2 porn stories (or ideas) on real (?) facts - possibly incest


Girls-with-Glasses Lover
Jul 9, 2002
Some time ago, I saw a report on tv, maybe this will inspire someone:

There is this young girl (somewhere between 18 to 21) who takes part in amateur porn movies. She just loves to be filmed during sex.

Well, the director and producer of this porn movies is her own father. But he doesn't mind that his own daughter has sex right before his eyes, and in front of the camera ....

So far, this was the report on tv (can't remember if it was fiction or if it was real) - but think of the different plots.

The father could fulfil the needs of the daughter. I mean, he could hire 3 guys with big dicks, because he knows his daughter loves big dicks.

Or, he becomes horny, when he sees how his daughter is fucked by a few guys .... now he wants to fuck her, too - maybe even in front of the camera .....

And, another porn story that I saw in a magazine (and I think this one was for real): There was this porn actor about 25-30 year old. His mother knows that he takes part in porn movies, but she has no problem with that. At one time, during the making of a porn movie, the movie company has a problem with the location - so the mother offers them: they could shoot some scenes in her own living room.
At one time, one of the female actresses got sick, and the mother said, she could replace her, she could take part in the porn movie. But the son declined that - so she didn't ....

But imagine: If this mother would take part in a porn movie ... at first, the son watches how she is fucked by 2 guys. Then, in the next scene, it was planned that the son fucks this mature lady - but since the actress was replaced with his mother .... the director offers to change the script, but the son says: I have no problem, I would love to fuck my mom in front of the camera ....

Oh, but just to make this clear: this is not the request to a story - but maybe it will inspire someone ....
actually I like that first idea. But I don't think the father should act on his lust for his daughter - no real incest going on, but it would still be an incest story.

I like the idea of him finding new ways to pleasure his daughter and all the while never being able to touch her himself. Almost as if he is looking at her from a glass cage, and in fact, that is almost true since he can only get up close with the camera.

He wants to hide his lust, and feels guilty, but at the same time it is such a heavenly pleasure to see the young girl stuffed with three dicks at one time.

It is like a voyuer story of the best sort, with incest mixed in.

Chicklet said:
actually I like that first idea. But I don't think the father should act on his lust for his daughter - no real incest going on, but it would still be an incest story.

I like the idea of him finding new ways to pleasure his daughter and all the while never being able to touch her himself. Almost as if he is looking at her from a glass cage, and in fact, that is almost true since he can only get up close with the camera.

He wants to hide his lust, and feels guilty, but at the same time it is such a heavenly pleasure to see the young girl stuffed with three dicks at one time.

It is like a voyuer story of the best sort, with incest mixed in.


I agree. but then I like both incest and voyeur stories, so the two combined is kinda neat!:cool:
well, about the father/daughter story:

since he is the director, his daughter has to tell him what she likes and what not. So she could tell him: Daddy, what about a lesbian scene and later, I could be fucked in the butt by a black guy ....

And after the scene, she could tell him, that she faked her orgasm or something like that.

Later, he is in his office, and he is checking the video material. Back during the shooting of the scenes, he had to behave himself. But now he is all alone - and now he can't restrain himself - he masturbates while he watches the video.
(maybe his wife died or run away, so he is used to masturbate - but this was the first time, that he watched his daughter while he masturbated)
However, he gets envy: All this guys fuck his daughter - he would love to fuck her, too, but he can't.
And then: Back when the mother of the girl was 20, she looked very similar - so, for him, she was more then his daughter, she was almost a replacement for his wife. So literally, this guys fucked not only his daughter, but somehow, they also fucked his wife (if she would be still alive).

So, he is really envy, and he thinks, he should change some things. The next day, he tells his daughter about a new scene. It would be a "solo shoot". Just her, and maybe a dildo. She would masturbate in front of the camera. He filmed the whole thing and made many close up shoots. And again, when everyone was gone, he watched the movie and masturbated - literally, he masturbated together with his daughter - but of course, she only masturbated on video ....
The next day, he tells her that she will do a lesbian scene. (the father is only envy when he sees guys fucking his daughter - if another girl has sex with his daughter, he is not envy). The daughter is bi-sexual, so she has no problem with a girl-girl scene. And later, in his office, he masturbates again.
The next day, she has only a peeing scene .... the day after that, she has another dildo scene .... and every evening, he masturbates while he watches the porn movies of his daughter.

