A Benevolent Man?


Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2013
A Benevolent Man?

Trent Taylor was just finishing in the check out line when he glanced past the checker to a small disturbance that was taking place three stands down.

"Do you have a debit card that works, Miss?" the female cashier was saying in a not to polite tone. "You're still fifty-six fifty short."

"C'mon, lady," a man in line was moaning. "Use your credit card ... or cash or something. I got places to be."

Trent realized he knew the face of the woman in line. And he hated seeing the glaze that was forming in her eyes. He snatched up his bag of groceries and made his way her direction. As he neared her, he watched her swipe her debit card, and then again; each time, the familiar negative tone of a non-functioning card sounded.

"Do you have another card?" the cashier was asking, her tone getting more impatient.

Trent swiped his card through the machine, garnering surprised looks from the cashier, the other customers, and the woman he recognized as living two floors below him on the block kitty-corner to the grocery.

"Yes, she has another card," he said to the cashier. Looking to his neighbor -- whose eyes were opened with shock now -- he smiled and said, "Honey, you left the other bank card on the kitchen table. I told you I had that one shut off 'cause I thought I lost it."

He stepped a bit closer to his neighbor, feigning familiarity with the woman he only knew by sight. Trent hated seeing a woman cry in public, particularly when driven to tears by rude strangers. He wasn't about to let this one begin sobbing in front of these assholes, here today.

"Sixty dollars cash back, too, please," he said to the cashier. He smiled to his neighbor, winked inconspicuously, and said, "I saw Bob James in the parking lot, honey. I'm gonna jump out there and say hi. You got the bags okay...?"

He didn't wait for her to answer. Trent may have saved her from crying because of these assholes, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to start crying because of the new asshole, the one who thought he could just throw money at her without asking her permission.

He turned quickly and headed out of the grocery, leaving her, her groceries, and his sixty bucks cash behind. He made his way to a little table near the coffee cart on the corner. He signaled for his usual house coffee and sat, intentionally putting his back to the grocery entrance.

Trent was giving his neighbor the opportunity to see him and the opportunity to pretend as if she didn't. If she came over to thank him -- or to curse him -- that would be her choice. If she chose to ignore him and flee the scene, that was her choice.

The important thing was that she had to make the choice. Trent hadn't done what he'd done for no reason at all. He had a goal in mind, an oft-played out goal. And it began with his neighbor making the choice between taking the help without comment, or coming to sit with him ... and see where things went from there.
Tiffany could scarcely believe this was happening again. She fumbled with the contents of her purse, looking for cash, but all she came up with was a ton of change, an old crumpled up condom wrapper, and a gift card to Barnes and Nobles from a year ago that she'd never bothered to use. None of these things would aid her in buying these groceries. She felt a familiar twinge behind her eyes and she felt on the verge of tears. She wasn't stupid, it was just a bad economy that's all. She messed up; balanced her check book wrong.

"I'm really sorry. Here, um, let me just--" she was about to offer to cut out several items, like that bottle of wine she felt like she needed but knew she could manage without. Tiffany never got a chance to offer however, because out of nowhere a man swooped in and before she knew how to respond, was paying for her groceries. She recognized him as the man who lived two floors above her in her apartment. She'd passed him several times and shared an elevator with him once or twice. They'd engaged pleasantries, but had no interactions significant enough to justify him paying for her.

She faltered for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She tried to play along, but found she didn't need to as he took control over the whole situation. "Thanks honey," Tiffany managed to get out as he turned and left. She hoped it was convincing enough. She fumbled with her cash back and grocery bags, shuffling out of the store in her peep-toe heels. Tiffany would have to make it up to this man somehow. She'd save up her money and pay him back or take him out for dinner or something. To her surprise, an opportunity to thank him arose sooner rather than later.

Tiffany spotted him seated at a coffee shop outside the grocery. He'd just ordered a drink and sat there, looking dignified and professional. Her steps faltered for a moment. Maybe she could just slip some money under his door with a note of thanks when she manged to scrape together the funds, but she felt the right thing to do was thank him personally.

She approached his table, trying to appear cool, but something about his professional appearance made her nervous. Here she was, approached this sharp dressed man in her bargain bin business suit paired with over priced heels. She didn't turn back though, for that would look more foolish than approaching him. "Hey," she offered, standing shyly beside his table. "Thank you so much. We've barely even spoken, but I've been your neighbor for a while. I'm Tiffany," She held out her hand, expecting him to take it. "I'll pay you back as soon as I can. My bank must have been doing a restart of their system or something. This doesn't ever happen to me." She lied, hoping he wouldn't see through it.
Trent could see his neighbor approaching in the dark reflection of the coffee stand's price board. He smiled to himself, pleased. He'd had no doubt that the two of them would have talked eventually, but it was better to approach this situation -- to jump on this opportunity -- while the scene that had just played out was still fresh in both of their minds.

