A coming out?

I can't post from experience. But I do have a 14 yr old daughter who gets all giggly about boys and I do have to be realistic and know that she is getting to the age where something like this could come up.

I think what you have said to your son already is a wonderful start. It does not imply that you are opposed to his feelings, but just that waiting is an option. Many people think you have to jump right in at the first thought of sex, this is not true. Many young people do wait until they are a bit more emotionally able to deal with intimate relationships.

And you must have a close relationship with your son for him to come to you like this. Obviously he feels he can trust you not to blow up at him (and you didn't).

It is ok to tell him that you are not familiar with a situation like this and that you two will work through it together. As parents we can not know how to deal with everything.
Best advice I can give is don't start to treat him any differently and love him like you always have.

Believe it or not, he more than likely did not make this decision it's just always been a part of him and he's finally able to identify what's going on. He's dealing with his own demons right now. Sounds to me like you are doing a great job so far.

If he does start to date, you'll have to accept that too.

It's important to tell him about EVERYTHING from condom usage to AIDS... Depending on your relationship, it may be a good idea to tell him about anal health as well... (lubrication, cleanliness, etc) AND emphasize how high risk these activities are...

Ok, depending on your son, the more graphic and medical your terms, the less likely he is to play around (in one case). Or on the flip side it may stir up curiousty... I would go with this... make him as uncomfortable as possible with the mere idea of it sexual activity at his age. The more information you can arm him with the less likely he is to encounter problems later in life like AIDS, herpes, hemmorroids etc...

Because he truly may be confused. There's nothing wrong with waiting (for him).

For you talk to him about anything and everything don't let him think you are judging.
I think you're handling it just right. My oldest daughter met a guy at college - they have fallen in love and now live together - but she was his first sex partner. He (at 20 yrs old) told her that before he met her he just assumed he was gay cuz he'd never fallen in love with a girl. He never experiemented sexually with other guys, he just 'assumed' that. I thought that was very cute, but also very telling about how confusing the whole thing can be. Your son may very well need to 'experiment' to learn more about himself. Just keep the love and communication flowing....
I think you should treat this like a phase. I know young men get confused at that age, especially but not only if they aren't popular with girls. It is good advice for you to ask him to not act on it until he turns 18. At his age, he shouldn't even be worrying about anything more than going to school and getting good grades.
woodcarver said:
Mu thoughts exactly. Why should he be worrying about his sexuality(not that it isnt a concern, but shouldnt be the biggest concern) when he is considering entering the military in a few months, getting a summer job and what not.

By now everyone on Lit knows that we are all moving to the East Coast and I'd think that this would be more of a worry for him.

There are a few things that make me wonder if it was all just a thing of getting some attention. His mother came out of the closet some time ago and created a divorce. Then she went back hetero. He knows that this is a touchy subject for me, but I didnt push the issue at all. He has been cracking self-depreciating gay jokes and that might be another indicator. There has always been a few comments from him about how his school is full of bisexual people. Peer pressure maybe? I dont know.

Sometimes it sucks being a parent.

BTW Mr. Mayberry....that's a far better AV than the last one!

I figure since we're about to become neighbors and all, I ought to chime in on this. I think being bisexual is something of a hobby for young folks these days, like drug experimentation was for earlier generations. I just wish they would wait until college, at least, when they are closer to being an adult.
woodcarver said:
well taking things into a totally sarcastic and shallow direction...if he does go gay...I hope he finds someone with a sense of interior decorating and kitchen skills...I could always use all the help during the holidays.

Mr. Mayberry...PM me and let me know where in NC.

You are just shallow and...mean!!! Then again, I have some of those 'gay' qualities myself...and I liked Moulin Rouge....crap!
I love Moulin Rouge & Gilbert & Sullivan, I am a gourmet cook, I can match my clothes, decorate a room, and I am QUITE secure in my masculinity & sexuality, thank you VERY much :p

I think most guys are so desperate to identify themselves as "MEN" and cling to some notion of machismo that they've developed these bizarre ideas about what is masculine & what is feminine, stunting themselves & cutting off a lot of enjoyment of life in the process

Kind of like women who automatically revile sports, free sexuality, and monster trucks ;)
James G 5 said:
I love Moulin Rouge & Gilbert & Sullivan, I am a gourmet cook, I can match my clothes, decorate a room, and I am QUITE secure in my masculinity & sexuality, thank you VERY much :p

I think most guys are so desperate to identify themselves as "MEN" and cling to some notion of machismo that they've developed these bizarre ideas about what is masculine & what is feminine, stunting themselves & cutting off a lot of enjoyment of life in the process

Kind of like women who automatically revile sports, free sexuality, and monster trucks ;)

I just think he whole thing is funny, and I like to make fun of it! I'm all man, and I'm sure I still would be even if I smoked pole.
woodcarver said:
*puffs his chest out all manly like*

I gormet cook, clean house, do laundry, pay the bills, satisfy my woman to the end of the earth and back, wear black leather, eat the "hot" chicken wings only. drink whiskey straight and smoke the occassional cigar and I still manage to get the shivers at the sight of a man's ass from time to time. I drool over MMF pictures, wear frilly underclothes when She lets me(or tells me to) and I still can clean, skin and eat anything that I hunt or fish. When She is in a mood, I can swallow all of her strapon as she commands and then do other kinky things that defy the so called "normal" hetero lifestyle.

I think it's a damn shame that anyone would stick to the ultra-moralistic guidelines that un-informed religious fanatics try to impose.

That said........ Bring on the strippers!

Hear, hear!

(uhm, you DID mean FEMALE strippers, right? ;))
Either that or share them with the rest of us! lol I think you guys are fabulous - keep up the good work and the great threads...
woodcarver said:
Here's a concept........

Male and female strippers on the same stage and it's all at my house....they're all mine and I can do any damn thing I want....they belong to me cause they WANT me.....pant pant....All that flesh....all that oil......

And I'm serving cream-cheese torts with a chocolate raseberry sauce that Martha Stewart only wishes she could make......

Lawdy...I need to lay off the viagra-laced 'shrooms.

Hell no, pass some this way!
woodcarver said:
Thanks Crazy......Funny thing is that James and I have the same flame-colored shirt. Well...it's not the same one...it's two different shirts that look the same. Oh...and we both have little trim goatees too. Scary, isnt it?

I borrowed the shirt ;)
hmmm, kinda makes you go hmmmmm???? Brothers of different mothers? Wasn't that a song? oh - you 2 are probably too young for that one....
crazybbwgirl said:
hmmm, kinda makes you go hmmmmm???? Brothers of different mothers? Wasn't that a song? oh - you 2 are probably too young for that one....

I'm 33
My PoutyKitten's 4 years older
2 of my last lovers have been considerably older
Age is just a number for a lot of people
I've been told I'm plenty mature for my age ;)