2016 Holy War Crusade


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
I've been toying with this idea and bating some people on this subject...I'm curious about the political side of America (well the corruption and the sell out of America).

Now, this is going to be a total asshat story but fun to write.


1. The Foreign Legion lost their bases in Africa and support from the French Government
2. American personal Income Tax jumps up to 65%
3. Unemployment moves back to 12% real unemployment 35%
4. States of CA, IL, NY file for bankruptcy and issue warrants instead of Checks
5. 2013 Iran captures ten of our drones and reverse engineer them
6. 2013 (or next election) a muslim is elected to Governor of Michigan
7. year later the governor of MI issues sharia law and replaces the Bible with the koran
8. 2014 China invades the four Corners
9. 2014 China secret Navy surrounds Twain
10. 2014 China air force goes toe to toe with the US Navy and wins
11. 2014 China sends three invisible drones into two Air Craft Carriers
12. 2015 Radical Islam takes over 3/4 of Africa and France
13. 2016 Sequester II hits and this time Social Security, Welfare and most entitlement programs can no longer be supported and warrants (IOUs) are issued instead
14. 2016 no longer able to support the military and all government plans are grounded
15. 2016 no longer able to support the navy, all ships are called back to port or pull into port before they run out of fuel
16. 2016 terrorist attacks in NYC subway and tunnels
17. 2016 terrorist attacks on major free/toll ways

at this point, people start to wake up and we have two America's. Those that want more obamaism aka socialism and those that want a free county. The question is where will the military and police stand?

This might be too much of a story with too many war fronts and issues ....

I think it has potential. The Civil War is popular as fuck for stories, so why not have a new one? Who would you be focusing on, though? Some individual soldier, or the president, or some couples stuck on the wrong side of the border, e.g. Christians in Michigan?
Why not have aliens invade or a Jedi elected president. It's more realistic than this garbage.
Why not have aliens invade or a Jedi elected president. It's more realistic than this garbage.

Sean, this isn't the GB so if you want to play in the GB go to the GB. So, either add value or STFU and play your silly games elsewhere. Please grow up and act a little mature.
Sean, this isn't the GB so if you want to play in the GB go to the GB. So, either add value or STFU and play your silly games elsewhere. Please grow up and act a little mature.

So go tell a Mod about me. If you weren't basically bringing your GB idiocy here I'd probably ignore you. Probably.

Realistic =/= interesting. It's not a textbook, it's a story for entertainment. (I assume...)

It's more about Jen and her far right wing silliness. Note that she's talking about Obamaism. Look at all the moving parts are pretty much "look liberals fucked up the world". It's not a story idea, it's a political post that's in the story ideas section.

As for value added. The suspension of belief needed for this story to work is simply far to high because it deals with real world things that simply cannot happen and premise is simply America is DOOMED!!!!!!! You'd be better off going with Peak Oil hitting. Peak Oil would thrash the US economy, we simply lack the infrastructure to deal with the changes and it causes most of the non-political problems in the list. It certainly goes a long way towards benching the US fleet and keeping us from interfering with China taking over Asia.

Once the US economy falls Europe falls pretty quick just like they did a few years ago.

Not that most of this information is important. If the point is American Civil War II (and not I hate Obama and liberals and look how I cleverly dropped it someplace where people won't call me on my bullshit) then it's easy enough to skip to the end.

The problem here is that any realistic split of country for such a fight ends up a fabulous curb stomp. If it's (as jen subtly doesn't say) red states vs blue states California's economics (not to mention our massive agriculture and access to the sea) would practically let the blue states STARVE the red into submission without firing a single bullet. Barring that we've still got most of the manufacturing in blue states. Hard to fight a war when you fairly quickly are going to not have a lot in the way of weapons and vehicles.

If it somehow magically split amongst voters and nobody had any loyalty to their states (unlikely but for the sake of argument) then it's just a big clusterfuck. It would be Dems vs Repub vs the military and police trying to regain control of what would be effectively a failed state. Which ends with Dems winning for a number of reasons, first they out number Reps no matter how you do the math and more to the point Dems would likely be able to call on allies. Reps would be abandoned at the best they could hope for is the rest of the world looking in and deciding they want no piece of this fight and simply stand back and watch. Which they might. (Though just due to the global economy it's really not in their best interest to let America remain a failed state forever) And who are the Canadians and Europeans going to side with? The people shooting people because socialized medicine is the death of freedom and capitalism? Not bloody likely.

The timeline presented only makes sense if we're playing Risk. The only way China takes over Asia and beats the Americans in a battle NEXT YEAR is if our leaders get together and decide to get together and have an olde timey battle.