As he watched, she seemed to hesitate, and Trent was just about to turn to catch her before she again began moving steadily his way. She stuck her hand out to him, introducing herself.

"Trent," he said, taking her hand softly, with a bit more familiarity than the two of them had. "Trent Taylor ... 6A ... upstairs."

"I'll pay you back as soon as I can." Tiffany said. "My bank must have been doing a restart of their system or something. This doesn't ever happen to me."

Trent smiled politely, saying, "Of course. Banks. Happens more often than you would think."

He knew she was likely lying about her money problems being a one time thing. He'd been coming down the stairs a couple of weeks earlier and overheard her begging the Superintendent to give her a few more days to get caught up on the rent; and a couple of days after that -- while ogling her from behind in the elevator -- he'd noticed at least two Final Notice stamps in red on the mail she was trying to hide behind her purse.

This was a woman with some definite money issues. Luckily for her -- and unluckily at the same time -- Trent Taylor had a way out for her. He gestured to the seat in front of her, saying, "Please sit. Let's talk."

Before she could answer, the coffee cart's owner was setting two coffees Trent had pre-ordered -- just in case she showed -- on the table between them.

"Mocha, two shots," Trent said, pointing to one. Then, pointing to the other, "Latte, three shots. I took a stab at what you might like. We can get you something different if you'd like?"

Trent knew that he'd be showing his cards by having drinks for her -- for Tiffany -- already ordered before she'd even come to his table. But that was okay. He wanted her to know that he'd been hoping for her company. Any man would want her company, of course. She was a beautiful woman.

He just hoped it wasn't too much, so soon after she'd nearly been humiliated before strangers in the grocery.
Tiffany was relieved he’d accepted her excuse about the bank so readily. She’d used that one so many times she was almost beginning to believe it herself. She took his offer to sit and perched herself on the chair across from him. She felt a little uneasy, wondering where this meeting would lead. She didn’t want to get hopeful. This wasn’t a fairy tale nor a movie. Trent wasn’t going to fall hopelessly in love with her and cure her of her money problems, nor was he going to offer her some big time business deal. This was simply coffee with an attractive man who’d paid her an enormous favor.

When drinks came, she was pleasantly surprised to see he’d ordered one for her. “Were you expecting me?” she asked coyly, laughing a little as she stirred her coffee. He had that intelligent, professional, business man look about him. It was strange she was attracted to him actually. All her life she’d fallen for the cliché “bad boy” archetypes; the ones who took what they wanted from her and left her in the dust like a used up cigarette. They were probably a large part of the reason she was so down on her luck now. She’d always loan them money, well, when she had it, and they’d take advantage of her and run off. Perhaps she was finally wising up. The fact this man had saved her just moments ago already put him in a higher standing than anyone she’d been attracted to before.

She met his cool, kind brown eyes that also held some mysterious quality she was drawn to and took a sip from her coffee cup. “Thank you so much again. And now you’re buying me coffee! I don’t know how to thank you enough,” she told him. She didn’t know what else to say. All that fell from her lips were sayings of gratitude.
“Thank you so much again," Tiffany said as she sat. "And now you’re buying me coffee! I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

Trent had an idea of how she could thank him, but it was a bit too early for that now. "It's my pleasure. Pretty woman, pretty afternoon. Where else would I want to be, and what else would I want to be doing?"

He sipped at his coffee, watching her reaction to his compliment over the edge of his little ceramic cup. She was a beautiful woman: dark, straight hair falling down around a flawless, angelic face, their ends laying lazily about upon youthful, firm breasts; a curvy, hourglass figure from which long, athletic legs sprang.

Trent wanted nothing more right now than to get that perfect body and perfect face away from the street and into his bedroom for a nice of screaming, moaning orgasms.

Well ... actually ... he wanted more than that. He needed more than that. He had obligations to meet -- people to satisfy -- if he was going to remain a healthy man, and this chance encounter with his money-starved neighbor was just what the doctor ordered.

They simply sat there for a long moment, looking at one another and sipping at their coffees, waiting for the other to broach some subject. Whereas they disturbed most people, Trent loved the awkward silences that came with introductions.

But it was time to move this to the next step.

"Dinner, my place, Apartment 6A. Tonight at ... let's call it nine. That's how you can make it up to me. And you can bring that bottle of wine I bought."

