A Bullet Never Lies(Closed for Courage)

The way Beau deepened the kiss told her that it was different than any other time. He was softly exploring her, learning her intimately, and Irene gave herself over to him in that moment. He held her tightly, cupped her face and murmured sweet words to her that made her feel warm all over.

When he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, she sighed and pressed her body tightly against his. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his shoulder, her teeth grazing slightly over the bare flesh.

“Make love to me, Beau.” She whispered against his shoulder, her lips and tongue tracing a path up his throat to his ear. “Please.” She whispered against his ear before her teeth nipped at the soft lobe.
Beau smiled and then kissed Irene. He rolled her onto her back as he slowly kissed his way down her neck. He gently sucked on her skin, tasting her. He was exploring now. Taking his time to learn her body. To reall love her.

Beau rolled over on top of Irene. He slid his hand down her body, lightly tracing his fingertips along her skin. When he reached her clit, he found that she was already very wet. He lined himself up and slowly pushed into her. He groaned softly, feeling her surround him completely.

Beau looked into Irene's eyes, then kissed her lovingly. He started slowly pushing in and out of her, taking his time. He wanted her to feel his love. His hands continued to explore her body. His steady pace kept up as the time slowly faded away, leaving only them in their loving embrace. He looked into her eyes and saw the first flames of love licking at the edges. He smiled, knowing those flames were roaring in his eyes.
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Irene was in heaven the moment that Beau tumbled her onto her back and started to slowly kiss down her throat. His gentle sucking upon the points of arousal had her squirming and morning softly as he took the time to know her body so intimately. No man had ever taken the time to do that.

She welcomed the weight of his body as his hand slid down her side and over her belly before he found her clit. She actually blushed under his gaze as his fingers slid smoothly through her wet folds. She had never been turned on this much by someone before and it seemed that he was going to take full advantage of it.

She moaned as he lined himself with her entrance and slowly pushed inside. Her body stretched around his as she surrendered herself completely to him, body and soul. His kiss was soothing, loving, surprising. She found herself responding in the same way that he was. As his body slowly pushed in and out of her, she sighed, spreading her thighs wider for him. He was loving her in the most basic way possible and she was loving every moment of it.

“I love you.” She whispered softly, almost inaudible, her eyes raw with emotion and the hope that he wouldn’t hurt her fragile feelings.
Beau looked at her, surprised. He smiled and then kissed her softly before leaning down close to her ear and whispering, "I love you too. I promise that I will always love you." This became so much more intimate, as they had finally admitted their love for each other, and were now fulfilling it. Beau looked at her, love filling his heart and soul completely.

He supported his weight on his elbows as his hands gently cupped Irene's face. He kissed her, slowly and lovingly, wanting to connect with her every way possible. He could get lost in this moment, with just her. He wanted to get lost in it, to stay stuck here with her, sharing their love, forever, but knew that eventually they would have to push forward to be able to have a life together.

Beau groaned softly as he felt himself getting close. He hadn't thought it would happen this quickly, but with the emotions he was feeling, and she was showing, his body went into overdrive. He could tell she was just as close, and wanted to hold off. He wanted their release to be at the same time. He looked into her eyes, knowing that she knew he was close.
“You better.” She moaned against his ear as he told her that he would always love her. The unspoken threat for harm was still there if he stopped loving her, but Irene would probably never have the heart to ever hurt Beau.

She gasped as he cupped her face and kissed her gently. She responded with a gently kiss of her own, giving herself over to what she was feeling for the first time in her life. Her hands raised and touched his cheeks, caressing his skin as he groaned and pumped his cock in and out of her body.

She was so close and she was trembling beneath him with the force of what was about to happen. She whimpered, her eyes finding his and showing him all the vulnerability and fear that was still within her. She gasped as he drove into her with firm strokes and as they looked at one another, she felt her body fly over the edge.

