25 poorest states

The article makes assumptions based on the authors personal preferences and glosses over hard facts in order to promote those assumptions as something more than they are.

For instance; the article asserts that Mississippi is the "poorest" State with the highest poverty rate. Yet, if you consider what that really means you realize that the poverty rate is 18% in Mississippi.

18%, or 1 in 6, are at or below the poverty rate.

Think about what that means in context of the rest of the world. Think about what that means in the context of where Mississippi is compared to where it was 200 years ago. Think about what it means that ONLY 1 person out of every 6 in Mississippi struggles to have adequate food and shelter.

Can we do better? Yes. But the statistics aren't as grim as the author would like you to believe. In fact, they're actually pretty dam good. All things considered.

The author makes similar mistakes when citing to the education levels. He inserts his personal views into the article and then extrapolates "good/bad" from there.
It is based on numbers...math. a concept a lawyer could never understand. The kids table is over there. This thread is for adults
It is simple...there are 50 states in the Union. The median will be between the 25th and 26th ranked state...unless they are tied. They can pick whatever quantitative metric they choose that represents financial well-being. They can then rank the states. They can make their case as for why the Republican run states dominate the lower 50% no matter what metric they choose.
It is based on numbers...math. a concept a lawyer could never understand. The kids table is over there. This thread is for adults

Why yes, math. You know, that 18%, or 1-in-6, I mentioned.

See, the problem here is that you cannot THINK for yourself so you blithely repeat what you hear from your chosen news source. You don't understand it, you just repeat it. And then you try and belittle anyone who points out that the point under discussion is the one on the top of your head.

Did you know that Mississippi was devastated economically even before the civil war began? 55% of the population (~400,000 blacks and ~350,000 whites) in Mississippi had NOTHING because they were slaves. Most had no money of their own, housing was at the whim of their owners, and food was provided based on their productivity and even then it might not have been of good quality or nutritious.

So with 18% of Mississippi's population living below the poverty line that's a VAST improvement over yesterday's 55%.

Or couldn't you figure that out on your own while you were trying to use someone eles's ignorant bullshit in your failed attempt to bash the poorest states for being, of all things, poor?

More news for you to help alleviate your overwhelming ignorance:

In 2019 Mississippi was the ONLY state to have improved 4th and 8th grade reading literacy. That doesn't happen without someone understanding that improvement was needed and then working to achieve that success.

Meanwhile all those other States (you know the other 49) kept on doing what they had been doing instead of helping their citizens do more, achieve more, BE more. And their scores suffered accordingly.

So you go on thinking that I'm the one who missed the point even though everyone else can easily see that you're completely fucked in the head and thinking that it's ok to bash the poor for being in the situation they're in. So you keep on doing that instead of lauding them for climbing out of the hole one hard-won rung at a time while YOU sit back and brag about how superior you are.
The point is simple...use any metric you choose that represents financial well-being as long as it is quantitative...rank the states based on your metric of choice. Instead of looking at one state...and where it ranks...look at the bottom 25. Again...use your quantitative metric. Then ask yourself...why are they predominately Republican run states?
The point is simple...use any metric you choose that represents financial well-being as long as it is quantitative...rank the states based on your metric of choice. Instead of looking at one state...and where it ranks...look at the bottom 25. Again...use your quantitative metric. Then ask yourself...why are they predominately Republican run states?
I can picture HisArpy pondering that question, while sipping on some nice cool Carbon based water.
The point is simple...use any metric you choose that represents financial well-being as long as it is quantitative...rank the states based on your metric of choice. Instead of looking at one state...and where it ranks...look at the bottom 25. Again...use your quantitative metric. Then ask yourself...why are they predominately Republican run states?

^ yup, stuck on stupid.

THE point here is that the author wrote the article from a viewpoint intended to do only 1 thing; bash the poorest state for being poor. You swallowed the original author's propaganda whole and smacked your lips over the taste of bullshit. You even sprinkled political animas on top for that extra bit of zing.

I would rather read an article talking about how far Mississippi has come despite the mountain they've had to climb. Which perhaps distinguishes the difference between the Left and the Right - only the Right views the world with an eye toward lifting everyone up out of the mud by creating social order and opportunities. The Left destroys social order and removes/prevents opportunity so everyone stays equally filthy while remaining stuck deep in the mud.
A state...that was ranked 48th...improves to 45th...and that is something to celebrate? Focus on the point. Why is in any ranking...the bottom half dominated by Republican run states?
A state...that was ranked 48th...improves to 45th...and that is something to celebrate? Focus on the point. Why is in any ranking...the bottom half dominated by Republican run states?
That has to be fake news! Donā€™t tell the well intentioned MAGA folks the truth!

