45 Days to "The Matrix-Reloaded"!


Apr 7, 2001
I'm not a full-blown fanatic (yet!), but I have to admit: I can't wait for this movie to finally hit the multiplexes! Any Neo-phytes, rebels or agents out there who feel the same way?
Violette said:
I'm not a full-blown fanatic (yet!), but I have to admit: I can't wait for this movie to finally hit the multiplexes! Any Neo-phytes, rebels or agents out there who feel the same way?

Or you can download it already like I did.
Download it? Wait a minute, you mean the trailers, right?
Violette said:
Download it? Wait a minute, you mean the trailers, right?

No, I mean the movie.

Wild how it turns out the Matrix is a program within another Matrix.
Why download it & see it on a small screen. You'd get a better mind blowing experience seeing it on the big screen. I must admit, i didn't like the original when I 1st saw it. I thought it was a bit too far-fetched. But, then, I realized that it was Sci-Fi, so, of course its gonna be far-fetched.
nasty1 said:
Why download it & see it on a small screen. You'd get a better mind blowing experience seeing it on the big screen. I must admit, i didn't like the original when I 1st saw it. I thought it was a bit too far-fetched. But, then, I realized that it was Sci-Fi, so, of course its gonna be far-fetched.

Thanks, nasty! I feel the same way!

And as for YOU Rasta, thanks for TOTALLY "baking my noodle" just now! :p :p
Violette said:
Thanks, nasty! I feel the same way!

And as for YOU Rasta, thanks for TOTALLY "baking my noodle" just now! :p :p

Baking your noodle? Like a casserole?
Matrix, matrix, matrix :nana:

I can't wait to see how far down the rabbit hole goes.
RastaPope said:
Baking your noodle? Like a casserole?

Check the first one, hon. That's what the Oracle says to Neo after he breaks her vase...
I say we put an NYC get-together together and go see it.

Now, the only question is who's going to sit on my lap.

islandman said:
I say we put an NYC get-together together and go see it.

Now, the only question is who's going to sit on my lap.


I'd come down for that (grin...) or go down as the case may be (weg)

How are ya, islandman?
Matrix Reloaded

How many minutes into the movie do you think it will take before Neo says "whoa!" ?:D
Re: Matrix Reloaded

KindaKinky said:
How many minutes into the movie do you think it will take before Neo says "whoa!" ?:D
That was pretty corny. I was thinking Bill & Ted. And, its sorta a clique to wear balck sunglasses, now. Ok, we get it, your suppose to be cool. And, what was with that shootout? How many bullets flew, &, not a single one hit Neo or Trinity. PUHLEEZE!!!!!!! The idea was cool, though. If you can look past the above, &, Hugo Weaving's acting skills,(or, IMO, lack thereof.)
All that being said, that was the 1st time I saw it. Now, I just accept all the stuff I didn't like about it the 1st time. Another movie I'm looking forward to is The Exrcist: The Beginning. And, I still wanna see The Hulk, even though the trailer for it looked ridiculous. When they actually showed The Hulk, it ;looked just as fake as Scooby Doo.
I would take my dear friend HANNS to see it with me, but I think I'm taking a nap that day! ;)
Re: Matrix Reloaded

KindaKinky said:
How many minutes into the movie do you think it will take before Neo says "whoa!" ?:D

42 minutes and 38 seconds. :p

Anybody else been downloading those Animatrix shorts when they release 'em online? Just curious.
deliciously_naughty said:

How are ya, islandman?

Hola, Boston chica.

I'm okay, hanging in there. How's life in Sox-land? You keeping busy? Got all your boy-toys in a row yet?
I've been counting the days until I see Matrix Reloaded! I'm actually thinking of going two hours to the nearest city to see the movie the day it's released.