18+ Age Play

I named this one “over exposed” https://www.dropbox.com/s/pucewodqbrwdtof/2021-05-13 23.14.52.jpg?dl=0

To be entirely upfront, some of these photos are from last year or maybe even just post covid? and some are more current. The earlier pics show me with longer hair. The more current will show it shorter. I just felt like it was only fair to share that.

I remember this last pic was on a Saturday and I was getting ready to take a nap. I’ve never understood why I can sleep in complete sun with music blaring and chaos around me, but at night, no matter what the condition is, I’m awake.

Anyways, it was super super bright. The light totally in the wrong place, yet I loved this pic, so I share it with you all.
I'm loving your pictures, you are very pretty and have lovely eyes. Super cute dog as well.
Tank u! He’s super spoiled. 😁 and tank u for my compliments as well. Very sweet of you. I’ll keep them coming until we become bored. Lol