in massive layers, a sharp contrast to the dark crimson velvet gown. Rochelle couldn’t help wondering if the woman sitting before her was real.

Then she realized it. She was staring. A flush of red swept her olive skin. What must this woman think?
Rochelles acceptance of the terms of her new situation brought a quick smile to Alexandras face. They both recognized that the child had no choice, but the pride that she had must be appeased by the semblance of options.

With the practiced eye of a horse buyer Alexandra watched the child move toward her. She could detect no sign of deformity, no limp or stiffness of limb. Her dainty nose could detect no scent of illness or drink as the child was warmed from the heat of the nearby fire. Alexandra was pleased to note that the girls eyes were bright and seemed intelligent; her skin was smooth and her hair was lustrous. She would clean up well. There might even be real beauty hidden beneath the surface.

Alexandra observed Rochelle as she, in turn, took in the appearance of her teacher. Clearly, the girl had never been so close to anyone in the circles that the courtesan graced. Though at home alone, Alexandra was dressed as if she were going to be visited by a royal suitor at any moment. She knew that some women of the lower classes, those mistresses of members of parliament or lower ranking lords, felt differently. These women believed that their position in life meant that they could lounge about all day in filmy gowns and wait to serve the sexual appetites of their protector. She knew better, she was not a mistress, a kept woman, Alexandra Dunbar was a Courtesan; a companion, a confidant, a seductress, a woman of quality, intelligence and beauty. She was not a common whore, a prostitute or some two-bit doxy. Her life was her own and she chose her lovers with care and discretion. These were the things she would teach her young student.

Would you join me for tea, Rochelle? We can discuss your education while we refresh ourselves with Mrs. Browns good cooking, then we’ll get you settled into the household.

The child didn’t move, only looked helplessly at the rich brocade of the nearest chair, then rubbed the rough fabric of her clothing. Alexandra saw her dilemma and moved to ease the situation by rising to place a woolen shawl over the seat of the chair.

There you are, my dear, sit on the shawl and you won’t have to worry about the chair. Ordinarily I’d let you bathe and change first, but I’m afraid that if you don’t eat you’ll soon fall over. Now, do sit down.

Alexandra returned to her chair, skillfully poured a half-cup of tea and handed it to the trembling girl before her; the fine china cup rattled slightly against the saucer as Rochelle accepted it with a surprisingly clean hand. She pushed the plate of scones closer to the girl and smiled at Rochelles attempt at decorum when she selected only a small portion and took just the tiniest bite of one corner.

When you’ve eaten a bit, and do go slow, the rich food may not sit well if you’re unused to it. You can tell me about yourself, please begin with your age, and a little about your life.
Rochelle was stunned. Never before would she have imagined being invited to sit in such a luxurious seat let alone with a lady. And what surprised her even more was the warm and casual welcome by her new employer. Rochelle wanted to protest. She was a housemaid. Surely, she should be serving the tea. But when she saw how Ms. Dunbar poured the tea expertly and gracefully, Rochelle knew there was so much to be learned.

Though Ms. Dunbar reassured her the shawl served as a shield, Rochelle knew it was expensive. What she didn’t know was the shawl was a gift from a Lord, and it cost more than it took to feed her family in a whole year. As hard as she tried to sit on the edge of the wingback chair, the thick cushion seemed to draw her derriere further into the seat making it awkward to sit carefully. Her round large eyes observed carefully how her new employer cut just a sliver of the scone and placed it delicately on her tongue. Rochelle tried mimicking her actions, but her hunger got the best of her. Each bite grew bigger and bigger and soon her plate was empty. When Rochelle looked across the round table covered with ivory lace, her embarrassment grew. Ms. Dunbar’s scone remained untouched and her cool blue eyes grew into a smile.

“Would you like another piece?”

Rochelle’s stomach rumbled yes, but her manners prevailed. “No thank you, ma’am.”

“Tell me about yourself then.”

What is there to tell, she thought. Her world consisted of taking her of children and helping her mum clean house.

“I can keep a clean house and am very good with children, ma’am. I’m also a fast learner and carry orders well.”

This wasn’t what Ms. Dunbar wanted to hear. Surely, there must be something in this child that had caught Mr. Rochester’s eye.

“Tell me about Mr. Rochester. What is your acquaintance with him?”

Rochelle’s expresso eyes lit up the instant her benefactor’s name was mentioned.

“Mr. Rochester is my mum’s employer and landlord, ma’am. He has seen to being good and kind to my mum and generous with myself and brothers and sisters.”

Rochelle paused for she wasn’t sure how much more she should tell. Ms. Dunbar’s silence demanded her to continue.

