(29m) Looking for female long term medieval fantasy roleplay partner


Hopeless Romantic
Dec 19, 2015
Looking for a long term female fantasy roleplay partner to provide me company on a medieval fantasy quest. It can be loosely DnD style or not, we can create our own world, go on adventures, and occasionally have erotic roleplay.

You can be a maiden in distress that I rescue, a bandit that wants me to spare your life at any cost, a fellow adventurer that I meet on my travels, or anything you want to be. Your only limit is your imagination.

I am a very good storyteller, can play the role of DM or narrator and am looking forward to our adventures! I'm new to this, so don't expect perfection but expect to have a fun time and occasionally get horny!
I'm interested in your fantasy rp idea. Sounds fun.
If you will have me as a writing partner, I have a few plot idea...
I think you might have your private messaging turned off
Looking for a long term female fantasy roleplay partner to provide me company on a medieval fantasy quest. It can be loosely DnD style or not, we can create our own world, go on adventures, and occasionally have erotic roleplay.

You can be a maiden in distress that I rescue, a bandit that wants me to spare your life at any cost, a fellow adventurer that I meet on my travels, or anything you want to be. Your only limit is your imagination.

I am a very good storyteller, can play the role of DM or narrator and am looking forward to our adventures! I'm new to this, so don't expect perfection but expect to have a fun time and occasionally get horny!
if still open we could communicate and see if our way of thinking meshes enough to start a story..
My thoughts ... young princess with 3 older brothers. The kingdom is at war and falls to invaders from North. The princess is captured and paraded naked by brutal barbarians. Do you play my brother who attempts a rescue? Or one of my oppressors? Possibly multiple character roles for you to write.
I love collaborative roleplay writing and like some historical settings - civil war Era South, revolutionary war, etc.
My thoughts ... young princess with 3 older brothers. The kingdom is at war and falls to invaders from North. The princess is captured and paraded naked by brutal barbarians. Do you play my brother who attempts a rescue? Or one of my oppressors? Possibly multiple character roles for you to write.
I love collaborative roleplay writing and like some historical settings - civil war Era South, revolutionary war,

Looking for a long term female fantasy roleplay partner to provide me company on a medieval fantasy quest. It can be loosely DnD style or not, we can create our own world, go on adventures, and occasionally have erotic roleplay.

You can be a maiden in distress that I rescue, a bandit that wants me to spare your life at any cost, a fellow adventurer that I meet on my travels, or anything you want to be. Your only limit is your imagination.

I am a very good storyteller, can play the role of DM or narrator and am looking forward to our adventures! I'm new to this, so don't expect perfection but expect to have a fun time and occasionally get horny!
I may be late to the party (and i am still in season 1) but I just started watching Outlander on Netflix. It is amazingly hot ... and right in line with a fantasy (a previous reply post). I would love to roleplay something very similar.
Looking for a long term female fantasy roleplay partner to provide me company on a medieval fantasy quest. It can be loosely DnD style or not, we can create our own world, go on adventures, and occasionally have erotic roleplay.

You can be a maiden in distress that I rescue, a bandit that wants me to spare your life at any cost, a fellow adventurer that I meet on my travels, or anything you want to be. Your only limit is your imagination.

I am a very good storyteller, can play the role of DM or narrator and am looking forward to our adventures! I'm new to this, so don't expect perfection but expect to have a fun time and occasionally get horny!
Google Chat -- shruti99shah@gmail.com

Discord - shruti99shah