2/3s of America thinks we're going off the cliff


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008

Are you optimistic about a last-minute deal to avert the fiscal cliff?
34% Yes
66% No

We've lost faith in our elected leadership.

Pleading for the Tea Party to understand they aren't in Kansas anymore.

The United States looks set to leap, eyes wide open, off the fiscal cliff, as an enormous $560bn package of tax increases and government spending cuts will land together on January 1. The fear is that taxes and spending cuts will hurt consumers and cause unemployment to rise, which in turn will slow down the US economy. The economy has made only meager progress toward growth in the past two years.
A deal won't happen because Boehner has more to gain by "standing by his principles." No matter how much he hurts the country he'll have an out to blame Obama and the Democrats for not bowing to his demands. He's more interested in staying Speaker of the House than doing his job.

You might be able to get 28 Republicans in the House to defect to Obama's plan, but the Tea Party absorption their party pulled to keep a schism in votes from happening was a poisoned pill rotting the party from the inside-out. It's unlikely any Republican senator who votes for Obama's plan would keep his seat simply because the Koch brothers and Grover Norquist would provide campaign funds for any challenger to their seat. This is ultimately why none will cross. Either ALL Republicans have to cross, making Norquist's money incapable of unseating them all, or none will.
The whole deal is political theater. Once they settle the struggle over whose ox is gored with spending cuts theyll move on.
Let's take a vote. Who says we should go over the fiscal cliff?

"Is it on the way to Santa Rosita?"


"Yes it is, and it's the fastest way there."

Well, what are we waiting for?
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I think we will go off the cliff, and then little deals to fix fewer issues, one or two at a time, will be agreed upon ... and in the end, we will come out better than we were.

Personally, I'd like to see the federal government scrapped. We need to start over, from a simpler position. We have so many things wrong with the current system that we will never fix them.
Let me guess, its the "Republicans fault" not Obama or the Democrats. Am I close?

No, there is more than enough blame to cover Congress in so deep that their approval rate is above them. :eek:

It's not party, but "STUPIDITY" that prevents us from being the "Shiny City on the Hill", rather than the "Shitty Sewer in the Swamp."
Not all, but a big part of it is sitting in the White House.

The White House doesn't control the House, where the bills are written. Don't blame the whiner in chief for the wieners in Congress not doing their jobs.
They were right there ready to make a deal. There was a $200B difference in taxes and a $200B in spending cuts. All that had to happen was to close the gap.

Then Boehner lost control of his caucus, his own Plan B couldn't be brought to the floor and he basically demonstrated he is too weak to deliver on a deal. Any deal. The president can't cut 230 deals with each individual Republican in the House and certainly not the 50 that have been bought and are in the pocket of Norquist and the 1%.

This is not a "Washington" failure. It is the failure of the GOP to put the country ahead of some tired dogma around "trickle down economics" that as been proven to be flawed economic theory.

End of story.

Are you optimistic about a last-minute deal to avert the fiscal cliff?
34% Yes
66% No

We've lost faith in our elected leadership.

Pleading for the Tea Party to understand they aren't in Kansas anymore.

At least 8 of 10 Americans...

...have no idea what "the fiscal cliff" is.
California is bankrupt, and it's only going get worse.

How does anyone in any State think they can imagine what's happening here?

This State is circling the drain, people.

And it's also your major source of food.
Watching an empire in decay is kinda cool.

It happens to all the greats. Judy Garland, Yankees, Ali, Romans, Sony.