A christmas gift for my honey.. suggestions


Really Experienced
Nov 28, 2002
I want to get something nice for my boyfrined... thinking a sex toy, he dosen't like anal anything... any suggestions?
Well, I already have the "nice" I guess this would be naughty. But he got me a nice toy and I wanted to get one for him.
Well, a few things that he wanted/needed... a new leather wallet. A few cd's he wants... a NICE gift certificate to his favorite store. I am looking at a new watch, also a nice new bathrobe. Not nearly finished. There isn't a whole lot he wants
Well, please help me out!!! I was thinking about having one of tose calanders made with pictures of us and his family that he can take to work.
ChrissyChick said:
Well, please help me out!!! I was thinking about having one of tose calanders made with pictures of us and his family that he can take to work.

With the low cost of digital cameras, and the quality of prints you can get from relatively inexpensive printers, you might consider a "naughty calendar" starring you. If you get too naughty, you might not want him to take it to work, though.

If you're really energetic (or photeogenic) you could even do a page-a-day calendar by printing four or six pictures to each 8.5x11 inch page and cutting them apart.

Most cameras come with software that will build calendars from your photos. If yours didn't, PaintShop Pro is available from www.jasc.com and it can be used to build a calendar -- among other things.
Definately all great ideas. My creativity had gon down the toilet. I don't know what I'd do without you!
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Judging by how retarded you act here...the gift he probably most wants most of all, is you out of his fucking life...and pronto
You are exactly why they created the ignore option!