
OK, here's an idea - not exactly an "administrator", but close. Shades of Beauty-and-the-Beast and Hunchback-of-Notre-Dame here....

The building's resident caretaker - in most ways the opposite to the dancers in the school, he's chunky, almost awkward, heavy browed... but with an uncanny knack for moving silently around the building, appearing unbidden... there's a rumour that he's ex-millitary, another that he has mob connections, another that he's an ex-con... paid cash-in-hand by the school's governors, reputed to live in the shool attics... he's the demon-in-the-cellar, the lurker-in-the-attic, (the voyeur at the window?)... but in good faerie-tale style he's not the evil monster that people might expect... (or is he?!)

Astral - If this doesn't work for your thread then let me know and I'll rethink - otherwise I'll post a fleshed out version of this tomorrow.

Carlo is six foot three inches tall, thick set and broad-limbed, a naturally tanned complexion that rarely sees the sun, perhaps 25 years old but with a "weathered" look that makes his look older.

The school itself is built from a series of older buildings, once high-ceillinged houses, which were knocked together and extended to have classrooms and gymns, practice rooms and cafe, accomodation and admin all under one spraling roof. Carlo's home is the rambling 3-dimensional maze of cellars, attics, passages between walls and bricked-off rooms created by this building work, which runs under and through the Academy.

The school's administrators have no permanent adress for him, and as he is always around... somewhere... a rumour has grown up that he has made a home for himself in these spaces between the walls. Othe rumours also abound. The more colourful are that he is a military deserter, an escaped convict....

There are two ways to contact Carlo. He has, like the other staff members, a pigeon-hole near the main entrance where messages can be dropped, though he rarely checks it. More reliably, by venturing down to dank stairs to the basement one reaches an iron door, on which a clipboard hangs. Most people content themselves with writing a note on his clipboard; the foolhardy might hammer on the door. In any case, few people would be eager to contact him.
ooc:I took a interest in your thread great writing :) Well if its ok id like to join in also. My parents had me go threw ballet class a bit when i was young Only problem was i couldnt do anything right.

O well heres the char

Name: David Andrews




Hair: Dark Blonde


Ethnicity:Caucasion-Partly British

Bio: David Was sent to this ballet school By his Parents to learn to dance. His Family Wants him to be a actor Later on, The only way they can think of this happening is having Him Learn Ballet and Be in plays hoping a talent scout would find him. David was known to cause trouble threw high school So maybe ballet will calm him down.

Well If its ok with you both id like to join :) But if not im fine with it