“Oh!” She gasped out, moaning as she came. Her pussy clenched and pulled at his still stroking cock, her body trembling as he made sweet love to her.
Beau felt Irene clamp down on him, the feeling of her holding onto him tightly driving him over the edge. He groaned and thrust into her deep, cumming hard. His body was shaking when he finished. He realized that he was worn out after that round.

He laid down next to Irene and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her against him. He smiled and kissed her softly, then took a deep breath and sighed happily. "You know. I wouldn't have thought this could ever happy, but now that it has, I don't ever want it to change," he said quietly. He looked at Irene and smiled.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked softly, wanting to know how Irene was. He wanted to know if she was physically, and mentally, happy right now.
The moments after sex were always awkward for Irene. Most of the time the men she was with would just roll over and sleep…and she would kill them. This time, Beau pulled her with him, her body pressed against his as he smiled and kissed her softly like she mattered. She sighed softly and accepted his kiss as he asked her how she was.

“I…don’t know.” She said softly. It was the truth. She didn’t know how she felt about anything at that moment. Physically she was healing. Mentally…well, that was another matter. “Everything is kind of jumbled up in my head.”

She was a coward of the worst kind. She couldn’t even bring herself to say that she loved him again. Did she love him or had she said it to please him? She didn’t even know the answer to that. Shaking her head slightly, she pushed away from Beau and pulled herself until she was sitting on the edge of the bed, her back presented to him as she rubbed her face in her hands.
Beau saw that Irene was having trouble sorting through her feelings. He rolled onto his back and then looked at the ceiling. "I wish I could tell you how to figure out all of your emotions, but unfortunately I can't. This is something you have to do. I won't push you thought," he said, trailing his fingers softly down her back.

He was going to give her the time to figure her feelings out. His had just clicked, and he had felt it there and then. He had just known that he loved her.

He took a soft breath and then watched Irene, wishing he could help her. He didn't like knowing that she was having trouble figuring out her emotions. He had understood that she might have said she loved him in the heat of the moment, but just wanted her to know what she wanted.
Irene simply nodded her head as she felt his hand trace down her spine. She wished that all the emotion came to her easily but it seemed that even though her heart knew what it wanted, her brain was going to get in the way. She stood from the bed and reached down to pull on Beau’s shirt. She glanced over her shoulder at him and chewed on her lower lip for a moment.

“I’m going to make some breakfast.” She said softly before she left him alone in the room, waiting to get away to clear her head.
Beau nodded as he watched Irene walk away. He knew that she would need some time to think, and wanted her to be happy with the decision she reached. He laid back down, not wanting to disturb her in her thoughts. He just hoped they could work things out and he wouldn't lose her. It would hurt if he did lose her. He also didn't think that they would make it out alive, or at least uninjured, without each other.

He rolled over onto his side, wondering what he could do to show her how much he loved her, and that he wouldn't leave her or hurt her.
Irene made her way into the kitchen, taking in a deep breath of the chilled air as she tried to gather her thoughts. They were running wild and she didn’t like the way that everything made her feel. She looked at her reflection in the glass above the sink and saw a woman that was running scared. She hated herself in that moment and turned from the window, making a show to rattle the pots and pans as she made a breakfast of bacon and eggs.

As the bacon sizzled and fried and thought back on what she and Beau had just done. She had demanded that they make love and then confessed what she’d never told anyone before. That had to mean something, didn’t it? As she flipped the bacon with a spatula, she shook her head and made a resolve to not give Beau an inch. If he wanted to feel something, that was fine, but it was dangerous to let him in.

Still, she thought as she turned her head towards the open bedroom door, she felt something that made her belly quiver and her heart race. Another deep sigh escaped her lips as she finished her cooking and shut off the stove, carrying two plates back into the bedroom and handing him a plate before she sat down in the spot that she’d vacated.

“I…I’m sorry if I upset you.” She said softly, pushing the runny yolk of the egg around her plate as she sought the words that she really wanted to say.
Beau smiled at the breakfast she had fixed. He realized that he did love her, and would do whatever he had to do to show her that he wasn't going to hurt her. He sat up and started eating. The bacon and eggs were very well cooked. He was happy that she felt like cooking breakfast for both of them. He just wondered what it meant. He figured she'd explain when she was ready.