If you wanted to make the story more realistic you have either start earlier, say with Carter, then progress into a 2012 where America is in MUCH worse shape than we are right now or fast forward to say 2020 at the soonest so we can GET into worse shape. I'd probably toss in a natural disaster or two. (Though both defeat the point that this is fuck you Obama fan fic)

Or you could make it where Jen's right and the liberals all around the world have been secretly teaming up for years, they crashed the American economy on purpose in 2008, they do it again 2013 and once more in 2015. Battered and hungry the American people are willing to give socialism a chance. Obama is declared God King for life and the country splits. The military largely goes Red in this scenario as their loyalty (technically) is to the Constitution NOT the President but the police end up siding largely with the God King because what they actually want is order and safety for their communities. Best part, God King Obama outlaws Christianity because the only thing he wants worshiped is himself, and commissions a crown from melted down gold from all the hard working Americans, the rest is redistributed to his political allies. In the end the Obamanites who lack the inteligence or work ethic to survive with the the Hard Workers starve to death after a few years. Ted Nugent and his merry band of Navy SEALs are able to storm the White House and take the Evil God King off to jail.
Sean, I realize you lack intelligence and moral fiber. But this is pure entertainment and fiction. Grow up and go back to GB. Sorry that I don't pay attention to you but this isn't the place for your childish games
Like I said. Go get a mod. There is one for the story ideas, at least in theory. Feel free to inform them that I called you an idiot. You asked me to add value or STFU. I gave plenty of suggestions on how you can improve the premise and make it more realistic.

So at this point you're the one who's not contributing. Sorry Jen. I know you're not very bright but could you contribute to the story?

Also aside from just being jerks I'm not seeing the motivation for most of these attacks. I mean what is China's plan and what's with the the terrorist attacks. We know that Al Qaeda's plan was to cripple the US economy by drawing us into a war we couldn't win. In this story however the US is already economically crippled to the point of not being able to maintain a military. An attack in THIS version of 2016 is just the terrorists being twats for the sake of being twats.

Terrorists have support (in the real world) because it's easy to convince hungry people that those vicious Americans who spend more on money entertaining themselves than finding a way to FEED you deserve what they get. When you can look around tell them that the reason why so and so dictator controls their country is because the Americans PUT him in charge it's one thing. When the Americans don't have a military and can't bully anybody and are starving and getting punked by the Chinese attacking them doesn't serve any purpose except being twats. They wouldn't have the support of their people anymore and it's not impossible that the people would support the Americans. If you move it however to earlier in the timeline (like 2013) it can be part of what drives the US economy back into the shitter. (it wouldn't realistically be enough to drive us off the bridge by 2016 but hey.)

Part of fiction is that for it to be good it has to be "believable" By which I mean it has to follow the rules of the universe it's set in. This timeline simply doesn't work. It's pretty close to impossible for a Muslim to get elected and completely impossible for one to impose Sharia Law IN ONE YEAR. Now as part of a large plan taking perhaps a decade you could impose Sharia Law (mostly because 90% of is Christian Law. All you have to do is convince the conservatives to support things they already support.) However this part should be removed from the story because it doesn't actually serve a purpose to the narrative which is about the economic collapse of America and the pending civil war. This serves only to remind people that Muslims are BAD and should be opposed at every turn. The same can largely be said about the Islamification of Africa and France. It doesn't seem to explain how the economy gets so bad or why China is allowed to run rampant.

Where is Russia in this story anyway? Did they effectively sit out the what amounts to the end of the modern world? Did they team with China?

(sigh) Why Michigan? Minnesota has the Muslim Senator and a habit of electing unconventional governors (Jessie Ventura?). Still, this looks like too much of a romp into politics rather than roleplay. The premise is "potentially" realistic enough, but the story would never get off the ground because the left and right would be sniping at the edges, as anyone can see from the conversation above. Better to write a roleplay where there aren't trolls waiting in the shadows to sabotage the story.

(sigh) Why Michigan? Minnesota has the Muslim Senator and a habit of electing unconventional governors (Jessie Ventura?). Still, this looks like too much of a romp into politics rather than roleplay. The premise is "potentially" realistic enough, but the story would never get off the ground because the left and right would be sniping at the edges, as anyone can see from the conversation above. Better to write a roleplay where there aren't trolls waiting in the shadows to sabotage the story.

Well, Detroit being so broke I can easily see it falling. I agree with what you are saying on how easily this can turn into a political quagmire of a story. The goal is to make it like the original 'Red Dawn' or even better talk about all those horrible what if's and tell the story like "The Walking Dead"

the shit hit the fan and now we have survivors and how life has changed.
Well, Detroit being so broke I can easily see it falling. I agree with what you are saying on how easily this can turn into a political quagmire of a story. The goal is to make it like the original 'Red Dawn' or even better talk about all those horrible what if's and tell the story like "The Walking Dead"

the shit hit the fan and now we have survivors and how life has changed.

