$3 worth of bullets take out a $22Million dollar Apache


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
It appears that indeed one peasant emptying a 30 round clip at the rotors of the fearsome Apache Longbow...brought down the most expensive battlefield piece in the US arsenel the other day.

I guess that farmer's getting a trip to Meccaland!

Isn't it amazing how vulnerable a big military machine is to a lucky shot with a thirty year old rifle?
Yeah it's scary. Just imagine a vial of biotoxin in the hands of said "farmer". I wonder how hard it would be for said "farmer" to travel to a western country, say Canada, and use said vial of biotoxin in say a subway or airport. I then have to wonder, if you take the number of people dead, figure out the number of earning years they have left in their lives, and what they earn. Take those and compute the amount of earning power that was just killed off by a simple "farmer" using a modern day vial of biotoxin. Let's just do some simple calculations:

Average aged person of 35.
Retires at 65.

Gives us 30 wage earning years left in their lifetime.

Assume a very modest wage of $25,000 US per year.

25,000 * 30 = 750,000

Assume a very, very, very small death toll (for a biotoxin) of 100 people:

750,000 * 100 = 75,000,000

Compared to 22,000,000 for a helicopter.

I have to think that the helicopter is the cheaper option.

And this is not even considering the damage possible with a dirty nuke, or a similar attack of 9/11 proportions.