a 54 year old hard


Dec 14, 2002
Awaiting any comments on this 54 year old hard on....please be kind to an old man...;) :cool: :kiss:
nice piercing... *grin* Always wanted to play with a cock piercing...

Wonder how my tongue piercing would feel on that?


Great pic, please post more.. and we do enjoy pics of other body parts here, too (ie, face, tummy, chest, arms, legs, feet, hands, etc).
All of me!!!

Thanks ladies for the kind words, this one is especially for vixenshe who wanted more face, tummy, chest, arms, legs, feet, hands, etc, I would love to see how your tongue piercing would feel on my cock piercing;)

This pic was taken at our local nudist beach, I am off to do a little nude snorkelling, both snorkels at the ready (ooops!! up pericope):nana: