96 Year Old Appeals Court Judge Suspended Over Questions of Fitness To Serve.


Dec 31, 2009

US appeals judge, 96, suspended in rare clash over fitness

Reuters|1 hour ago
By Blake Brittain WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on Wednesday suspended Judge Pauline Newman from hearing new cases amid a deepening clash over the 96-year-old ....

I worked inside the US Court system for a few years and saw more than one Judge who was clearly too old to serve efficiently. There need to be changes.
A council of judges on the Washington, D.C., court unanimously said Newman had failed to cooperate with an investigation into her fitness and barred her from hearing new cases for at least one year or until she sits for court-ordered medical examinations.

So if she refuses to sit for examinations, she'll be allowed to hear cases again after 12 months.
The Judiciary as a whole needs massive overhaul, from how and when the Senate acts to confirm, to new ways to discipline and/or remove Judges to how they spend money while in office to term limits.

They act like little dictators while in office rather than Government employees.

US appeals judge, 96, suspended in rare clash over fitness

Reuters|1 hour ago
By Blake Brittain WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on Wednesday suspended Judge Pauline Newman from hearing new cases amid a deepening clash over the 96-year-old ....

I worked inside the US Court system for a few years and saw more than one Judge who was clearly too old to serve efficiently. There need to be changes.
But it's okay for a four-year-old mentality to run the country.
I was referring to Joe Biden, your intellectual luminary.
No, you had to be referring to the idiot who mocked a disabled man by waving his arms in the air.
He should have been smacked and told to sit in the corner for that.
A council of judges on the Washington, D.C., court unanimously said Newman had failed to cooperate with an investigation into her fitness and barred her from hearing new cases for at least one year or until she sits for court-ordered medical examinations.

So if she refuses to sit for examinations, she'll be allowed to hear cases again after 12 months.

Apparently the judicial system doesn't allow 5th Amendment Rights to their accused coworkers. When the coworker refuses to cooperate they use that as "proof" that the coworker committed an offense.

Can we spell Kangaroo? From those who are supposed to protect the Constitution this is unacceptable and every judge who voted to oust Newman needs to be removed from the bench.
No, I said "four-year-old mentality,"
Again that would point to Trump.

Christ wrongway, don't use age and mentality when comparing Trump to another President. He fails, and fails miserably.

Fuck even a five year old knows there were no "airports" in the Revolutionary War....

Trump praised the Americans’ military efforts in the war against Great Britain. “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,” he said.


Honestly, just don't mention Trump. You'd be far better off in your bitch fest!!
Reich can't decide if the President is senile or juvenile.

Perhaps he should sit down and work this out before posting further.
Reich can't decide if the President is senile or juvenile.

Perhaps he should sit down and work this out before posting further.
That would entail using more functioning synapses than he currently has available.