😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon


Here's some Finnish modern mead for everybody!
A poem (and I don't write poems)

How do i view myself?

I view myself as invisible, as it should be
I once was, and I wanted to be visible

But now I don't care, so I'm content with being invisible
I don't know how that's going to work here

People love me for what I am now, not for what I was
Some of you know me for what I was, but I've changed

'You can't judge a book by it's covers' even if the pages are blank
So I'll remain invisible (if possible)

A poem (and I don't write poems)

How do i view myself?

I view myself as invisible, as it should be
I once was, and I wanted to be visible

But now I don't care, so I'm content with being invisible
I don't know how that's going to work here

People love me for what I am now, not for what I was
Some of you know me for what I was, but I've changed

'You can't judge a book by it's covers' even if the pages are blank
So I'll remain invisible (if possible)

Hello @Rj_1954 @Trubbycat
I like this poem RJ!