79 years ago today. 97% of the first wave didn't come home.

Wow, 79 years. Most of the guys who lived through that day are in the ballpark of 100 years old today. If anyone here knows someone who served in that war, ask them if they would be willing to share their story and record it if you can. We don't have much time left with that generation.
Growing up, there was a dad at the neighborhood swimming pool who had survived D-day but had lost most of one arm. All the kids were cautioned not to ask him about his missing arm, out of respect. Turns out he actually did survive D-day intact (one of the last waves of infantry coming ashore), but the day AFTER D-day he was assigned to rig tow lines in an attempt to drag semi-submerged tanks out of the water and his arm got cut off by a misplaced tow cable. He said he'd spent maybe 48 hours total on European soil.
79 years ago today. 97% of the first wave didn't come home.

Thank you to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.


Biden a no show, Harris a no show
Thank God… finally someone remembered what today was back in 1944. I realize it’s an “ off year”. Next year will be the 80th Anniversary. Not one word have I seen all day on ANY of the major media outlets… sad. Let’s remember their sacrifice & as well as our British, Canadian & French Allies on that “ Longest Day”🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷
Agree with the original post. It is mind-blowing to recongnize the sacrifices these people made. To get some perspective, watch the opening scenes of "Saving Private Ryan." Grim, dark, and utterly sobering to recognize the price of freedom.

And I got to say, as much as I do agree with the original post, I would not have mentioned anything about Biden or Harris- or any other political figure. Kind of tacky, there. This should not be an excuse to take partisan jabs at our current president, whether you voted for him or not.
79 years ago today. 97% of the first wave didn't come home.

Thank you to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.


Biden a no show, Harris a no show
You just had to spoil your tribute with that last crack, didn't you? It conjures up Trump's famous D-Day trip where he didn't show up because it was raining. According to you Trumpettes, Biden couldn't attend any ceremonies because he was busy dying from having tripped and fallen at the Air Force Academy graduation.
I know man;you want to pay a tribute to our fallen heros, that is great. But then, sticking in some partisan bitch crap, lame as fuck.
In light of all the responses it will be interesting come August. I wonder if ANY of our political leaders, or ANY Media( TV, Print, or Radio) will have a comment or story regarding August 6th & August 9th. Just wondering…..🤔
It's one day. A day when people post their virtue signals about very brave men who knew they were probably going to die but stood up and moved forward anyway.

There are 364 other days in every year when no one appears to care that our freedoms are still around because of the sacrifices made all those years ago. 364 other days every year when ASSHOLES spew nonsense about how their right to deny and trample on the rights of others are somehow morally superior.

97% of those who stood up against that kind of thinking died because some people thought the same way 79 years ago. It should be a lesson but those who believe that they "know better" refuse to learn it and instead insist on repeating what we all know is wrong.

There are 365 days in a year. 365 days where we should always be grateful for the sacrifices those brave men made for each and every one of us. 365 days where we should all remember WHY they had to do it.
It's one day. A day when people post their virtue signals about very brave men who knew they were probably going to die but stood up and moved forward anyway.

There are 364 other days in every year when no one appears to care that our freedoms are still around because of the sacrifices made all those years ago. 364 other days every year when ASSHOLES spew nonsense about how their right to deny and trample on the rights of others are somehow morally superior.

97% of those who stood up against that kind of thinking died because some people thought the same way 79 years ago. It should be a lesson but those who believe that they "know better" refuse to learn it and instead insist on repeating what we all know is wrong.

There are 365 days in a year. 365 days where we should always be grateful for the sacrifices those brave men made for each and every one of us. 365 days where we should all remember WHY they had to do it.
Virtue signaling about other people virtue signaling....quite inception
79 years ago today. 97% of the first wave didn't come home.

Thank you to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.


Biden a no show, Harris a no show
No women and no Alphabet people were gunned down on that beach and the Pride flag wasn't planted on the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc. So, there's nothing for today's Democrat to remember.
No women and no Alphabet people were gunned down on that beach and the Pride flag wasn't planted on the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc. So, there's nothing for today's Democrat to remember.
Yes, there were no gay men on the beach that day. Gayness didn't exist until Obama.

You're so far removed from reality, Jack. Fucking pathetic.
No women and no Alphabet people were gunned down on that beach and the Pride flag wasn't planted on the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc. So, there's nothing for today's Democrat to remember.
That is the most disgusting and inappropriate post I have heard in days- even by your abysmally low standards.

You take a solemn rememberance of thanks to our veterans, and turn it into a hateful screed against gays and lesbians. Only you would make a post like this. Why don't you go burn a flag, or kneel during the national anthem; that would honestly be less offensive than what you just wrote. Seriously...on behalf of everyone who died defending our freedoms (freedoms which you would gladly see taken away, by the way)....fuck you, fuck you FUCK YOU!!! You are a disgusting pig of a human and you just proved it right here with that post.
It is truly sad that a post attempting to remember and honor a generation of men, and women, that sacrificed more than any of us can ever understand has to turn into yet another hate filled political battlefield.

I thank veterans everyday, whether at work, or out and about in the world. It doesn't cost anything and it lets them know we remember them and the sacrifices they made.

TrailerTrash is ALWAYS clueless.

The ONLY reason the OP started this thread, was to take a jab at President Biden and Vice President Harris.

The OP is a POS.

Hope that ^ helps.





TrailerTrash is ALWAYS clueless.

The ONLY reason the OP started this thread, was to take a jab at President Biden and Vice President Harris.

The OP is a POS.

Hope that ^ helps.




I'm not sure why you feel the need to call me TrailerTrash. I don't post anything to you. I didn't post here to you. It seems very highly immature and hate filled. Or maybe you just get off on being an asshole. Either way you are a waste of my time. I will no longer read or respond to anything you post.
No show to what?
Service. Asked to serve 5 times, 5 deferments in return.
That’s a no show. Trump had medical deferments (legit? Don’t know, maybe maybe not) but we don’t have any talk of Biden’s 5 deferments.

Would you happen to know the reason for the 5? Bone spurs? If not then what?

Meh, who cares.
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