They are used to their leaders making it all up to blame the left.

The MAGA folks know mismanagement is only found in blue states and cities.

Or they are in the bottom half because the data is rigged.

Or they will blame Hunter somehow.

Kinda comical as the reasons bubble up.
The article makes assumptions based on the authors personal preferences and glosses over hard facts in order to promote those assumptions as something more than they are.

For instance; the article asserts that Mississippi is the "poorest" State with the highest poverty rate. Yet, if you consider what that really means you realize that the poverty rate is 18% in Mississippi.

18%, or 1 in 6, are at or below the poverty rate.

Think about what that means in context of the rest of the world. Think about what that means in the context of where Mississippi is compared to where it was 200 years ago. Think about what it means that ONLY 1 person out of every 6 in Mississippi struggles to have adequate food and shelter.

Can we do better? Yes. But the statistics aren't as grim as the author would like you to believe. In fact, they're actually pretty dam good. All things considered.

The author makes similar mistakes when citing to the education levels. He inserts his personal views into the article and then extrapolates "good/bad" from there.
This is some BoBo-class rationalization. "But...but...200 years ago" is reminiscent of BoBo's "But..but...back in the 5th century AD..."
It is simple...there are 50 states in the Union. The median will be between the 25th and 26th ranked state...unless they are tied. They can pick whatever quantitative metric they choose that represents financial well-being. They can then rank the states. They can make their case as for why the Republican run states dominate the lower 50% no matter what metric they choose.
You miss the warning sign in your own post. The Dems are losing and throwing away the poor vote. Not satisfied with just losing, Dems now insult and attack the poor.
You miss the warning sign in your own post. The Dems are losing and throwing away the poor vote. Not satisfied with just losing, Dems now insult and attack the poor.
Drawing attention to the piss poor levels of poverty in states that boast "Hurr durr! We haz lower taxes!" is not attacking and/or insulting the poor. It is drawing attention to the poor leadership and legislatures in these states.
Drawing attention to the piss poor levels of poverty in states that boast "Hurr durr! We haz lower taxes!" is not attacking and/or insulting the poor. It is drawing attention to the poor leadership and legislatures in these states.
We could start with the states with the most homeless.
^DC is highest. Alaska is higher than I expected, in a harsh climate. Traditional tribal homes and other Alaskan solutions for living might not meet legal standards of homes.
"We" could, but people would immediately recognize a craven attempt at "Whaddaboutism" and laugh at "us".
States with lower living costs have more people officially living in poverty, but with homes. They may have enough land to grow their own food. In sky high expensive states, many people have well paying jobs and they're still homeless. Expensive states are losing population.
So you are saying we will need some complicated formula like Quarterback Rating to do an apples to oranges comparison? I would imagine something like that already exists.

We do know not a large portion of folks out there can handle raw numbers from more than 2 or 3 things before itā€™s as clear as mud.
Why yes, math. You know, that 18%, or 1-in-6, I mentioned.

See, the problem here is that you cannot THINK for yourself so you blithely repeat what you hear from your chosen news source. You don't understand it, you just repeat it. And then you try and belittle anyone who points out that the point under discussion is the one on the top of your head.

Did you know that Mississippi was devastated economically even before the civil war began? 55% of the population (~400,000 blacks and ~350,000 whites) in Mississippi had NOTHING because they were slaves. Most had no money of their own, housing was at the whim of their owners, and food was provided based on their productivity and even then it might not have been of good quality or nutritious.

So with 18% of Mississippi's population living below the poverty line that's a VAST improvement over yesterday's 55%.

Or couldn't you figure that out on your own while you were trying to use someone eles's ignorant bullshit in your failed attempt to bash the poorest states for being, of all things, poor?

More news for you to help alleviate your overwhelming ignorance:

In 2019 Mississippi was the ONLY state to have improved 4th and 8th grade reading literacy. That doesn't happen without someone understanding that improvement was needed and then working to achieve that success.

Meanwhile all those other States (you know the other 49) kept on doing what they had been doing instead of helping their citizens do more, achieve more, BE more. And their scores suffered accordingly.

So you go on thinking that I'm the one who missed the point even though everyone else can easily see that you're completely fucked in the head and thinking that it's ok to bash the poor for being in the situation they're in. So you keep on doing that instead of lauding them for climbing out of the hole one hard-won rung at a time while YOU sit back and brag about how superior you are.

Wow Harpy,

You just man-splaind some aspects of critical race theory very well. šŸ‘

Do you realize that teachers in some red states can be fired for saying what you just did?