1st Person Writing for the Opposite Sex


Literotica Guru
Feb 25, 2001
I have written several stories in the first person where I was someone of the opposite sex. I don't know why I find it so erotic to imagine women like the ones I become, but for me it is some of my hottest writing. I had always assumed that, me being a male, women wouldn't relate to my characters. They tend to be cock-hungry fuck sluts... every man's dream. I was surprised at all the feedback I received from women who reacted positively to these stories (mostly anonymous). I guess my question is twofold:

1 - Do others write as members of the opposite sex, and do they find it a turn-on? I would be particularly interested in knowing if there are women who write as men's characters.

2- Do women really fantasize about behaving in the nasty, uninhibited manner that men (or maybe just me, but I don't think so) like to think they wish to behave? Maybe just some of the time? Or do women just find it hot reading about it in a story?

In case you're interested, two of my female point-of-view stories are listed below.

The Letter

Diary of a Teenager - 1
Erlikkhan said:
1 - Do others write as members of the opposite sex, and do they find it a turn-on? I would be particularly interested in knowing if there are women who write as men's characters.

2- Do women really fantasize about behaving in the nasty, uninhibited manner that men (or maybe just me, but I don't think so) like to think they wish to behave? Maybe just some of the time? Or do women just find it hot reading about it in a story?

1. I have written from the male POV, and once even the male first person POV when the character was a gay male gargoyle ... I found it far more of a challenge than a turn-on, in truth! ;) But in general, I enjoy that kind of challenge.

2. Some do, some of the time ... it all depends on the people, the mood, the situation.

1. When I wrote Megan My Dear in the male perspective, I found it fun and interesting, but not terribly arousing.

2. Depends on my mood
I've written one story in first person, present tense from a male pov. I found it to be very difficult at first. I had to re-write the first few chapters several times because I made the protagonist sound too feminine for the character I was trying to portray. I didn't find that writing from a male pov as arousing itself. I did find it rather fun though and a good exercise.

"Do women really fantasize about behaving in the nasty, uninhibited manner that men (or maybe just me, but I don't think so) like to think they wish to behave? Maybe just some of the time? Or do women just find it hot reading about it in a story?"

Most of the "nasty, uninhibited" scenes portrayed in many stories are not very realistic. I can't quite picture myself in a bar room on a pool table begging all the strange men to fuck me all night long (not saying that is in one of your stories!!). I can find some of those scenes arousing though as a reader, looking at it as a fantasy. I just can't picture myself doing it though in real life.
Changing genders

Those are very interesting questions.

I tend to bias my stories towards the woman's POV because I think women's experience of sex is more interesting and complex than men's, and I guess because it interests me more. I already know what men feel & that's pretty damned simple. But I spend a lot of time trying to imagine what sex and desire is like from a woman's POV.

I've written as a woman, but nothing lately. I should try it again. In one piece I got stuck because i really didn't know what it physically felt like for a woman to be horny &/or aroused. I had some guesses on arousal, and I think I came close, but horniness is another matter. But yeah, I think it was pretty arousing, just because I kept on wanting my female character to play with herself and have lesbian realtionships. I just couldn't understand what women see in men. I think I've gotmore of a handle on that now too (but I still feel in my heart that they're making a mistake.)

When I write as a woman I'm not promiscuous at all, and I understand perfectly well why most women aren't that way in real life too. It's a different world when you're the penetratee rather than the pentrator. There's got to be a lot more trust.

As for women's dreams of being promiscuous, why not? As long as it's fantasy.
Something that really surprised me was the discovery that a lot of women like graphic description of sex just as much as men do. I'd always had the belief that men liked porn that was highly descriptive and visual whereas women liked things more emotional and soft-focus. Apparently not so. If the fantasy appeals to women, they like the graphic description every bit as much as men.
I do think that women like to know more of what's going on in the character's minds and hearts during sex, but then so do I.

gender bias

Slightly off track, but I believe there is reader response bias toward a story written by a woman over a man. Horney male readers love to respond and e-mail female writers, hoping for a little something, even just a hello in return.

At the same time, females respond better to male authors for the same reason (homosexuals etc. excluded of course).

There are far more male readers than female, simply because this web site is linked to hard core porno, which men visit far more than women.

My guess is that you could post the same or similar story, one written by a male and one by a female, and the female author would average .5 to 1 point higher and get double the views.
Re: gender bias

NaughtyMike said:
My guess is that you could post the same or similar story, one written by a male and one by a female, and the female author would average .5 to 1 point higher and get double the views.

Interesting theory, but the three highest scores I have received were written either in the first person male or in the third person. The ones I write from a female perspective score erratically, some good, some not so good.
I have written a couple of stories from the male point of view and i really enjoyed them, I found it interesting to have to try and think like i've got a dick and not be quite so feminine about things. I think though it is all about persona because you can have masculine women and feminine men the fun is in writing something thats a bit different,creating a character and developing it.