75 Threads and Counting


Really Really Experienced
Jan 16, 2002
Ok Im in a reaaallllllllllllllll pissy mood right now. I just spent about 30 minutes writting a post and it got trashed because i added it too soon after I wrote my last one. The reason I am told is because I have to wait 30 seconds between post. Bullshit! I just took half a fucking hour writting it!

Ok now i have vented Ill try for the second time.

Dear All

Im sorry that its taken me five days to update you all but i went away on holidays for what was planned to be three days but the night before i was leaving i meet someone really special and stayed an extra two. About half an hour before i left for the trip i recieved my 75th thread from Ooohkitty giving me no time to annonce it. Thanks so much Ooohkitty for you excellent contribution and for adding my milestone thread. Everyone can reach it here from this link

Ooohkitty's 75th Thread.

Thanks also to thisnameismine, AlabamaBoy38 and ever faithful niceguy2002tim for threads i recieved while away. I did have links to them all but thanks to the screw up theyre all lost. I promise to link to there threads later when Ive cooled off.

Til next time
this is a cranky

Thanks sweety

Thanks sweety
ill be adding more to your story on thursday
glad you had a great time
Link updates

Well after many days I'm ready to update the links to my story.

thisnameismine added a thread involving Trish at the concert.

thisnameismine's thread.

AlabamaBoy38 added a thread involving some action with Katherine while Sarah Banks watches on.

AlabamaBoy's thread.

Niceguy2002tim added a thread that proves theres no horror like a women scorned or Sarah Banks in this case. (I cant remeber the exact saying.)

niceguy2002tim's thread.

It was quite a busy time for Choices while I was gone. My next message while give you details on what I've recieved from lilguy and Ooohkitty since I got back form my fantabulous holiday.

Thanks again to everyone who has added, especially thisnameismine, AlabamBoy38, niceguy2002tim, lilguy and Ooohkitty. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks

Til then

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Link Updates Version 2

Dear All,

Heres the second group of threads that I recieved since I got back.

lilguy addd two threads. Both of which are on the Carrie charcter with a touch of Fiona involvement in one. The set the day after the concert. Each thread is on the 9 deep mark.

lilguy's 1st thread.

lilguy's 2nd thread.

Ooohkitty has added a thread that continues her wonderful Jazz artist tangent. The character and Rebecca get back to the muso's house. Could it happen that Rebecca crashes out leaving you allone with the stranger. ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE! (I love being overly melodramatic lol)

Ooohkitty's thread.

That one is a staggering 12 deep and my deepest to date. Choices seems to have taken off a bit quite lately. Ooohkitty, niceguy2002tim and lilguy are all working on there own tangets within the story which I'm really grateful of. It give me a chance to play around towards the start of the story. I'm trying to get the top half of the story growing, the concert option off the intro. Its been kinda small so far with only one thread out to 7. All the action and growth has been on the school dance side. Oh well its all good anyway. Next time I'll update what I've written lately.


My New Threads

Ok I'll try this for the second time and hope my laptop doesnt freeze again. I've only added the two threads to Choices lately as I have been recieving plenty of terrific threads from a wonderful bunch of writters. The first thread involves the character and Fiona slipping into a peep show booth at an adult store. I'll just say that its based on a little personal experience.

My 1st thread.

The second thread involves the character and Katherine reacting to the discovery that Carla is having an affair with a teacher. A spot of voyeurism could follow for all those out there who like to watch.

My 2nd thread.

My writting in other stories recently has been for stories like

Sappo's Amulet
A college girl to be...
TV Lover
A day at the Stone Wall Mall
7 Little College Girls
My Celebrities College Fantasies

I've taken more to adding to other people's stories lately as way of taking a break from mine. If you have read anything of mine and think my style and imagination would fit in with your story send me a personal message. Either that or email me through Chyoo's contact daciasdesire. Tell me what your story is and the catagory and I'll see what I'm able to contribute. I've enjoyed writting in other stories as it enable both your story and mine to grow if you chose to submit back in return. Anyway I hope to hear from some people soon. Till then

The people have spoken.....

..... and it seems thy dont like my thread on the adult store and peep show (linked above). Its been rated a 2 by someone. Dont know why as no feedback was provided which would have been great. If someone disliked it enough to give it a 2 I would hve been interested to hear why, especially as feedback at the bottum is anoymus. I'd invite whoever to give the other option a try and submit a thread to show me how you think a thread should be written. Feedback good or bad is always welcome as it helps me to improve as a writter.

I did get some feedback and rating for a passage i wrote in the story In From The Snow. The person kindly gave a 4 with the attached message "At last - a story that is believable!" I would suggest to everyone to follow this persons praise and read Zingibers little interacial story. Its still quite new for anyone who would like to jump on the bandwagon and help with wonderful story devolp.

OK then Ill be back in a few minuates with links to threads people have submitted to me.

Till then

Ok here again with links to some new threads.

AaronWebster was kind enough to submit a thread that went for the direct approach with the character an Trish ignoring the people around them and getting straight down to things at the concert. Quite a hot thread and can be found below. AaronWebster is also the 12th writter to join in on Choices.

AaronWebster's thread.

Ooohkitty was next with her fourth thread for my story and one that follows on with the jazz player theme. Ooohkitty's threads have all been fantastic and this is no exception. It also comes in at 13 which is the deepest to date and sees the introduction of Eve's flatemate Christy in a towel no less.

Ooohkitty's thread.

AlabamaBoy38 chipped in with another thread. This one is an alternative to the option he present before and follows the Sarah Banks series of threads started by Niceguy2002tim. Is anyone has any idea about the game gridiron I emplore you to give AlabamBoy38 a helping hand with his sole story 4th Quarter of The Super Bowl as I'm completely in the dark about this game. The link for his second thread is

AlabamaBoy38's thread.

Thanks once again to AaronWebster, Ooohkitty and AlabamBoy38 for all thier threads and to all the other writters as well.

Hey hun

Hey hun
thanks for all the nice things that you have said about my threads in your story. I just posted another thread for your tale. I'm hopeing that you would write the next thread so that you can help lead the story in a new fresh way. It is yours after all. I have enough of this tale in my head to go at least another 15 threads but i would like some ideas from you to help guide the story in a way that you want to see it go.
Luv always,