He spoke those last words casually, wanting her to remember what had brought them together but not wanting her to feel uncomfortably obligated. That was the trick: don't scare the prey until the trap was set.
Tiffany wasn't a shy woman. She knew she was attractive, and that left her with enough confidence to accept his compliment in stride. She smiled back at him and replied, "You're quite the handsome man yourself, you know." She took a sip from her coffee, still looking at him, her own dark eyes reflected in his. With a smile she placed the cup back down and surveyed her surroundings. Despite this coffee shop being in such close proximity to her apartment, she'd never actually been here before because it was so expensive. She wondered what this man's occupation was. Surely it had to be something important.

As she contemplated this, a silence fell between them. The silence between them dragged on for a bit too long, and Tiffany began to feel just a little uncomfortable. She racked her mind for something to say, something witty perhaps. He seemed like the type of man who needed intellectual conversation. But he saved her the trouble, for soon enough he offered her a proposal, dinner and wine at his apartment tonight.

Tiffany couldn't hide her surprise. He was being so direct about it, like he wasn't even asking, more like ordering her to join him. She thought about being offended, but a little wine and pleasant company never hurt anyone. Besides, she did owe him...

"All right, I accept." She was nearly finished with her coffee now. They would part soon, and she found herself wishing she could speed up the clock.
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Trent was engaged on the phone when the knock came at the door, so he didn't check the clock to see whether Tiffany had anxiously shown up at precisely nine or arrived fashionably late.

He opened the door, still talking into the cell at his ear. The sight of her silenced him, though, and he said absently into the device, "I'll call you later. I have, um ... some very nice company."

He stepped back, gesturing her inside. He noticed the bottle of wine and smiled.

He noticed Tiffany's reaction to his place. It was immaculate, recently renovated, and expensively furnished. This was more than just a place to lay one's head for Trent; this was his life's investment.

The building had recently gone condo, although some of the apartments were still by-the-month, year lease rentals. Trent was well aware that the venture investment company that owned the building was waiting for the current rental leases to lapse, so that they could boot out what they called the riff raff.

Tiffany's lease was up in three months, and she wasn't getting a renewal. The Super hadn't told her this information. Trent knew, however. It had nothing to do with his sudden introduction to her: that was pure coincidence. No, the reason Trent knew was that he was one of the investment company's investors. He knew everything that went on in this building.

Legally, the Super didn't have to tell Tiffany that she was going to be homeless until just 90 days before she was on the street. But since the law was for those who could afford to do with it as they pleased, the Super had been instructed to wait until just three days before the end of her lease and hit her with a 72 hour eviction notice for repeated late rent payments. It didn't matter that the Super had allowed her to be late all those times; all that mattered was that on paper, she had been deficient in paying, and legally they could boot her out on her ass.

Trent hadn't cared a lick about what was going to happen to Tiffany until tonight. Before the incident at the store, she was just another tenant getting in the way of him and his partners renovating a run down apartment and selling it as a $400,000 condo. But now ... well, now Trent was looking at the possibility of profiting more than his share of four hundred grand.

As Tiffany walked about, surveying the beautiful room, he surveyed her figure just as intently and knew that, if things went the way he wanted, he could make a whole lot more off her than he ever could some rebuilt apartment.

He just had to play his cards right ... and keep this fish on the hook as long as he could.

When she turned to face him, seeing him still ogling her form, he met her eyes and asked, "Like?"
Dress: https://www.google.com/search?q=conservative+sexy+dress&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=S6mZUc2PNpP64APC3YGwDA&biw=800&bih=387&sei=TamZUYfEJJeq4AOluYCYBQ#imgrc=TbSDFysYSTStjM%3A%3Buhas2NxDyp0BEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.elysedress.com%252Fbmz_cache%252Ff%252Ff374fdf2de70fdd784b82fbfc5dbb1ea.image.240x480.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.elysedress.com%252Fconservative-square-neckline-straps-black-satin-sexy-evening-dress-p-3962.html%3B240%3B480

Perhaps it was superficial of her, but deciding just how to present herself to Trent took over an hour to decide. She had nice clothes, a lot of which she'd foolishly charged on credit as impulse buys, but many of them were too revealing. She didn't know what to expect from this evening and she didn't want to him to get the wrong impression. She wanted to appear respectable after today's incident, perhaps change his image of her. Tiffany tried on a multitude of different outfits, but finally decided on a little black dress that rested just above her knees. It had a straight, no nonsense neck line but thin straps. One could never go wrong with a little black dress, or so she'd been told.

