A Chance Encounter (open, 1 female)


I smiled and said "Hi".

He held out his hand and I took it and gave it a slight squeeze as I shook it, and he invited me in.

We had chatted on line and once even on the phone after I gave him my number but this was our first meeting in person. What would he say next? What should I say? What would we talk about?

His bachelor pad was neat and reasonably clean, which was impressive compared to some I have seen.

We sat on the couch and he offerred me a drink but nothing in particular. "Whatever you have", I replied, expecting perhaps a glass of water, but his net wirds were "I have wine ior beer", and I asked if he had white wine.

So far the conversation hadn't gone very far, even though I spent a lot of time getting myself together and picking out the right clothes and doing my hair and make-up to give the best first impression. A lot of effort for just a handshake, I thought as he got up to get me my wine.

When he returned carrying just the one glass, I wondered if he was going tio join me or drink it himself. I stood and accepted it as he offered it, but stepped close and kissed him in thanks, hoping that might get the visit moving.

He was a little taller than me - just right for my 5'6" 125lb bod and he had seen my picture showing my brown hair and eyes and that didn't stop him, so maybe this might work.