“He is of good substance. His tenants like him for he is fair and kind. When I visit on occasion, he allows me to visit his library. He has permitted me to borrow books as long as I remember to return them. Free at no charge.”

What Rochelle didn’t include was how often she borrowed his books. And how he had taken upon himself to be her tutor, answering her questions patiently and even encouraged her to offer a review. Sometimes he coaxed her into heavy debates, which in the beginning Rochelle was too timid to engage, but after some coaxing she enjoyed it and later prepared for it. Recently, much to Rochelle’s disappointment, Mr. Rochester didn’t initiate any debate but just nodded and sighed in resignation. A few times, she wondered about his increase in sighs. Once she questioned her mum and was only answered with a strange look by weary eyes so similar to her own, “You should not visit Mr. Rochester so often. He’s a busy man and don’t have time to amuse a child. You should spend more time with your own friends.”

She didn’t have friends her own age and wouldn’t know where to find them. She enjoyed Mr. Rochester and he didn’t discourage her visits.

Once again, bright blue eyes brought her back to the present. Ms. Dunbar was looking down at her with knowing eyes making Rochelle fidget like a child. Despite the fire on her back, she shivered. She was a beauty like nothing Rochelle had seen or imagined. For the first time in her life, Rochelle wished she took careful pains with her looks. And for the first time in her life, she was aware that she was no longer a child.

“Mr. Rochester’s reference holds truth, ma’am. I am a good housemaid and you will not regret taking me in.”
So, that’s the way of it, Alexandra thought and remembered Rochesters letter and comment about the “royal house.” He has taken a fancy to the girl, and now he’s sent here to me for an education. The courtesan smiled, it was a bit romantic really, the girl must be very special indeed.

Ah, well you see, theres the problem. I don’t need a housemaid.

The girl looked crestfallen.

“But, you said you’d train me. My mum, she sent me to you…I’ve no wher…”

I didn’t say you were going anywhere, dear. One of the first things you must learn is not to interrupt, part of the art of good conversation is the pace, another very important part is in knowing when to remain silent.

The hint of amusement in Alexandras voice was a balance to the order that her statement contained, but Rochelle recognized a command when she heard one, and she committed the rule to meory.

“Yes, ma’m. Take my time in conversation and listen more than speak. I’ll remember.”

A look of approval and a slight nod was her reward.

As I was saying, I have no need of housemaid or any domestic staff at all. What I do need is a companion, someone young and beautiful, someone that can accompany me to functions that I would prefer not to attend alone. I will look quite responsible with a young person to accompany me. Which should set the society biddys on their ear. In exchange for your company, and some measure of compensation from Mr. Rochester, I will feed, clothe, house and educate you. We will continue in this manner until such time as Mr. Rochester and I decide that you are ready for the position that awaits you.

Alexandra rose and extended her hand to Rochelle. The young woman seemed to hesitate, then come to a decision. She looked to her new employer with trusting eyes and took the offered hand. She received a warm smile and gentle squeeze from Alexandra.

It will not be so bad child, I promise not to bite, though you may never forgive me for forcing you into stays. First a bath while Mrs. Brown readies your rooms, then we’ll have to do something about clothing. We may be able to find something in my things.

Oh, one more thing. From this moment, I am Aunt Alexandra, and you are the only child of my elder brother, who along with your mother was tragically killed….we’ll have to fill in some details later, but at any rate now you’ve come to live with me.

She spoke as she led Rochelle toward the door, beyond which awaited a new life.
Rochelle couldn’t do anything but follow Ms. Dunbar, her Aunt Alexandra, her new employer, her guardian, her key to a new life down a narrow hallway into a room she had never seen before.

The marbled white tiles blinded her. Rochelle took a step back fearing its cold presence. When Alexandra forged ahead, Rochelle didn’t want to be left behind. She followed hesitantly at first, more boldly with each step. Two maids wearing similar black uniforms were filling a gold tub held by bear like claw pedestals with steaming hot water.

“Fill it with lotus petals. And do make sure you pick the oversized ones from the garden. I’m afraid we will need it for this particular assignment. ” She ordered kindly at one of the young girls.

“Come now, Rochelle. Don’t just stand there. Take off your things before the water cools.”

Before all these people? Rochelle was astounded. No one had ever seen her in the nude before.

“Do hurry. I haven’t all day. I have an appointment tonight and I’ve yet to start preparing myself.”

Alexandra’s impatience was clearly noted and Rochelle shed her layers of thin worn garments one at a time. The thought of Alexandra preparing for the evening awed Rochelle for her Aunt already looked perfect. When the young maid returned and filled the top of water with the handpicked petals, Rochelle was in the nude, cross-legged and trying to cover her most private areas as best as she could. Goose pimples covered her entire skin at not the cold but at the thought of being watched by an audience. Her nudity did not embarrass her Aunt or the two maids. In fact, they actually looked amused by her shyness.

