17 hours and 53 minutes


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
Brushes aside our fears and past, smoothes out our future, and lets the light of our souls shine together in harmony for the skies and heavens.
What seems like a very long time ago, someone told me that what I needed to do was find a poet that loved me, that I could love in return.
Little did we know that we were referring to the two of us.
A strong friendship, that has grown into so much more.
Absolutely gorgeous darling.... I love you.


You "outted" yourselves!

*hugs* to both of you and enjoy your time together.

MissTaken said:

You "outted" yourselves!

*hugs* to both of you and enjoy your time together.


Thank you... *big, huge, long, warm hugs* ... :rose: .. :)
MissTaken said:

You "outted" yourselves!

*hugs* to both of you and enjoy your time together.

Thanks MissT.
and a special *hug* for the woman that "I am hers for the keeping"/
You both are very welcome and as you know, are very special to me.

Enjoy and feel free to get on line and say "Hey!" when you are together!

Umm that is IF Ezarc leave you alone, zaudika , long enough to do so!

MissTaken said:
You both are very welcome and as you know, are very special to me.

Enjoy and feel free to get on line and say "Hey!" when you are together!

Umm that is IF Ezarc leave you alone, zaudika , long enough to do so!


lol!.. I think I'll be able to post at least once in awhile.. ;) maybe. :devil:
MissTaken said:

Enjoy and feel free to get on line and say "Hey!" when you are together!

Thought I'd stop by and post to this thread again. :) We're not next to each other at the moment.. but HEY!!!!!!! :)
I didn't think I'd make it to Lit. anytime real soon, but I found a library today that if I turn off all the graphics I can post pretty well without worrying. ;) ....
and btw: ... things couldn't be more wonderful, and each day my happiness grows more.. :)