2 Divisions of Iraqi army ready to surrender...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
**Breaking News**

11th and 51st Divisions stationed near Basra...

I hear that the US and UK are trying to get the UN to take control of the oil fields and have the UN run the oil field under the humanty section (oil for food program)
p_p_man said:
**Breaking News**

11th and 51st Divisions stationed near Basra...


I guess they got hungry.... Damn, now we'll have to feed them.

Well, pp, if that's true, who is going to kill the GI's to go in all those thousands of body bags you kept talking about?
There's a lot of speculation...

that the surgical strike ordered by Bush may well have taken out top Iraqi officials. Even Saddam or his two sons.

Re: Re: 2 Divisions of Iraqi army ready to surrender...

Texan said:
I guess they got hungry.... Damn, now we'll have to feed them.



They've just been discussing that. The problem of passing 60,000 troops back down the line and keeping them safe so they can't fight back...

miles said:
Well, pp, if that's true, who is going to kill the GI's to go in all those thousands of body bags you kept talking about?

I wouldn't expect you to understand but this is not the time nor the thread for debate.

It's the time for finding out what's happening...

p_p_man said:
I wouldn't expect you to understand but this is not the time nor the thread for debate.

It's the time for finding out what's happening...



Who is debating you? I'm repeating the crap that comes out of your mouth.

Your sig line needs to be:
Everything I say is wrong.

If nothing else, you're consistent.

Purrde Flower said:
OMH haha that is so laughable coming from you. It really is.

You obviously don't know PP very well then.

When it comes to situations like this he is usually quiet sincere in his support for the safety of the troops.
p_p_man said:
I wouldn't expect you to understand but this is not the time nor the thread for debate.

It's the time for finding out what's happening...


nope no time for debate

and I agree with you as for finding out info.
Re: Re: 2 Divisions of Iraqi army ready to surrender...

Texan said:
I guess they got hungry.... Damn, now we'll have to feed them.


All joking aside, Norman Schwarzkopf stated on NBC news tonight that during the Desert Storm some Iraqi soldiers surrendered more than once. Apparently the Coalition forces tried to send them home and they came back and surrendered again. It's a sad commentary on the state of things in Iraq that being a POW is preferable to being free.
Seventeen Iraqi soldiers may have taken the U.S. leaflet campaign to heart as they surrendered Wednesday to U.S. troops.

Two New York Times correspondents embedded with the 3rd Infantry Division said 15 Iraqi border guards crossed over the border into Kuwait and surrendered Wednesday as some 20,000 American troops moved into the area.

Two other Iraqi soliders gave themselves up west of Abdali, Iraq, and were being held by Kuwaiti police with the others at a debriefing center at an undisclosed location, the officials said.

if my math is right thats 34
Still no news as to whether...

anyone senior was hit in the dawn strike.

One of the Sky News reporters based with UK troops somewhere in Kuwait reprted a chemical weapon alarm an hour ago.

It was not a drill but as it happened nothing happened either.

I suppose this is the quiet period before the big push...

thanks P-P-

I know we don't always get along but I hope we can while the war is on
Dreamguy001 said:
thanks P-P-

I know we don't always get along but I hope we can while the war is on

No problem...

After all it's very difficult to debate military action, unless both of us are part of the military planning team...

And I know I'm not...


p_p_man said:
No problem...

After all it's very difficult to debate ongoing military action, unless both of us are part of the military planning team...

And I know I'm not...