"It's okay, Irene. I won't push you or do anything that scares you. Just know that I am going to find a way to show you I love you, and won't hurt you. I'm here for as long as you are okay with that. If you tell me to leave, and mean it, then I will leave. But know that I'll still love you," he said quietly. He just wasn't sure what she would do.
“I don’t want you to leave.” She said quickly in an irritable voice, her eyes glued to the plate sitting in her late that she’d barely touched.

“You wouldn’t understand.” Irene said, her skin bristling at the thought that he very well might discover all the secret that she’d kept so deeply hidden inside. “Beau, no one needs to love me. I don’t even love myself. Why would you want to?”

She looked at him in abject confusion, her brow furrowing in a curious gaze as she looked at the man that was staring at her so intently. What did he see in her that she couldn’t see herself?
Beau just shook his head and smiled. "I want to love you, and that's just how my heart is going to be. You can fight it, or just accept it. That's up to you," he said softly. He didn't want to hurt or offend her, but he didn't want to just be brushed aside and thought of as useless. He just shrugged slightly and started eating again. He was just going to focus on his feelings for her and that was that. It was all he could do to not just crush Irene to his chest and figure out why she was so negative with herself. He hoped that he could somehow change her negative views of herself, and possibly break through her hard exterior.
“It’ll just take time.” She said softly as she placed her plate on the side table and watched as he devoured what she’d made. Irene brushed her hair out of her face and glanced towards the window, watching as the sun started to rise outside.

“I suppose we’ll have to leave soon, right?” She asked, not really relishing moving to another unknown spot so quickly after arriving at the cabin. She was beginning to know the ins and outs of the place, to feel more comfortable in her skin, but after the firefight with the other man, it was almost a certainty that someone would find them sooner or later.
Beau thought for a moment. "I have another place much like this, so we can see go there if you think it would be better, or we can head up the mountains into a cabin. It would be more of a defensive position, but people would know we were there. Luckily the agency doesn't want to make a scene, so the most they will send is a two man team. And there is no way they will be able to get past us and the toys we both have," Beau said, flashing a smile and a wink as he stood up to show her where exactly he was talking about.

The cabin was actually built into the mountain, carved out of the stone. It had a break right above it, protecting it from avalanches. There were only two ways to reach the cabin, so it was easily the best place for them to be. He sat back and waited for Irene to think on the matter.
“The mountains might be best.” She said as Beau offered up his house for their use. She curled up on bed next to him, taking the opportunity to rest her head on his shoulder as the lay in bed and plotted.

“I’d like to get some more weapons before we moved though. Do you have a safe house?” Irene asked, glancing up into his handsome face and giving him a slight smile. Talks of emotion and love were out of her league, but she was right at home talking about weapons and traps.
Beau smiled wickedly. "I stocked that safe house for that reason. It has every weapon you could ever need, and then some. We can head out at any time, and when we get there, we will be good to go with weapons and ammo. The traps are pretty much in place, but need to be activated. The best thing about that cabin is that it runs on a frequency that the agencies haven't figured out. It was actually something I came up with in private," he said, wrapping an arm around Irene, holding her closer.
Irene looked up at Beau’s wicked smile and returned it herself. She laughed softly as he talked about all the traps and ammo that he had stored away for just such an occasion. Laughing and smiling with Beau seemed so natural and she could feel a fondness deep in her chest starting to grow.

“We won’t go anywhere until your wounds heal a bit more.” She said as she started to plot and plan their little escape attempt.

She smiled as his arm wrapped around her and held her close, a soft sigh of contentment escaping her lips. She rubbed her hand across his chest and looked up at his face once more with a sly smile.