To avoid the "political quagmire", you'd have to replace the real politicians with fictional politicians. I mean, the moment you bring Obama's name into the topic, the conversation becomes more about Obama's politics than about the scenario that you posed. The scenario is doable, but only if you don't have people entering this scenario (are you planning this as a group roleplay?) with the express purpose of sabotaging the roleplay with their own partisan views.

And I'm still wondering about GB. Is that some reference to George Bush on the stereotypical assumption that everyone who criticizes President Obama absolutely has to be a fan of George Bush?
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(sigh) Why Michigan? Minnesota has the Muslim Senator and a habit of electing unconventional governors (Jessie Ventura?). Still, this looks like too much of a romp into politics rather than roleplay. The premise is "potentially" realistic enough, but the story would never get off the ground because the left and right would be sniping at the edges, as anyone can see from the conversation above. Better to write a roleplay where there aren't trolls waiting in the shadows to sabotage the story.

The General Board. The problem with this as a role play is roughly the same with it as a story. It's simply got too much going on that doesn't really tie together in any logical way. Picking any one group would be be far better

Well, Detroit being so broke I can easily see it falling. I agree with what you are saying on how easily this can turn into a political quagmire of a story. The goal is to make it like the original 'Red Dawn' or even better talk about all those horrible what if's and tell the story like "The Walking Dead"

the shit hit the fan and now we have survivors and how life has changed.

Notice how Detroit being broke is the reason why they elect a Muslim.

If the goal is to make Red Dawn. . .first stop. Much like Hop on Pop that's too complex for you Jen, but if wasn't then just skip to the end just like in the Walking Dead and nearly every zombie movie ever made. We almost never see the initial days of the infection, we always skip straight to how do people deal with the change.

So this story would work if it starts at the end with the collapse of America and the Civil War is already underway and the only mentions of China or France or Islam are brought in when it's relevant to the story. It's rarely wise to give out information that isn't important anyway since it forces you to keep it later. Perhaps after telling how the Civil War 2 is going it makes more sense for China to move in as the ally of the American Left. Which doesn't work if we just exited a war with them but it makes perfect sense (well it makes Jen sense) that the American liberal who's just a socialist commie would ask for help from the other socialist commies when it became obvious that they had no way or winning the war.
wow, really got under your skin. fiction is fiction and you want to make this personal. if you don't like my idea, shut the fuck up and go back to the GB

this story has legs, again if you don't like it STFU
To avoid the "political quagmire", you'd have to replace the real politicians with fictional politicians. I mean, the moment you bring Obama's name into the topic, the conversation becomes more about Obama's politics than about the scenario that you posed. The scenario is doable, but only if you don't have people entering this scenario (are you planning this as a group roleplay?) with the express purpose of sabotaging the roleplay with their own partisan views.

And I'm still wondering about GB. Is that some reference to George Bush on the stereotypical assumption that everyone who criticizes President Obama absolutely has to be a fan of George Bush?

yeah you have a point. no current political names.

Now I want to show that both sides are the same and both are responsible for bringing down America.

Not going to put it into a roleplay but into a book. Love the fact that you are poke holes.
Oh! My bad. :eek:

I don't usually wander out of the roleplay section of this site. Not because I don't have an interest in politics, but because I have other sites I argue politics on. I came to Literotica to roleplay.

General Board was not even on my list of guesses. I was thinking GB referred either another site that everyone holds in contempt (based on the language above) or George Bush. Sorry. :eek:
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even though this is doom and gloom, it sets the stage for something greater than 2008....one where we can't bounce back.

where the credit markets crash
where wall street cashes

with the break out with the China military, that means they will call up all their loans and no longer loan America money. thinking this will have a negative ripple effect on their county as well, but since they are communist they can adapt and they planned for this by adding camps for protesters (room for upwards of 50 million and they do not care about human rights).
Oh! My bad. :eek:

I don't usually wander out of the roleplay section of this site. Not that I don't have an interest in politics, but because I have other sites I argue politics on. I came to Literotica to roleplay.

General Board was not even on my list of guesses. I was thinking GB referred either another site that everyone holds in contempt (based on the language above) or George Bush. Sorry, :eek:

lol, how would one role play an idea like this one?
and if anything this is anti government as a whole, not anti Rep or Dem
lol, how would one role play an idea like this one?
and if anything this is anti government as a whole, not anti Rep or Dem

Well, politics don't usually come into the Story Ideas section of this site either. So it threw me off. I don't know if this would be a feasible roleplay or not. It DOES sound more like a novel.

