A Big Congratulations...

Our sincere thanks to the folks that read and/listened to our stories throughout the year and to those that voted! bearlee(Lee & Dawn)
My sincerest heart felt thanks go out to everyone who voted for The Run Of My Life for Best Non-Erotic Story.
Writing this story was an act of personal healing for me, and the generous reception it has received has been appreciated far beyond my ability to express.

Congratulations to everyone, and if I may, I'd especially like to do the happy dance for the wonderful Risia Skye!:rose:
I would like to thank everyone for the pleasure of even being nominated. But also more importantly, the pleasure of winning in the Celebrities Category.

It's funny how the one story you write for yourself that you would love to see in print (or on screen as it is) does better than you could hope. Thanks again. Muah! muah!:rose:
Heartfelt thanks to all those who read my work, and to those who voted and sent the helpful and encouraging feedback. I write for my readers and you have made it worth every effort. The contest wins were frosting on an already very satisfying cake.
OH pick me pick me. I have a question. Anyone know what we won? LOL. Not that I need anything now, I like the ego boost. (That doesn't mean I don't want anything else I am just being polite lol.)

By the way Ronde, congrats, I was leading in the GT race when all of the sudden I looked and you had like three more votes than I did and they kept going up. Congratulations though. It was an honor just being nominated with you there.
CarolineOh said:
Congratulations to everyone, and if I may, I'd especially like to do the happy dance for the wonderful Risia Skye!:rose:
Thanks, darlin'. Back atcha. :kiss:

Thanks to everyone who writes and/or reads here, and a particular thanks to those of you who sent feedback or voted & made these awards happen for us. Give yourselves a big hug from me.

Congratulations to my fellow winners and all the year's nominees!

Risia said:

Thanks to everyone who writes and/or reads here, and a particular thanks to those of you who sent feedback or voted & made these awards happen for us. Give yourselves a big hug from me.

Congratulations to my fellow winners and all the year's nominees!

what she said. and thank you especially:

Wicked Eve, JUDO, lauren.hynde, smithpeter, karmadog, OT, Homer Pindar, Senna Jawa, Rybka, Cordelia, Mythos, Cloudburst, Risia Skye, _Land, Daughter, Unmasked Poet, Thoreau, Riven_Caulfield, Blue Dolphin, Onanist, Always Awake, Killer Muffin, Daisie, and many many others who critiqued my work, wrote with me, encouraged me, and made me laugh like a hyena. If I've grown as a writer in the past year it's because of you and our community.
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Just want to say congratulations to all the winners as well as those nominated. Great job, and thanks for keeping us entertained and moved by your work!
I would like to congratulate The Sandman, who won in both categories I was nominated for. Yes. Congratulate. That's the verb I want. Yes. No sour grapes. None at all.

I'd like to thank the folks who voted for me, you are obviously people of wit and style and taste. For those of you who didn't vote for me, I am very, very disappointed in you. For those who voted for The Sandman, I hope you get some kind of skin disease, the kind with the sores that ooze and never stop itching, no matter how much you scratch.

That right, no sour grapes. Not a sore loser. Dignified in defeat, that's me.
christo said:
That right, no sour grapes. Not a sore loser. Dignified in defeat, that's me.

<chicklet scoots over to make room for christo on the bench for sor...good sports>
Chicklet, you'll always be number one in My book sweetie. If for no other reason than your excellent writing and gratuitous nudity on certain picture forums. HEHE.
A BIG Thank you!

Just got home from vacation, so sorry I couldn't have posted sooner.

I wanted to thank everyone for the incredible heartfelt support for the nominations I received. I am truly honored and pleased beyond words. Yeah...really. Even for me!

The fact that so many of you have enjoyed reading my stories, (even the early ones) :D , has been the biggest thrill for me. I have made so many new friends here on Lit because of it. And even as my "career" as it were, in actually now calling myself a writer, as well as realizing my life-long dream to be published. I can only say, if it wasn't for many of you who helped Thesandman, pointing out my weaknesses, and "helping" me to learn and improve. I wouldn't be here now, or enjoying the recognition that I feel I owe to each and every one of you here at Lit.

A BIG thanks to Laurel and Manu for having this forum for all the writers to be able to showcase their stories.

A special thanks to Bear Lee and Dawn for their friendship and support.

There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are, and how much I appreciate your emails, feedback and posts on the BB. To all of you.....a BIG heartfelt thank you.

And though I won't be submitting as many stories as I have done. Don't look for Thesandman to disapear either. I'm looking forward to completing my first book. And I will be posting stories here from time to time as well. Just not nearly as often as I'd like.:D

Thanks again to everyone! I truly am honored and appreciative for the selections you chose me to represent.

And I will always remain,

An Unforgettable Weekend

Just wanted to thank the people who voted for my story, An Unforgettable Weekend, for Best First Time Story. Put a bit of effort into that one and I am glad people enjoyed it. I've had a lot of good response from my stories before, but this is the first thing I've won!

I also need ot thank "Becky", the woman who's fantasy inspired the story, and Angel, who acts as my editor and sounding board.


ps - what do we win?
what a pleasant surprise and an honor to win the humor/satire catagory. "a two dog night" was just my second story and i wasnt' at all sure how it would be received. i guess it was received about as well as you can expect.

thank you so much to those who voted. not only for my story but for taking the time to vote on any story.
Hip, Hip, Hooray

Well done all you guys and gals, congratulations on your deserved win.

pops.............:D :D :D
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On our NO deserved win pops? Was that what they call a "faux pas?" LOL.........

I remain,
Re: Hmmmmmmm

Thesandman said:
On our NO deserved win pops? Was that what they call a "faux pas?" LOL.........

I remain,

Don't know what you're talking about, ahem.

(Probably what they call fucking about on a computer at 1.30am)
Never been a sore looser. Congratulaions, everyone! Once for winning, and once for a well done job!