19 year-old college student trying to learn what I like

Hey there Kara,

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I really enjoyed your post and appreciate where you're coming from. It's a big step to put yourself out there even on this forum so I applaud you. If you ever want to chat a bit or get to know one another I am more than willing, you are quite the looker and I would be happy to put in the effort of seeing what you're all about. I sent you a pm as well and you can check out my recent thread as well. I'm pretty new to the forum also.
Welcome to Lit, Kara...

Be prepared to see your e-mail box EXPLODE with posts. Some will be good...some will be "ewwwww". Do not feel compelled to respond to those that you wish to ignore, and learn to use the "ignore" list feature. Lit can be fun, but it can be creepy as well.
Hey Kara,

You are going to find a lot of whack jobs and weirdos on this site, but you will occasionally come across a few good guys and girls that are willing to help you in your journey. I hope that you find what you're looking for without any collateral damage and if you ever want to talk, look me up.
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Welcome Kara, I suspect you will get a lot of requests in your mailbox. Please enjoy yourself here & have some fun. Do be careful though!!
Quite an introduction!
Well done, welcome. Hopefully you will find out what you are looking for here, and even if you don't, hopefully you will have fun tracking it down. I can only echo what the others have said. There are some lovely people here, some utter pervs (there is a fair overlap in those two sets), some idiots, and others who I can't think of categories to put in. You will get a lot of PMs. There will be some nice, some nasty some that turn your stomach, some that turn you on. It's up to you what you reply to.
Take time to read through the other forums. Lit can be a lot of fun, but as with anything sex related on the internet, be careful.
If in doubt about something, don't be afraid to ask, (there is a how to forum, or find a trustworthy perv :) )

I guess the short of all that is Good luck, have fun, take care :D

Ps nice photo :)
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Welcome to Lit! Hope you discover what you like and are able to find it here. Good luck!
Journeys of discovery are awesome!!!!! Stay true to yourself and you will find your wonderful way :)
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Well, from someone who is similarly new to the site, welcome. Some advice for finding good people on here is to take a look at people's profiles and prior posts. You'll quickly find it easy to differentiate the single-dimensional "let's cyber" guys from the people who are a bit more. .. faceted.

Good luck in finding someone!
Good advice from those who have responded so far. I, like many of them I'm sure, sent you a message. I promise it is only very vaguely creepy. :D In any case, welcome, and I hope you find more "oooh" than "ewww" on this forum. :)
Hey Kara welcome. Good luck on what your looking for. I'm not going to pm you, cause you are going to have a full box from now on. You could pm me if you'd like I'd be happy to answer anything you'd like to know about anything. :)
Like its been said, there are a lot of strange folk here. And a lot of nice folk. And the range.

I sent you a quick pm, but I'd love to talk with you, learn what you like, talk dirty, and so on. I don't want a daughter or sub or what not, but would love to get to know you.

And if I'm a bit odd for you, eh, there's the next guy.

Welcome! This is a great place...Even though I rarely post I find that just lurking and see what is here to be extremely exciting and educational! Good luck!!!
Hi, Kara...and welcome. I just want to echo what many have already said: you can learn much here, and there are a large number of interesting and literate people on the site...but there are also some trolls and fools here, as well. I'm sure you can find a few whose company you'll enjoy, as long as you can manage to keep your sense of humor when dealing with the idiots.
Hey Kara,

Awesome that you are putting yourself out there and willing to make the effort to search for what you want. I am new to these message boards as well, but would be interested in chatting. Who knows maybe we can help each other learn the ropes here and discover some of our own deepest desires in the process.
Hi Kara!

I'm a college student like yourself, and I have to say, your post resonates! After spending so much time working hard in high school for scholarships and college admission, I'm realizing how little time I spent "experimenting." Even though college is supposedly the time for that, I personally have a hard time finding guys on campus who are respectful of where I'm at. Furthermore, I think, like you, I'm still figuring out what I want--which is easier to do behind a screen than when you've already got someone in your apartment.

Essentially, this is just a very drawn out post to let you know that if you ever need a friend your age to talk to about this site (or anything else for that matter), I'm around. I imagine it'd be nice to talk to someone experiencing similar things with the Internet anonymity still in play rather than discussing what you do on this site with your "real life friends."

Have a great afternoon!