The two maids stood waiting silently holding thick bristled brushes in their hands. Rochelle tested the waters with her toes and found the temperature hot but tolerable, so she sunk in careful not to splash until her whole body was fully emerged. The young maids pulled the one pin holding her hair out. Cascades of dark curls fell atop the water and floated behind her. One maid started scrubbing her hair while the other scrubbed her back. The strong aroma of lotus petals filled her nostrils. Rochelle started getting drowsy. Her eyelids drooped heavily threatening to close. Her spine relaxed and she leaned back lazily.


A hand brushed against her breasts. Rochelle bolted upright at the invasion. No one had ever touched her there. Even she hadn’t dared unless it was to wash quickly. The young maid wearing a dewy face watched her surprise in amusement and continued to form round circles around her ripe breasts.

Rochelle looked at her Aunt in desperation only to find her busy supervising and ordering every movement.

“Yes, do make sure you scrub her privates. I want every part of her clean before she borrows any one of my clothes.”
“My Privates!?”

Rochelle sprang from the bath water like a shot, then, remembering her nudity, hastily sank back beneath the warm water. She looked from Alexandra to the maids with something akin to terror in her eyes.

“Yes, your privates. You ‘erd the Mistress. Can’t ‘ave you in M’Ladys clothes if you’ve got any vermin. Now, stand up like a good gel, and we’ll take care of ya.”

The maids were stronger than they looked and at first tried to wrestle Rochelle from the tub so that they could complete their task. However, they were not prepared for a determined girl who survived on the streets and kept her “privates” safe from all assailants for years. The result was some swearing, much splashing, and the final intervention of Alexandra herself.

That will be enough ladies. I shall attend the rest myself. Please assist me to remove my gown and you may go.

The wet and sputtering maids were more than happy to be relieved of this duty and helped Alexandra to escape from the many layers of fabric that hid her lush curves from the world. The mistress of the house and her maids ignored the shocked stare of the occupant of the tub. Rochelles’ eyes widened when she understood that though the horrible maids were leaving, in their place would be Alexandra, nude and ready to finish the job. The girl had hidden her eyes behind trembling hands and did not move them even when she heard the door to the room close soundly behind the maids. She did raise her face at the sound of Alexandras voice.

Rochelle, look at me. I’ve sent Mary & Sarah away, it is only us. You must get used to their assistance you know. You’ll need help with your clothing…which reminds me, I’ll have to assign a maid to you…but that’s later.

And you’d do as well to get used to my own nude form. Right now, you have left me no choice. I refuse to risk my gown on your bathwater. So, you shall have to endure me as I am. Consider it a test of your ability to maintain your composure. Now, we finish your bath. Stand up, please, and spread your legs a bit.

Alexandra watched as Rochelle did as she was told. This was certainly not a child, it was a young and beautiful woman who stood in the bath. As gently as she could, Alexandra began to wash the soft mound at the juncture of Rochelles thighs. She felt the girl tremble and wondered if it were fear or something else. It would be interesting to discover which made her vibrate so.
A lady in the bath with her! And she’s completely nude! Rochelle’s eyes darted wildly around the room searching for an escape. Much to her disappointment there wasn’t one. Rochelle was desperate. If she was a man, she would have cursed at her stupidity. Why did she give such fits? Why was she disrespectful? She should have listened and allowed the maids to perform their duties. That way, it would have been done by now and her lady wouldn’t have to succumb to finishing the duties herself.

Expecting to feel the same harshness as the previous ministrations, she stood rigid; every muscle was stiff making the pulse in her jaw line to throb desperately. She was surprised at the delicate motions by soft hands. Soft uniformed breaths cooled her bare skin. Her legs started trembling. And soon, her legs gave way and her spine softened. Relaxed, Rochelle dared to sneak a peak at the woman kneeling before her. The sight made her heart leap to her throat. Her Aunt Alexandra’s pale white skin was a sharp contrast to her olive tones. Unlike her own, Alexandra’s breasts were large and full and seemed to float above the water. Two rosebuds were pointing at her knees. Even from her standing position, she can see that her benefactor had a perfect narrow waist that bloomed into full luscious hips.

Unbeknown to her, Rochelle was succumbing to the task at hand. Alexandra sensed it and started widening her strokes. The thin rag was barely a shield for her hand; it disappeared quickly among the suds. Her hand edged up slowly, very slowly while two thighs opened little by little until a sharp gasp came from above and Alexandra knew she had reached the forbidden path.

“There. There. It’s not so bad after all, is it?”

