😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

Why do I get the impression of this thread going the same direction as Chaos?
You know the Coffee Klatch thread?
It's scary...
Even Gossamer is quiet...

Some mead is nice after a tough day.
Hello everyone

Class is done for the Spring! I swear it's like working two jobs. I am just 5 classes away from graduation. It's been a helluva journey. Sometimes, Idk why I am even trying to get this degree done. Idk that it does anything for my career. I'm kinda too old for that really matter anymore, I think. But then, it will be something different, so it's hard for me to predict the outcome. I said hard. 😜

Maybe it's just an excuse for a big party. This last semester, I had technology issues and was worried I would fail both classes. Inside two weeks, I turned failing grades around into an A and B. Crazy how all that works out.

Looking forward to the next class.

Summer is rolling In here with a vengeance. We hit 94⁰F yesterday. That's around 34⁰C in most of the world 😂

I hope you all are doing great. If you are out causing trouble, I hope it's worth it and exciting!
This one comes on this alternative radio station I listen to here Dallas. Turn it up and the video is pretty groovy too.

Hello everyone

Class is done for the Spring! I swear it's like working two jobs. I am just 5 classes away from graduation. It's been a helluva journey. Sometimes, Idk why I am even trying to get this degree done. Idk that it does anything for my career. I'm kinda too old for that really matter anymore, I think. But then, it will be something different, so it's hard for me to predict the outcome. I said hard. 😜

Maybe it's just an excuse for a big party. This last semester, I had technology issues and was worried I would fail both classes. Inside two weeks, I turned failing grades around into an A and B. Crazy how all that works out.

Looking forward to the next class.

Summer is rolling In here with a vengeance. We hit 94⁰F yesterday. That's around 34⁰C in most of the world 😂

I hope you all are doing great. If you are out causing trouble, I hope it's worth it and exciting!
Congrats @Mrtenant!
Lucky you having such warm temps!( although 34C is too warm for me)
0deg C here right now @ 7am🥶
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