She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked tired and worn down without make up on. Checking the clock, she realized it was already 8:30. Tiffany hurriedly donned some make up and put on black heels. She put her hair in an elegant bun, but left some strands of her dark brown hair fly loose at the bottom. This wasn't a huge formal gathering after all. But it was wine, with a richer, older man. At last satisfied, she grabbed the bottle of wine she'd promised to bring and made her way up those two flights of stairs to Trent's apartment.

She knocked on his door at 9:10, not intending to be late but it always seemed to happen anyway. Well, it was best not to look too eager regardless. He answered the door with a phone in hand, but she was pleased that he put it away upon her arrival. "Good evening, Trent," She smiled causally as he gestured her inside and shut the door behind her.

Trent lived on the upper floor, and the place was absolutely stunning. Anyone could tell he'd spent a lot of time making it look this way, showcasing all his wealth. Tiffany took it all in, taking several steps in and gazing around. It was very neat. Everything had it's place, and it was very modern. It certainly looked a Hell of a lot better than her messy apartment. "Like?" Trent asked her. She turned around at his prompt, only to find his eyes had just wandered upwards. He'd been looking at her. Perhaps ogling her ass outlined in her little black dress. Tiffany smiled coyly and approached him. "It's amazing, Trent. Who knew I had such a sophisticated neighbor living just above my head?" She laughed airily and placed the bottle of wine she'd brought into his hands. "So, about that wine."
They opened the wine and drank it on the balcony that only the eastern exposure, lakeside condos had. From here, they could see out on the park and beyond it Lake Michigan. It was a stunning view, protected by an "Air Rights" payment that most people had never even known existed until the movie "Burlesque" used it as a key plot point. Similar to the 2010 film, this one prevented the owners of the properties between this building and the lake from ever building above three stories.

Trent would forever have this view. So long as he could afford to live here. As he glanced back into the unbelievable condo, he reminded himself that -- just like Tiffany -- he had his own expenses with which to deal. "Dinner?"

The only form of manual labor Trent had ever learned was cooking, so the meal he spread out before Tiffany was extravagant. The five course meal centered around a lightly grilled chicken and finished with four different desserts. He explained the variety of treats laughing, "Everyone likes a choice."

As dinner ended, he sent her off to the living room with yet another bottle of wine -- this one a $300 dollar import from just outside Bordeaux -- while he cleared away the remains. When he was finished, he stepped into the doorway connecting the two rooms ... and simply stared at Tiffany for a long moment as she inspected another item that had caught her attention.

The black dress she'd chosen for the evening fit her snugly, showing off her hourglass figure and luscious legs in a way that had kept his dick jumping repeatedly during the dinner. As she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her perfectly pear shaped ass beckoned his attention. Trent imagined pressing his body up close to her, feeling his cock laying in the crevice of those magnificent cheeks, waiting anxiously to find yet even a more comfortable place to play.

When she turned his way, he smiled and conspicuously dropped his gaze to her breasts. He loved the way the upper roundness of them made their presence known above the gown's neckline, as if wanting desperately to escape for his full viewing pleasure.

He had the bottle of wine and his glass in his hands as he walked toward her, slowly, meaningfully. His thoughts could be easily read in his expression and in the way his eyes checked out every aspect of her beauty.

When he was just a few inches short of her, he set the bottle and glass aside, then took hers, setting it down, too. He looked to her hair, to the bun that had been so neatly assembled before she arrived.

With a seriously seductive tone, he asked, "What would you think about letting your hair down...? And then ... maybe your dress as well?"
The only thing that captivated Tiffany more than the reflection of the brilliant moon in Lake Michigan was her eloquent companion. They drank wine upon the balcony as they surveyed the idyliic scene. She could only imagine what it would be like to be faced with this view each morning. She had quite the opposite view on her side of the apartment. It was like entering a different world. So used to messy bedrooms, blinding city lights and dirty views of the riff raff that flocked the street, Tiffany was highly impressed by the vision Trent was treated to each day. He wined and dined her, as they say, and throughout the evening she found herself getting further and further drawn in to the allure of it all. This respectable, charismatic, handsome man who’d saved her from embarrassment earlier today was now cooking for her and showing her the greatest of hospitalities. She didn’t dare question why, but enjoyed the evening immensely and indulged in the wine more than she usually would.

All throughout dinner, the heat of his gaze seemed to intensify; the wine made her flush, and the conversation seemed to flow off their tongues naturally. He had dimples when he laughed, and his eyes shined brilliantly from the light of the moon. She barely knew anything about him, but from the way she felt his eyes trail all over her body when he thought she wasn’t looking, she almost wanted to skip the conversation.