“I think I know of a way to help you heal though.” She said as she kissed him gently and then pushed him onto his back, her lips trailing along his chin and throat until she heard the rumble of a moan issue from his chest. “Tell me how much you want me.”
Feeling Irene's lips on his skin, Beau moaned low and soft. He thought for a minute, just enjoying the feel of her lips on him. "I want you more and more each minute. There are times where I just want to hold you, and then there are times where I want to throw you down to the bed and make love to you. Then there are the times where I can't wait, and just want to bend you over the table and fuck you like the animals we can be," he said, the lust evident in his eyes.

He looked down at Irene and smiled. He hoped it didn't scare her, but wanted to be honest. He was also pretty sure she'd know he was being honest by the way his body was reacting to her. He was completely hard, and was wanting her. He'd be able to handle it if she didn't want him though.
Irene listened to him speak with a small smile on her face. “I think I could handle that.” She said as she kissed him once more, her tongue tracing along the seam of his lips before she was allowed entrance and she was soon tangling her tongue with his for dominance in the situation.

She moaned as she felt his hands rest on her hips and she moved to push them again, growling at him playfully as he placed them back on her hips. She took his wrists and pinned him to the mattress, giving him a look that told him she meant business.

“You want to fuck me like an animal?” She asked him, grinding her hips firmly against his rock hard cock. “Show me that you mean it.”
Beau smiled and then growled at Irene before explosively removing his arms from her grip, rolling back on top of her. Without warning, he thrust deep inside her, grinning as he did it. He kissed her passionately, then leaned down a bit further, grinding against her. "Are you sure you want me to fuck you like an animal?" he asked, his voice slightly teasing.

Beau slowly withdrew, then thrust back into her, repeating the motion as he waited for an answer. He was already feeling good, and his side wasn't bothering him. He got a little faster, waiting to see what her answer was going to be.
Irene let out a gasp as Beau easily pulled from her grip and rolled her onto her back. Her thighs parted automatically as he thrust deep inside of her, a moan escaping her lips as he grinned down at her with smug satisfaction. He kissed her with a passion that she was quickly becoming addicted to and as his hips ground against her, she saw stars.

“Yes!” She hissed at his question as he slowly withdrew from her and then thrust back in. He was teasing her, making her beg. She growled at him as she pushed against his shoulders, rolling him to his back once more as she fought for dominance.

“And I’m not going to make it easy on you.” She said as she ground down on his cock, her nails raking down his chest as she challenged him with a smug look in her eyes.
Beau smiled as he was rolling onto his back. He grinned, then lifted her off of him, before rolling on top of her back, her stomach pressed against the mattress. He thrust back into her hard, holding back a groan. He went up onto his knees, pushing Irene's chest down onto the mattress as he pulled her hips up. He started fucking her hard and fast, taking her, showing her how much he did in fact want her.

"You don't have to make this easy on me. Just remember, there really isn't anywhere you can go now," he said, locking his arms around her sternum as he started thrusting into her harder and faster, knowing she was well and truly caught in his embrace now. He let his passion loose as he bit her shoulder, just hard enough to leave marks, but not break the skin, as he got harder and faster with his thrusts, driving his hips hard against hers.
Irene let out a cry as she was suddenly lifted from his cock and thrown back to the bed. She scrambled as he flipped her to her belly and suddenly he was mounting her again. She let out a howl of pleasure as his hand pressed her chest to the mattress, his other hand tugging her hips up to make their coupling easier.

“Fuck, Beau!” She whined as he fucked her fast and furious, his hips slapping against her bottom as he took what he wanted from her.

She was gasping for breath as his arms snaked around her chest, drawing her firmly into his body as he thrust harder into her body. She was so incredibly wet and she could hear the messy sounds of their fucking as it echoed around the room. She squirmed in his arms, her hands reaching to tug at his arms that held her so tightly.

A yelp escaped her lips as his teeth bit into her shoulder, making her as his as his hips moved in a blur of motion. Irene felt her eyes rolling back in her skull as the pleasure coursed through her with each thrust of his hips.