8L Stats 4/3/23 - Who has been publishing lately by year joined


May 27, 2013
The story by someone who joined in 2000 is Fulfilled Fantasies by chatbug.

In case you're wondering why I'm doing these posts even though I've left Literotica, it's because I really enjoy pulling data from Literotica, analyzing it, and then posting it to the AH. I left Literotica because of the toxicity of the AH, but then one day I thought, "Why stop doing what I enjoy just because of toxic posts on the AH?". So I'm back to having a fun time pulling data from Literotica, but I don't read replies to my threads.
Interesting. Did something important happen in 2015? I joined as a member in 2015 but I didn't publish or participate in this forum until the end of 2016. There's a noticeable spike in authors between 2014 and 2015. For 4 years prior to that there was no discernible pattern or trend at all.

What this suggests is there's a constant influx of new authors and a high degree of turnover.
You aren't analyzing anything, you are throwing numbers in a list and not providing any context or interpretation.

All I see from this is that the amount of stories posted has increased over time, but it's taken from a sample of people who have posted stories in the past 5 and a half weeks.
The only thing I see is that many people were bored at home during the pandemic, and some are still posting stories.
All else being equal, what you would be seeing here is attrition. Say 1000 new authors join each year, and with each year 10% of those abandon writing for whatever reason.

e.g., for 1000 authors joining in 2000
Year #Remaining
2000 1000
2001 900
2002 810
2003 729
2010 348
2020 121
2021 109
2022 98
2023 88

8letters is then reflecting (from a small selection) the pattern of 9% authors remaining from 2000, 10% from 2001, 11% from 2002, etc.

Covid and other site closures would have impacted the numbers of new authors in specific years, as would use of the internet generally over time.
This "analysis" is just a list with no potential causative factors and therefore no valid conclusion. If you do some browsing by authors who have a relatively complete profile, you'll quickly find two things - most current authors are relatively young and most write only a few stories and then stop.

An author who joined in 2000 would have to be at least 18 so in 2023, he or she would be 41. By at least 35, most people have settled down into some type of career, have a significant other, have kids, and a multitude of other activities that leave little time for writing.

Many writers just run out of things to write.

Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but being locked up 24/7 with your significant other as we were during 2021 and 2022 usually has the opposite effect. Writing is a way to escape from that.