After dinner she took another look around his apartment, all the while nursing another glass of wine, this time an expensive brand imported from outside Bordeaux. Tiffany couldn’t stop smiling at all throughout the night, and capturing each aspect of his abode with her dark eyes. His gaze on her backside as she surveyed his place felt heavy, and she wanted to crumple underneath it, crumple into his arms. “This has been an amazing night, Trent,” She informed him as he approached. She was more than a little tipsy, but not altogether drunk, so there was no way she misread those signs in his eyes. Those dark eyes that told her everything he wanted. Trent placed his glass of wine on a table and took hers gingerly to set down beside it. Their hands touched briefly, and for Tiffany, it wasn’t just the alcohol making her feel so warm.

His proposition didn’t shock her, but merely intrigued her. She laughed and tried her best to keep a clear head… but the way he was looking at her… She reached up and pulled out her hairband without a second thought. The dress though, that was still up for debate. “Hmm, well you have wined and dined me, paid for my groceries, treated me like a queen this evening,” Tiffany considered out loud, reaching forward and dragging a finger down from his shoulder to his chest, stopping just above his navel. She leaned forward, the alcohol and excitement of new romance that was coursing through her veins determined her actions, and whispered in his ear whilst taking his hand in hers. “I think you deserve a little something…” Her hands traced up from his hands to his strong arms to finally rest on his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. Tiffany took the lobe of his ear between her teeth and pulled gently before moving to his neck and kissing lightly, languidly down his flesh.
Her treatment of his ear and neck was heating Trent up. His dick, which had been up and down like a yo yo all evening hardened rapidly within his tight briefs. He reached to Tiffany's waist, pulling their bodies closer to one another. He wrapped his hands farther behind her, to the small of her back, then down until he was cupping her buttock cheeks, squeezing them firmly.

He knew they were going to fuck tonight. He'd wanted her for long before today's activities. Trent was a simple man: he wanted every sexy woman upon whom he ever laid eyes.

But, after today, he wanted more than just that. The only question now, as he pulled their groins firmly together and felt his cock pressing hard against her belly, was just what would they do tonight, and what would he save for later ... when he rescued her from her next financial situation?
Tiffany sighed softly in pleasure as Trent's hands wandered, exploring the small of her back briefly before settling on her buttocks and gripping her tight. Her arousal was heightened by the wine, causing her pussy to throb in longing. Her panties were already damp from all the looks he'd been giving her throughout the night, and now, to be so close to him...

She moaned into his neck as he pulled her closer. His cock pressed eagerly against her stomach, and Tiffany longed to feel it between her legs. She sucked on the sensitive skin of his neck for a little while longer, imagining how his coworkers at whatever prestigious job he possessed would react when they saw all the hickeys she was leaving on his neck. These thoughts only turned her on further and she longed to feel his lips against her own. She inclined her head upward to meet his lips with her own.
As their lips met in a passionate kiss, Trent bent his knees and began lowering his body against hers, sliding his erection against her. He grasped her thighs with strong hands and -- with ease -- lifted her from her feet, pulling her legs apart and pressing his groin in between her parted thighs.

He started for his bedroom, saying with a suggestive tone, "I think it's time to settle our bill."

He laughed, intending to leave Tiffany wondering whether this was about simple lust or about repayment of the almost two hundred dollars he'd pout out today, between groceries, cash advances, and five dollar coffees.
Somehow, the man knew just what she wanted. He bent at the knees so his erection could slide against the very heart of her. Tiffany hiked up her skirt in encouragement and gasped at the first contact of his hard cock against her damp panties. Even through the layers of fabric, grinding on him felt amazing.

She let out a carefree laugh that turned into a moan as he hefted her up to make his way towards the bedroom. "I think it's time to settle our bill," he said huskily as he whisked her away. The way he proposed it made it sound like she was obligated to do it. Perhaps some other time she would be offended, but right now she was too drunk and aroused to care. She wanted to please him, and she did feel obligated. He had helped her out of a sticky situation today, and tonight he'd wowed her with dinner. The least she could do was give the man a helping hand, especially since she was so willing.

"And how much do I owe you, sir?" she joked as they entered his bedroom. Everything seemed to be spinning. At any other time she'd likely be impressed by the lavishness of it, but currently she was quite preoccupied.
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"And how much do I owe you, sir?"

He kissed her again and whispered with a smile, "Let me tally up your bill, Miss."

As he stepped out of his expensive slip on shoes, Trent knee-walked their way into the middle of his lavish, king sized bed and lowered her carefully to the mattress, keeping her knees up high. His hand went straight to the waist band of her panties and pulled them away from her buttocks and quickly down past the heels still on her lovely feet.

