
Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
You know, one of these days, I am going to get my godforsaken ass on a regular sleep schedule.
Maybe you can make that your New Years Resolution?

For next year, of course.
-giggles- possibly. ;)

I, of course, didn't sleep at all wensday night. Stayed up from about 3 on wensday until about noon yesterday. Slept from noon to 1am, so here I am... wide ass awake, and doomed to fall asleep halfway through the day, thus perpetuating the nasty cycle.
Ah, I remember those days. Staying up all night on the computer and doing other... *dry cough* things, and then sleeping during most of the day. Break the cycle, I tell ya, break it! Otherwise, you'll end up like me. *shudders*

Love the av, btw. :)
Renegade said:
Break the cycle, I tell ya, break it! Otherwise, you'll end up like me. *shudders*

*screams in terror*

There can't be another Renny Poo, can there? Oh, the humanity!!

Don't worry, there can only be one (god, I sound like the Highlander) which is something most of Lit is greatfull about, I'm sure. Heheh
Renegade said:
Love the av, btw. :)

Does this mean I'm getting into the great Renny? Can I get into the great Renny?

Thanks for the comment on my av. It was taken last year, then I just shaded in the flag. One of my favorite face shots, cause it doens't show a whole lot, so you don't see the lil flaws I try to ignore ;)
I'm trying.....

To get on any schedule!
I've been trying to sleep from 10 pm until morning, but haven't made it yet. I wake at about 3 or 4 am, once awake I cannot lay back down. So, I stay up until about 6 am, set alarm clocks for about 9am, and usually wake up around noon!

I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, or a bad version of Groundhog Day.
Gilly Bean said:
Does this mean I'm getting into the great Renny? Can I get into the great Renny?

Thanks for the comment on my av. It was taken last year, then I just shaded in the flag. One of my favorite face shots, cause it doens't show a whole lot, so you don't see the lil flaws I try to ignore ;)

Great Renny? Sounds like a magicians name. Hmmm...

You know, this is the first time I've seen a picture of you in a very long time. Talking like about a year now. Almost forgot how cute you are, especially in that face shot. Not bad at all. :)

Almost dozed off at the puter a moment ago so gotta get to bed, but remember my warning. Get out of this habit or it'll come back to bite you in the ass in more ways then one. I've got the bite marks still to prove it. heheh Night sweetie.

EDITED: Um, or morning. Whichever is better for you. I think. God, I need some sleep. LOL
Renegade said:
Great Renny? Sounds like a magicians name. Hmmm...

You know, this is the first time I've seen a picture of you in a very long time. Talking like about a year now. Almost forgot how cute you are, especially in that face shot. Not bad at all. :)

Almost dozed off at the puter a moment ago so gotta get to bed, but remember my warning. Get out of this habit or it'll come back to bite you in the ass in more ways then one. I've got the bite marks still to prove it. heheh Night sweetie.

EDITED: Um, or morning. Whichever is better for you. I think. God, I need some sleep. LOL

Bite marks are bad? Since when? :p

Lost cause, I hear ya, except mine is even more off than that. I can literally stay up for like 30 hours, then crash, but when I do, it's only for like 4 hours at a time, and never at night. It blows.

Sleeping pills work, but I hate taking them, so I try not to unless I absolutly have to be awake for the entire day.