🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Slow, sensual, passionate. I want to make her suffer in the anticipation so that when the strip is done she pulls me onto the bed and ravages me.
Day 9: A song to strip to

Let me set the scene for you:

I meet you and your partner at the bar. We’re chatting and flirting and having the best time. You two invite me back to your place for a nightcap.
We go to your place. We’re drinking and laughing and listening to music.

I ask you if I can put a song on. I plug in my phone and play this. As I walk back toward you, I start pulling off my sweater and moving my hips.

I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind”

And I lean in for the kiss. Sweet. Sensual.
My girlfriend is a black girl with dreds and caramel skin, silver glitter lightly dusted on her skin… the contrast between the two of you is so incredible, your lovely creamy Irish to her deep rich African… I start taking pictures because the two of you are melding into one sinuous creature the likes of which the world is not ready for.
Beauty and grace are but pale descriptions of what is unfolding before me.
Day 10: A song for a rainy day

R.E.M. - Time After Time (Annelise)/Red Rain/So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)

originally called Time After Time etc as a b-side. Recorded live where they stripped down TAT(A) and Stipe goes into Red Rain, you can almost hear Peter Buck wondering what MS was dong as his guitar stumbles. Then they kick into SCR(IS) - this is how I saw them perform this song in 1985, the first time I saw them live. The added Gabriel lyrics fit in so well with theirs.