Quickly, he unbuckled, unsnapped, and unzipped. His raging cock had already found the open fly of his boxers, and as he hurriedly pushed his slacks down past his knees so that he could later shake them away from his legs, his eager member waved about before him as if a flag being waved at some patriotic parade.

Trent took the moment of undressing to look down upon Tiffany. What he was seeing now between her thighs was just as beautiful -- as erotic -- as what he'd already seen. She was cleanly shaven and evenly tanned, and her labia were just swollen and wet enough to say We've been expecting you, without looking like some XXX Eat me! pic on a nasty online pornography site.

She was, essentially exactly what Trent liked. Beautiful, sexy, waiting...

And she owed him.

She's not doing this because she owes you, Trent reminded himself as he kicked away his slacks and -- unfastening just the top button -- pulled his dress shirt directly over his head and tossed it away. She wants you just as much as you want her.

As he moved in above her, quickly pressing his mouth to hers again in a long passionate kiss, he had to remind himself of one of the dangers of what he was preparing her for: Don't fall in love.

"Your bill ... has been tallied ... Miss..." he whispered between deep kisses. All the while, he was playing the shaft of his cock against her wetness, before finally lowering the tip until he found her hole, and pushed slowly forward. As he felt her opening to him, he first released a deep moan, then hesitated, then chuckled. "...and this time, your form of payment has been accepted."
Tiffany laid back comfortably on his elegant, huge bed, sinking into the satin sheets that caressed her skin, a sharp contrast to Trent's gentle yet firm touch. "Let my tally up your bill, Miss," he told her, not wasting any time in stripping her of the necessities. She'd been hoping for more foreplay, but Trent seemed content to skip that step. His fingers slipped underneath her panties and he pulled them off with ease. She lay there, panty-less on his bed and watched, hypnotized, as the handsome man before her began to strip himself. He started on his pants first, leaving his shirt still hanging loosely about him, now un-tucked from his pants. His erection sprang free through a hole in his boxers and the sight of it caused a rush of heat to flood between her legs.

His hands applied pressure on her knees, so she was fully open to him. She tried to remain calm under his gaze, but her heartbeat fast and her breathing turned ragged. She felt vulnerable in this position; completely exposed to him. But he seemed to like what he saw, and she felt another rush of exhilaration. He took off his shirt and she writhed on the bed, aroused greatly by his kisses alone. Her hands whisked down to her thighs in an effort to remove her little black dress, but then he was leaning over her again and feeding her kiss after kiss. "Your bill ... has been tallied ... Miss..." he whispered between deep kisses. At the same time, his hard cock was teasing her wet heat gently, ever so slightly grinding against her pussy. Tiffany moaned wantonly as his erection probed between her legs, the tip entering her just slightly. His gruff moan had her desire increase ever higher and her hands clenched his back tightly as he pushed deeper inside. Then he chuckled briefly and said "...and this time, your form of payment has been accepted."

Trent's words were said in a joking manner, so Tiffany did not think hard on them. Besides, it was getting impossible to think at all! Her cries were muffled by his lips as he pressed his cock deeper and deeper inside her. It hurt a little at first, but those feelings of pain were soon eclipsed with pure pleasure as he fed her kiss after kiss. Her hands trailed down his back sharply and she gripped his ass, pushing him deeper inside her after the first initial thrusts. "Oh Trent..." she sighed in ecstasy.
Tiffany's pussy was tight, resisting Trent's intrusion. He tried to be careful, not wanting to hurt her: it took three starts and stops before he was deep inside her, releasing a long, deep moan of satisfaction once his groin was solidly against her own.

He simply paused there for a long moment, lowering his upper body to press against but not rest against her own. He killed her neck and shoulder and whispered to her how good she felt. But Trent wanted his payment. He lifted his body and slid his knees, one after another, under her thighs, raising her buttocks off the mattress. With his buttocks on his own calves, he reached his arms under her knees and grasped her thighs just above her belly.

"Tell me when to stop," he told her with a devilish smile.

He pulled his cock out of her until he could see the head just beginning to emerge from between her wet, pink inner labia ... then ... rammed back inside of her, pounding his groin into hers.

He saw and heard her reaction, but it was the feeling the movement gave him that interested him the most. She was so ... so fucking nice to be inside of. Trent was no stranger to women, no stranger to sex; but as he repeated his ram, then again, each time giving out a deep, pleasurable grunt, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been inside a pussy that fit to his ten inches of thickness the way Tiffany's did.
Tiffany allowed Trent to take control over her body and take her as he pleased. She relished each kiss and nibble along her neck and shoulders that eradicated any pain she felt from his huge cock pounding inside her. Her lips were parted as she gasped for breath and clung to his strong shoulders tightly. She'd fucked on the first date before, but it was nothing like this.

