29m Sexual Explorer seeks a guide


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 2012
Currently exploring all parts of my sexuality, I'm posting here as I am wanting to explore my dominate and submissive sides. I also would like to explore various things, some I have considered or seen before others I have not seen or considered or heard of yet.

I seek first a person to PM with, or yahoo chat, or even starting a thread. I am seeking a woman to aid me in my quest, to push by limits to see what gets me off and what I will become before I become actively amorous in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, if my fellow explorer is found of our pairing and wishes to continue I will not leave them hanging. I would love to have my exploits here spill over into my real life, but I know not all such ventures are so. I will though keep you as my confidant and mentor.

So any takers for my safari of sexual exploration and general deviance, I am a simple guy seeking to solve my personal sexual mysteries with a partner willing to push me and see what I can become. I ask you mold me shape me, take me as the rough stone and chisel me into the masterpiece I want to he! You never know you might enjoy it!?

Thanks for your time and your viewing