And yes, I blame both parties for the mess this country is in. Ever read the minutes of the House and Senate hearings to put tougher controls onto Fannie and Freddie to avoid the collapse of the housing market? The only reason I can't get the full minutes of the Senate Banking Committee hearings is probably because Chairman Dobbs found his statements embarrassing to look back on.

In addition to the Democrats and Republicans, I blame the people for believing that, not only were they entitled to a house they couldn't afford. But that the government would fund the loans that the people knew that they couldn't possibly pay back. How did Pogo put it? "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
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Well, politics don't usually come into the Story Ideas section of this site either. So it threw me off.

And yes, I blame both parties for the mess this country is in. Ever read the minutes of the House and Senate hearings to put tougher controls onto Fannie and Freddie to avoid the collapse of the housing market? The only reason I can't get the full minutes of the Senate Banking Committee hearings is probably because Chairman Dobbs found his statements embarrassing to look back on.

In addition to the Democrats and Republicans, I blame the people for believing that, not only were they entitled to a house they couldn't afford, that the government would fund the loans that the people knew that they couldn't possibly pay back. How did Pogo put it? "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

yep...but enough about politics. the goal is to show a complete break down and that so many parts broke, that America just can't pop up.

i'm thinking cities will turn to war zones in a week when no goods come in and no money goes to pay police.

so the best part will be to talk about war's in the city...then focus in on a small town where people are more like family and less chance for a social break down
yep...but enough about politics. the goal is to show a complete break down and that so many parts broke, that America just can't pop up.

i'm thinking cities will turn to war zones in a week when no goods come in and no money goes to pay police.

so the best part will be to talk about war's in the city...then focus in on a small town where people are more like family and less chance for a social break down

I don't know. Too many variables there that, while plausible individually, are hard to imagine in consecutive order. Can you honestly see any state adopting Sharia law, no matter who's the governor? And the Islamic population of France is a long way from being large enough to take over at the polls, much less as a coup d'etat in three years time. You have some possibles above mixed in with what I would consider improbable, either because there's no way it would happen or because there's no way it would happen in such a short time span. The time span of a single presidential term of office.
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The reason this stuff all happens over four years is that it's not really a story idea. It's a fuck Obama thread.

In addition to the Democrats and Republicans, I blame the people for believing that, not only were they entitled to a house they couldn't afford. But that the government would fund the loans that the people knew that they couldn't possibly pay back. How did Pogo put it? "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Fair enough, though I blame the bankers MORE. It's like if a parent tosses their kid the keys to the car knowing they don't have a license. Sure the kid should have refused and they did fuck up but one person here was supposed to be the responsible one.

yep...but enough about politics. the goal is to show a complete break down and that so many parts broke, that America just can't pop up.

i'm thinking cities will turn to war zones in a week when no goods come in and no money goes to pay police.

so the best part will be to talk about war's in the city...then focus in on a small town where people are more like family and less chance for a social break down

That's actually not a bad idea. It solves most of the problems that I mentioned with a solution that I basically suggested. It's the story idea section Jenny poo and I've contributed a great deal. I know you're a very very poor author and as a result you don't understand that criticism HELPS the author, frankly more than flattery does. I'm sorry you can't take it, I'm sorry you tried to pass off a fuck you OBama thread as a story and I'm sorry that Rory is gonna find this when you post it. . .okay I'm really not sorry about that last part.
Fair enough, though I blame the bankers MORE. It's like if a parent tosses their kid the keys to the car knowing they don't have a license. Sure the kid should have refused and they did fuck up but one person here was supposed to be the responsible one.

Yes, the bankers bear some responsibility. But were they twisting anyone's arms and forcing them to take out those home loans? Like a certain community activist and ACORN were forcing banks in the Chicago area to give out loans with threats of demonstrations in front their establishments if they didn't? I wonder how many of those loans ever got paid back. Probably very few or some of those Chicago banks (i.e. Superior Bank) wouldn't have gone bankrupt.

It's too easy to blame the banks, Wall Street, or George Bush these days and give everyone else a pass. But I blame Phil Gramm, Chris Dodd, Barney Franks, and others who either loosened regulations that shouldn't have been loosened or refused to tighten regulations that should have been tightened. And that includes a certain community activist who forced banks to give out loans to people, not based on their ability to repay or based on their credit history, but based solely on them being minorities.
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Sean, this isn't the GB so if you want to play in the GB go to the GB. So, either add value or STFU and play your silly games elsewhere. Please grow up and act a little mature.

Funny, I was just about to comment that the original post belongs on the GB, not here. It's a political rant without even a hint of erotica.