Without warning, Trent altered their positions so he could penetrate her deeper. She whimpered and her nails dug harsh lines into his shoulders in order to withstand the intensity of his powerful thrusts. "Tell me when to stop," he told her, smiling like the devil.

Tiffany would do no such thing. Not when this powerful, virile man was pumping his impressive length into her over and over again. She was glad she was an experienced woman, or else she wouldn't have known how to handle his size. "Oh god Trent!" she cried. She could scarcely move beneath him. She tried to meet him thrust for thrust, but it was so hard for her to keep up. He was wild, pushing his thick cock deep inside her pussy again and again. "Don't stop, don't you dare fucking stop," she ordered, feeling that irresistible feeling building up higher and higher inside her.
It wasn't long before Trent felt his orgasm coming. Tiffany was just too tight -- if there was such a thing -- and felt too good for him to hold out for long. He climaxed with a loud, animalistic grunt, ramming his cock hard into her and simply holding it there while it pumped repeatedly into her very depths.

His mind swam in the euphoria as he pressed his mouth to her neck in a static sort of kiss. It was one of the greatest orgasms he'd ever had: long, powerful, and fully enveloping of his body and mind. He chuckled at one point between gasping breaths, remembering a comedian he'd heard on the radio say that a man's best orgasm was his last orgasm. That wasn't exactly true, of course, but tonight it most certainly was.

He held in place there, unmoving until the very last of his ejaculations had unloaded his discharge. Then, with his heart still pounding and his breathing still erratic, Trent pulled out of Tiffany, grasped one of her legs, and turned her over to her belly. He snatched her at the hips and lifted her to her knees, quickly finding her wet, swollen pussy, and reentering her again.

"You ... sounded close..." he said, struggling still to speak. "Let's see if ... we can finish you."

He began ramming her just as he had been before, but with even more power and depth. And while he may have wanted her to think that this was now solely about her ultimate pleasure, Trent was actually looking for another orgasm of his own.
Tiffany was a little disappointed when Trent's movements slowed and he spilled his load inside her. His stamina had been impressive, but she'd been so close to orgasm, on the brink in fact, when his own had overtaken him. The feeling of his cock pulsating inside her as he spilled his ejaculate was powerful, but did not have the rhythmic tendency of his cock pounding inside her that she needed. Still, she moaned softly, feeling his essence seep inside her. She felt the pressure of his lips on her neck and she couldn't help but smile. She wondered what his next move would be. Would he take her in his arms and hold her as they fell asleep? Or would he hasten her out of his apartment, this being a one time thing? To Tiffany's pleasant surprise, he did neither.

Trent forcefully grabbed a hold of her leg and flipped her so she lay face down on the bed. He was aggressive in his movements, but she liked it. His hands bruised her hips as he pulled her up so her buttocks and throbbing pussy were put on display for his viewing pleasure. He wasted no time in ramming inside her again, all the way to the hilt. "Ah!" Tiffany yelled out in pleasure and surprise as his cock rammed against her, in an even greater angle than before. She heard his explanation spoken in between thrusts behind her, and it pleased her greatly. So, making a woman climax was important to him then? She smiled into the bed sheets and moaned loudly, unable to stop. It didn't take long for her orgasm to build this time, for he kept ramming against her g-spot over and over again. "Oh God. Trent I'm--" Her words were cut short as her orgasm swept through her, making her shudder and grip the bed sheets tightly, head and breasts pressing forcefully into the bed as Trent gripped her from behind. Her pussy clenched around his cock again and again, making it feel even tighter.
Trent loved knowing -- not assuming -- that a woman was cumming to his efforts. It was so satisfying to know, as a friend had once put it, that you'd done good!

Tiffany's orgasm was so clear to him: visually, audibly, physically. At the pleasure swept through her, her hands grasped the bedding, popping the fitted sheets loose on two both head corners; the moans keeping rhythm with his powerful thrusts became a series of cries that, despite the pillow at her face, were probably still loud enough for the half-deaf Mister Howard in 6B to hear; and her pussy clenched down simultaneously with the rest of her simply quivering to the euphoria ripping through her.

Enjoy it as he did, seeing Tiffany erupt this way was only half of the prize. He didn't slow his thrusts, instead speeding them even further. He arched his back, trying to gain just a little more depth inside her. And, as he'd been striving for, his cock leaped inside her once more, firing again and again until finally exhausted of its thick, sticky load.

