2.3 trillion mysteriously went missing the day before 9/11


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
2.3 trillion dollars mysteriously went missing from the department of defense on 9/10/01, the very day before September 11th.

$2,300,000,000,000 is a staggering amount of money, it does not simply go missing without a trace.

What the fuck?.....

Hey Mike, where have you been? GFY, quit posting weird pics on Mike's threads. BTW, you are two different people, right?

2.3 trillion dollars mysteriously went missing from the department of defense on 9/10/01, the very day before September 11th.

$2,300,000,000,000 is a staggering amount of money, it does not simply go missing without a trace...

I don't believe the government's version about 9/11. I makes me mad our government lies to us. :mad:
I don't believe the government's version about 9/11. I makes me mad our government lies to us. :mad:

It makes me mad that tin foil hat lunatics make up their own lies about 9/11, the moon landings and the Kennedy assassination to substitute for the government's.

At least Congress and the President are professional liars and ultimately tell the truth when they are forced to.

Conspiracy nut jobs (like yourself?) are rank amateurs who nonetheless insist on rejecting the most obvious explanations in favor of the most rationally improbable if not outright impossible scenarios.

Theirs is a world of abject stupidity amplified by the brute force of unfounded arrogance.