28 ways to lose your drivers licence


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Advocating overthrow of government

New York: It's against federal law to advocate overthrowing the U.S. government, and is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000. New York takes it a step further, allowing the state to suspend a driver's license for the crime.
Operating amusement park ride while intoxicated

Texas: The Lone Star State takes operation of machinery while intoxicated seriously. Offenses of this kind in Texas make our list three separate times. If you've often worried about the safety of amusement park rides, relax. It is illegal for a drunken carnival worker to assemble the Tilt-A-Whirl and could keep that worker off the roads for up to a year.
Boating while intoxicated

Texas: Called a BWI or BUI, boating under the influence, with a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or higher, is illegal. The penalties are the same as for driving a car while drunk: a fine, jail time or a suspended license. Police don't need probable cause for a stop or sobriety tests
Bouncing a check

Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana and Minnesota, among others: In these states, passing a bad check can lead to losing a driver's license. The license of U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) was suspended briefly after he bounced a check for his driver's license renewal fee in 2010.
Advocating overthrow of government

New York: It's against federal law to advocate overthrowing the U.S. government, and is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000. New York takes it a step further, allowing the state to suspend a driver's license for the crime.

except if you are a MOOSEFUCK or an OCCUPIER
Failing to pay child support

Every state: This became the first nondriving offense linked to a driver's license in 1975, when Congress established a program to ensure that noncustodial parents financially support their children. It's the one penalty that the AAMVA says actually works, increasing child support payments in some states.
Failing to pay alimony

Nebraska: While the rest of the country goes after child support payments, Nebraska is the only state that will suspend a license if an ex-spouse doesn't get the alimony payment on time.
...leading to...anarchists on bikes...

Failing to pay parking violations

Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Rhode Island: The AAMVA suggests alternatives to driver's license suspensions, such as garnisheeing wages to get people to pay parking tickets. Chicago, for example, collected more than $15 million in the first five years of a program by garnisheeing the wages of city employees with unpaid parking tickets and water bills.
Failing to pay tolls

Illinois and Maine: Illinois suspends the licenses of drivers who skip paying tolls five or more times, while Maine will give an indefinite suspension until the fine is paid for one turnpike toll evasion.
Failing to submit to a genetic test

Florida: The Sunshine State gave out 486 such suspensions in 2010 to people who failed to show up for court-ordered genetic testing for child-support cases.
Flying while intoxicated

Texas: A drunken pilot could lose driving privileges for between 90 days and two years. No suspensions were issued in 2010.
Fuel piracy/theft

More than a dozen states, including Arizona, California, Oregon, Texas and Pennsylvania: A conviction for stealing gas in Oregon is a serious enough offense that you could lose your license for up to six months.
Littering from a motor vehicle

Arizona and Oregon: These states may take away your driving privileges if you toss something out of the car.
Minor using false ID to purchase alcohol

Indiana, Michigan, New York, Texas, Vermont and others: In these states, using a fake ID to buy beer (or other alcoholic beverages) could mean a license suspension. And if you don't yet have a driver's license, it could be a while longer before you get one.
Open container possession by a passenger

Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and New Mexico: Since a bottle of beer can easily be passed from a passenger to a driver, these states make it illegal for a nondriver to have one. In Illinois, the first conviction results in a six-month license suspension.
Prostitution/solicitation/failure to appear at john school

California and Florida: Prostitutes and their customers can lose their driver's licenses in these states. Both states prevent soliciting a prostitute from a car, and California will also suspend if solicitation happens within 1,000 feet of a house.
Public intoxication/consumption

Iowa and Texas: This applies to juveniles in Iowa, where there were no such violations in 2010. Texas, however, had 1,194 suspensions for public intoxication in 2010, with the law applying to all ages.
Tow truck driver graft

California: If you ever wanted to offer a tip to a tow truck driver for getting your car out of storage, don't do it in California. The tow truck driver could be convicted of receiving a gratuity and would lose his or her driver's license for at least four months.
Leaving a child unattended in a running auto

Washington: Although no one was cited in 2010, this irresponsible act can result in a one-year license suspension in the Evergreen State.
Maybe the greatest thing about not having a driver's license is...

...absolutely no one can ever take it away from you.