He pulled her ass hard against his groin and sat back on his haunches, remaining deep inside her. They both were struggling for air; their bodies, each covered by a sheen of sweat, glowed in the bright of the overhead lights. Trent loved this time, what some called the Afterglow of orgasm. His heart pounded from both the exertion and the pleasure. The endorphins and adrenaline made him feel as if he'd just finished another of his Iron Man Competitions. It simply was the greatest feeling a man could feel.

And he'd gotten this -- gotten to fuck this woman who didn't know him just five hours ago -- for the paltry sum of a couple hundred bucks. His mind was returning to him after having surrendered to the euphoria, and -- still deep inside Tiffany -- he was already working on the plan to make this evening just the start of bigger things to come ... and to cum, he thought, smiling.

Trent pushed forward -- his and Tiffany's bodies -- and laid her on her belly before him. He pulled out slowly, then rose off the bed and headed for the kitchen for bottled water. When he came back, he stood in the doorway, studying her with a smile.

She was so beautiful post-coitus. Most women were, of course, but there was something about Tiffany that said she should always look this way: happy, spent, and flooded with pleasure.

And flush with money for her efforts.

"I think we should do this again really soon," he said, sipping at the water, then holding it out before him to see if she wanted to partake. "I think it would be good for us both."

He wasn't sure whether she understood that that meant, Your bill is paid. Trent wasn't even sure whether he wanted her to know that. Did he leave this as two horny people fucking 'cause the wanted to...? Or did he make it clear to Tiffany that she'd earned the money he spent on her today with the fantastic fuck she'd just given him?

He decided not to clarify. Instead, he simply went to the bed and sat next to her, handing out the water. "Do you want to spend the night?"
Tiffany felt Trent's cock twitch inside her, felt his hot cum shoot into her pussy once more, and in turn it prolonged her orgasm. She cried so loud there'd likely be Hell to pay from the neighbors tomorrow, but it felt too good for her to quiet down. As he came, he continued to pound into her tight little pussy until his whole load was shot. Tiffany lay, exhausted and panting hard into his bed sheets. Trent remained inside her for a little while longer, the two of them relishing in the afterglow. She arched her back like a contented cat when he pulled out of her, sighing in contentment.

"That was amazing, Trent," she told him when he returned, bottled water in hand. His eyes roved over her young body from the doorway. Tiffany loved the heat of his gaze. She was now a flush with pleasure and the alcohol that still flowed through her veins. She accepted his water gratefully, suddenly realizing how thirsty she was. She pressed the bottle to her lips and swallowed repeatedly until less than half of the cool liquid was left. "Oops, sorry," she laughed, handing the water back to him and wiping it from her lips.

"I think we should do this again really soon. I think it would be good for us both," Trent said.

Tiffany smiled brightly, "I certainly wouldn't be opposed to that." Especially if this developed into something more... Her money problems would be solved! But she tried to shake these thoughts from her head; she'd only just met the man today, after all.

"I'd like to stay, if you don't mind terribly," she cooed, laying back down onto his bed, body flushed post sex and looked like quite the contented kitten.
"Don't mind in the least," Trent said playfully. He went to the kitchen for two more bottles of water, then returned to the bedroom; he was still naked, his semi-hardened penis dangling before him. He stopped near the edge of the bed, popping open one bottle as he studied Tiffany.

He gulped from the bottle, then set it aside. He donned a truly devilish grin, moved to the bed until his thighs were pressing against the mattress, then said, "Do you know how to use your mouth?"

He glanced meaningfully toward his groin -- and his slowly hardening cock -- then looked back to her as he returned to sipping at the bottle again.
When he left again, Tiffany took the opportunity to snuggle under his satin covers. God, his bed was like Heaven's clouds. She liked the smell too. It wasn't all flowery like her bed was; you could tell a man slept here. Tiffany smiled to herself and closed her eyes, breathing in his scent off the pillow as her body prepared itself for rest.

She heard his faint footsteps padding closer as he came back from the kitchen, two bottles of water in hand. She peeked at him with one eye and smiled, expecting him to join her in bed. He did, but not for rest. No, not at all. At his suggestive question, Tiffany leaned up slightly and peeked at his semi-hard cock.

"Mm, you rearing to go already?" she asked, chuckling softly. "Come to bed, Trent. Maybe in the morning I'll show you how I swallow more than just water." There was a sly grin on her lips, but it was clear from her position that she wasn't planning on giving him anymore tonight. Her orgasm had left her truly tired after a stressful yet magnificent day, and she truly just wanted to go to sleep. The idea of wrapping her mouth around his cock was tempting, but she knew she could perform better int he morning.