🎨The Finer Things Club🎨

Hears mom in the other room: "All right...who at the last human????"


I'd like to add flames around the "Open for business" tat we began last week.
(between us, I knew he was evil.)


This is no shit, one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen and I used to work in a home for the criminally insane. In fact, this is exactly what some of the cannibals described about their compulsions.

Thanks for the flasback, welcome for the nightmares.

Okay, okay. One more chapter, babygirl. And then you really do need to sleep.

When you're trying to get your pizza from the delivery person and don't want the cat to escape through the door.

Everyone compliments on my luscious melons but never buy any, wtf?

you know it's like 90 degrees out, and we all smell like shit, right? but sure, lets go on another fuckin boatride.

I told you we were low on gas when we passed that last station. Did you listen? But nooooo, "we have to hurry and we'll get it on the back"!
Famous fucking last words and my heels will be ruined by all this water. You owe me new shoes, mister!