3 faced feminism for Lavy


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
feminism - it used to be such an easy topic of conversation

I loved and supported what it began as and what I remember of it as I grew up but in the last 5-10 years maybe femenism has shattered into what I can see is at least three forms all of which calls itself under the feminist banner thought would be far from recognizing each other as feminist.

I begin with the center feminism or what has remained true in my opinion to the original tenats of feminism, and I think MizzX said it best so I will just quote her:

Originally posted by MizzX
Feminism is about enpowering women to acheive their potential in whatever way they choose. If that means be the best submissive you can, the best housewive, whatever, then thats not at odds with feminism.

This is the route of feminism that I believe is right, and great and fully supportive by me, and being a christian I find it fully in accord with scripture.

The second I call, after the Limbaugh catch phrase Feminazi. This group while under the guise of feminism actually goes out of its way to put men down and raise women up and above in an air of superiority whether they earned, worked for or deserved it of thier own accord.

This group likes to find political backing be it left or right wing, either way it will be extreme of that direction, with a people or person who is in power that can push thier ideas and laws through the system.

they general get laws inacted as, for a lack of a better name in my head, "Feminism quotas".

A feminism quota is simple X number of employess or representatives have to be femamles. this is good and it is also bad.

On the Good side it allows females who are actually trying to improve themselves to get in positions or placement where they can do just that.

On the Bad side it is too often abused by the feminazi by getting women in position and placement regardless of qualification or education or training. That is to say a nuculear technician job is available two people, but three apply one man who is a nuclear physist, he gets the first position, the other two, one a man who is fresh out of nuclear university, and a woman fresh out of her beauty salon with only high school education. The feminazi would push the woman get the second position regardless the fact she has no qualifactions, where as the guy out of university has more qualifications for the second position.

Yes, I was being extreme in the example, but it is what the feminazi does, where as the center feminist, first example, wanted the job she would work for it, go to ubuniversity like the guy did get the qualifications so that when it was between her and a guy of same university training, it would come down to who was more qualified, be it the woman with slightly higher marks that the guy or more applied herself through classes.

Does all that make sense? ok, kool, if not ask questions.

the third, and by far the smallest, quietest and most detrimental to femisnist movement, the pseudo religious feminist this group insists that females should so utterly debase them selves that they are virtually slaves to everyone around them.

This group is a small generally insignificant, more of a harm to a very small core group of themselves than any great number of society. Formed by an ultrarightwinger male pseudobaptist preachers, who wanted females to basically be slaves, twisting every submission and headship passage in the Bible, I believe he even greater a few by select reading and omission.

Because of this trend of the tri-division in feminism, when a woman says she is a feminist, I generally just step back and wait to see the card game she deals out before, I even broach the subject.

I bet I fucked all your heads up with my useless opinion and thoughts

Although if someone were to ask me if I consider myself a feminist, I would say "yes", I feel that the word 'feminist' itself has essentially lost all power and meaning. Every person attaches their own personal and usually highly biased definition to it, rendering it pretty much inert. Consequently conversations (and threads) like this one end up being pretty pointless, as likely no one involved is actually talking about the same thing.
They shot their whole movement in the head with the defense of one William Jefferson Clinton's actions...

Stick a fork in the hypocrisy that is feminism.

It's done.
SINthysist said:
They shot their whole movement in the head with the defense of one William Jefferson Clinton's actions...

Stick a fork in the hypocrisy that is feminism.

It's done.

See what I mean? I really doubt we are working within the same definition.
Let me see here...

Are not most feminists against powerful white men using women as objects?

Just curious.
SINthysist said:
They shot their whole movement in the head with the defense of one William Jefferson Clinton's actions...

Stick a fork in the hypocrisy that is feminism.

It's done.

I disagree, Flatlander. :D Surprise, surprise! ;)

I'm actually impressed with Todd's Trinity - the third isn't what we would call Feminism, but he does say that the females espousing same are not. :cool:
here's a list...

of books highly critical of what passes for "feminism" today.


Fortunately, this mostly pertains to academia and elite media.
e.g., "Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women"
by Christina Hoff Sommers

Elsewhere you will find human-potential oriented feminism at this web site
foiunded by Wendy McElroy,
author of the unfortunately out of print
"Xxx: A Women's Right to Pornography"
by Wendy McElroy--GET it used! Quite delightful!

You lose your bet Todd.

As we well know, I never was RIGHT in the HEAD...


When NOW makes their pronouncments, do we fall all over ourselves like we used to? Why were they silent when the US Military was being purged of good officers having relations by a CIC who was getting blowjobs while on the phone to Yassir Arafat or keeping him waiting in the outer office (a poetic justice...)? Why were they silent as Wiley, Jones, Broderick, et. al. were talking about the leader of the party which NOW idetifies itself with.

How could they stand silent when Condi Rice is Savaged for being a sellout to her race, or promoted because of her sex, or her looks?

Where were they for the savage attacks on now congresswoman Harris?

How much deader, shalow, hollow, hypocritical can you get as an organization.

For an alternative truth about NOW and the women's movement, you should read the works of the former head of California's NOW, Tammy Bruce...

Try it.

I dare you.


Double-dare you even...

:D :D


:D :D :D
Bras are back in in a big way.

All them saggy boobs from the braless generation re-aquinted a whole new generation of women to the idea of wonderful uplifting support...

They even got the fake nipple pads to get back to that pointy-boobed 50's look!

I'm a feminist. :D

The first version is a bit off base imo - feminism is not about empowering women, it's about recognizing and fighting against oppression wherever it's found - which is why many feminists are equally concerned with sexism against men, and racisms, and all the other 'isms' of this sort.

In the second version your focus on affirmative actions programs is ridiculous – there are lots of groups calling for affirmative action, not all of them feminist, and not all of them extremist – there are half decent arguments in favour of affirmative action – I don't happen to agree with most of 'em, but they are decent, rational, arguments.

In focusing so obsessively on affirmative action, you're missing the real danger of extremist feminists – who either make men the enemy, or, like Camille Paglia, make men sub-human animals. I think that's just a tad more serious a problem than affirmative action.

And the third version ain't feminism! It's what feminism was created to fight lol
SINthysist said:
Let me see here...

Are not most feminists against powerful white men using women as objects?

Just curious.


You're not curious, SINthysist.

You're just being the same, boring, annoying jack-off you normally are.