30 yo female looking for m/f phone friends


Aug 18, 2012
Hi! I used to play in the chat room on this site but I haven't been able to get it to load for ages, so I figured I'd post here.

I'm 31 years old, female, and looking for someone into phone. I'm friendly, upbeat, reasonably intelligent, and I like to knit. Dark brown curly hair, contacts or glasses depending on how lazy I'm feeling, 46DDD chest, and a bit rounder than I'd like to be. I'm dorky and not at all ashamed of it. I've got World of Warcraft characters and I do triathlons - I'm sort of all over the place. I also LOVE music. Love it. Not exceptionally musical myself, but I appreciate the efforts of others.

As for what I'm looking for: Someone nice, a bit dorky themselves, smart, and capable of understanding why a text of "hw r u" is a bit of a turnoff. I'd like someone close to my time zone with a schedule sort of like mine (I work an office job during the day) because if we're good with each other, I would not be against this being a longer-term thing.

With regard to age - with men, no one old enough to be my dad (who is almost 57) and with women, no one over 35 or so. I'm not against thinking older women are hot, but I'm not super-experienced with women and I'd prefer someone closer to me in age (or younger...though no one illegally young) so that I don't feel like I'm in over my head.

So, if you think you'd like to chat with me, send me a PM. You could post here, but I'll probably be more forthcoming in PM. :)

- Teresa
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Welcome to literotica and here's hoping you have fun. Here's also hoping that I am able to get a chance to contribute to that.

You did specify your upper age limit for men, but said nothing about the lower age limit. I am 26 and I am Danish, and therefore not in your time zone per se. But with a home office and flexible hours, I can be more available than you'd imagine.

Is it possible for me to submit my application?

I thought of asking you on here since I am sure that as it is, your PM inbox is being flooded with all sorts of requests as we speak. That's the welcome that all ladies get, regardless of orientation, because sometimes people can't read slow enough to spot the "I'm lesbian, I prefer women only" part of the post :)

Edit - you did say lower age limit - I skimmed through until the penultimate section and wanted to reply as soon as possible. I guess I came too early. *facepalm*
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As a note - given I did NOT expect the number of messages I've gotten - if I think you haven't actually read anything other than I'm female and into phone, I will ignore you. Nothing personal, but...attention to detail is a good thing. :D
I did fully read your personal before responding though I neglected to leave it up in a separate tab for reference while writing.......
Dorky adventure buddies!

Heya there! Came across your post; I am also a fellow dorky midwesterner :cattail:

I am actually WoW-sober for quite a bit now, but in my prime I was guild/raid leader, server 2nd Thunderfury... blah blah blah. So I spent quite a bit of time on that haha. Admittedly it lost a lot of its appeal after most of my real-life comrades quit, but I still played for years after that. Most recently... Diablo 3: Let down of the millennium. Sigh!!

Anywho, I won't ramble on too much here but I definitely am intrigued by the possibility of developing a dorky (and perhaps tad kinky?) friendship. Things are most definitely rewarding on a whole 'nother level when you are actually connected to the person a bit :)

I'd love to chat a bit and see if we might click... so if you feel similarly, ask away!
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Was enjoying our PM conversation but my computer kept crashing. I've sent another PM. Hope to hear back from you soon.
If you're being flooded with PMs you may need to clear your inbox or else you might not be able to receive anymore.
Swim, Bike, Run... Triathlon? You caught my eye!

As a note - given I did NOT expect the number of messages I've gotten - if I think you haven't actually read anything other than I'm female and into phone, I will ignore you. Nothing personal, but...attention to detail is a good thing. :D

I sent you a PM if you can find it, I think you'll wanna read it. :)

Title is the same as this post title

Just bumping this - not much ever came of it.

So...drop me a line or I'm on Yahoo as thixotropiclife :cattail:
Welcome to Lit, have fun. I'm not even going to bother trying to get thru the mass amount of PM's you must be getting. But when you weed thru them and find that they aren't worthy, look me up.