Soft cooing whispered on her bare skin. All Rochelle managed was a shake her head in response for her throat and lips were too dry to utter a sound. Alexandra sensed the change in the air. Her hand disappeared between two soft thighs. Rochelle’s knees buckled. Her hands grasped the ivory white shoulders for support.


She pleaded desperately.
Control was her stock in trade and it was a good thing, because she needed more than she would have expected to resist the urge to press her lips to the soft smooth skin of Rochelles body, to taste the firm breasts or kiss the flat stomach. Rochelle smelled of health, youth and innocence; of unawakened sensuality and the perfume of an unsullied life. It was a heady & tempting aroma, Rochester was to be commended for his self-control. Alexandra wondered if she would be so strong.

Alexandra felt the surrender in Rochelles body as her hand touched the forbidden lips of the young womans sex. She was pleased to learn that the girl was responsive; her training would have been much more difficult had she been of a cold nature.


The pleading was clear in the voice, the weakness plain in the hands that rested on her shoulders. Alexandra was satisfied with this first experiment, and knew it was time now to put a halt to it. After all, she didn’t want the child to be afraid of a bath. She also didn’t want her to be resistant to any touch that Alexandra cared to give her, or one that she required of Rochelle. A final, slightly firmer stroke with the cloth and the hand was removed from between the trembling thighs.

Giving the young woman a chance to gather herself and putting the wet cloth aside, Alexandra spoke in her airy and melodic voice. Her tone implied that this was not something that Rochelle was to be upset about, and that it was an order, not a request.

Oh, bother! You must be exhausted Rochelle. You’ve had a long day. Not to worry though. I’ll soon let you go. You have only one task left. Since your modesty forced me to dismiss the maids you must assist me with my bath.

Alexandra heard Rochelle gasp as she stepped away from this new terror. However, she was determined to make sure that there was no question of who was in charge here. The curvaceous courtesan rose in the water, moving slowly to let the liquid gently run from her soft flesh. Lotus petals clung to her skin as she stood. She handed Rochelle a clean cloth, then turned away.

You may begin with my back Rochelle.
Rochelle bit her lip at the monumental task ordered of her. Sure she was in charge of bathing her younger siblings at home and handled it with the greatest of ease, but this woman, this beautiful woman with luscious curves that Rochelle would never have imagined existed was standing tall and statuesque like a Greek goddess and waiting patiently.

Her hand trembled as it reached out to Alexandra’s waiting back. Rochelle had to draw her breath in and exhale slowly as she scolded herself silently. Calm yourself, girl! You shant do anything to upset your mistress for you will be out in the streets with the beggars.

Admiring the translucent back glistening against the lamp, Rochelle she couldn’t treat her Aunt Alexandra with harshness and abrasiveness like the way she handled her siblings. She didn’t want to be responsible for causing any scratches or blemishes on the perfect skin. Unsure and not knowing where to start, Rochelle started like a painter facing a clean canvas, allowing the cloth to barely graze over Alexandra’s back.

“Come on, I don’t have all day. And soon, the water will be cool.”

“Yes ma’am..”

With permission, she grew bolder. Her hand swept down the length of her back and up following the tiny ridges of Alexandra’s spine. Her eyes grew wide marveling at how fluid the water cascaded down her back without forming a bead, and over her budding derriere into a waterfall between them. A flush tinted her cheeks at the beautiful sight. Rochelle’s heart started beating rapidly again. Daring to be braver, her hand reached up and swept across her left shoulder, along her sinewy arm and back again across the shoulder and up her neck. She reached out with her other hand and removed the tiny ringlets clinging to her swanlike neck. It couldn’t resist following the trail of her shoulder blade, her fingers dared to press into the soft tissues into tiny massages.

A moan emitted from Alexandra’s moan.

“Am I hurting you, ma’am?” A breathless whisper kissed Alexandra’s right ear.

“Not at all, child, not at all.”

Her benefactor’s head rolled back as the cloth reached across the front of the left should and across the neck. Rochelle was so caught up with the graceful swing of Alexandra’s beautiful head; she was unaware of her nipples has sharpened into tiny points into her benefactor’s back.

Suddenly and abruptly, Alexandra leaned forward and out of Rochelle’s reach. She grabbed the cloth and cleared her throat.

“I can finish myself.”

Rochelle bit her lip again as she stepped out of the tub. Her eyebrows curled into a knot as she dressed herself in the silk robe left behind by one of the housemaids. Alexandra turned to her while she washed herself. Rochelle couldn’t resist watching the areas the cloth was touching.

“I will be entertaining a guest tonight so you will not be needed. I will see that your dinner be brought up to you.”

Alexandra signaled a brass bell for Rochelle to be fetched to her new home.