However, after some days, the girl is getting angry. She has no problems with stuff like peeing, lesbian and dildo scenes. But she had no scene with a guy in the last few days. She wants to ask her father, why she had no guy-girl scene in the last few days.

So after the shooting. when everyone is gone she walks over to his office, because she wants to talk to him. But before she walks into his office, she hears a moan. She opens the door a little bit and looks into the office. There, she sees her father, masturbating - and she sees that he is watching her porn movies. The girl realizes, that he would love to fuck her.

The next day, she walks over to him and says: "Hey dad, what about this scene: I could have sex with an older guy. He could be like 46, with dark hair. Maybe he is a movie director or something like that ....." (that is an exact description of her father)

He is happy, when he hears what his daughter offers him. Of course, he also realized that it would be wrong - but after he was so envy, all the time, he doesn't even think about denying the offer.

He fucks her, in front of the camera, even though the other people on the set know that they commit incest. From that day on, they do many more scenes and sell them (but due to some laws, they can't tell anyone that it's incest - but when they are asked, they also don't deny it)
I know I am replying to myself, but since it's a little bit different ....

I remember, last year there was this french woman who wrote a book about her sex life.

She commited, that she loved gang bangs. Sometimes, she visited parties where everyone just fucked around. So, sometimes, she was laying on a table while many guys (30 and more) fucked her in every hole.
She said: There where so many guys - some fucked me, but I couldn't see their face. So, literally, one of this guys could have been my father - I wouldn't notice it.

So, just translate that to the porn movie. The girl takes part in this huge gang bang. And, in the middle of the gang bang, the father starts to fuck her, too. (but personally, I prefer my "other" idea)
NASCARaddicted said:

And after the scene, she could tell him, that she faked her orgasm or something like that.

Later, he is in his office, and he is checking the video material. Back during the shooting of the scenes, he had to behave himself. But now he is all alone - and now he can't restrain himself - he masturbates while he watches the video.

I like the idea of her revealing that to him - any revelation of an intimate detail or such.

to make it more exciting you could make this the first one of her films, or else his first time directing. they've never worked together.

i also like the idea of him watching it later, and masturbating to his daughter. he tries to hold it back, and at first hardly even notices his arousal. he's guilty, but, what's the harm if he's not touching HER?

but in ch 2, does he give in to that taboo, Chicklet?
Chicklet said:

not in *my* story

sorry, didn't want to insult your intelligence ( which far outwrighs mine on my best day, which this ain't). just curious if you would indulge, but thought it too obvious.
however, this is one of the things that really turn me on, when it comes to this story idea.

I mean: usually, parents and (adult) kids don't talk much about sex. And now, here is this daughter. She tells her father that she loves anal sex. And of course, he watches her during sex. He can see the pussy of his daughter very close - and she doesn't mind.

One day, she walks into his office: "Dad, my pussy is sore, I think I can't work today" she sits on his desk, lifts her skirt, spreads her legs wide and shows him her naked pussy. "Can you see how sore she is ?" (o.k. that may be too much)

Another addition could be: Maybe the father is not only the director - he could also be one of the actors. So, from time to time, she watches how he fucks other women. (of course, she admires his big dick) And maybe they have a scene with 2 couples. So at one time, she has sex with a guy while her father is laying next to her and has sex with another woman.

Also: Maybe this is too unrealistic, but maybe it's not only father - daughter. Just imagine: Maybe the mother also makes porn movies (with different partners) and the brother also makes porn movies. In the end, they could gang bang live in front of the camera. (but then, this sounds too unrealistic - on the other hand - they are all into porn stuff, so maybe they are more open minded then other families)
first idea

i kinda like the first idea...

maybe it's because i have had some fantasies of doing it myself...

and also being film does sounds exiting but i was always too shy to do it...
