600,000 to 800,000 illegal immigrants a year skip their court date

The sentence you quoted:

ICE sources say an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 illegal immigrants a year do not show up for their court date and disappear into the U.S.

Later in the article:

There are 57 immigration courts and 231 immigration judges. Immigration courts handle 280,000 proceedings each year -- an average of 1,243 per year per judge, or four decisions per day.

See a slight problem here?
The sentence you quoted:

ICE sources say an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 illegal immigrants a year do not show up for their court date and disappear into the U.S.

Later in the article:

There are 57 immigration courts and 231 immigration judges. Immigration courts handle 280,000 proceedings each year -- an average of 1,243 per year per judge, or four decisions per day.

See a slight problem here?

"a slight problem"?

That was funny...
So what? Wetbacks stealin' jobs, my Anglo ass! They're creating jobs for bounty hunters!