(^▿^)۶🍸 The Spacebar 🍺٩(˘◡˘ )


I was off making some cupcakes for when you guys get the munchies from drinking. Wait...do you get the munchies from drinking?? :D
Oh help yourselves lol...to drinks, cupcakes, games, sexy banter, bouncing boobs (but hands off those unless invited!) ;)
I think we need some dicks in here....of the stiff kind, to stir some drinks lol :D
Oh help yourselves lol...to drinks, cupcakes, games, sexy banter, bouncing boobs (but hands off those unless invited!) ;)
I think we need some dicks in here....of the stiff kind, to stir some drinks lol :D

As long as you come over here with those bouncing boobs, be glad to stir your drink with a good hard stiff one.
Alright, ladies, gents, sensual cyborgs and twerking terrestrials, I'm off to the observatory for the evening, fingers crossed there are clear skies. Hope everyone has a good night filled with orgasms and whatnot.
Alright, ladies, gents, sensual cyborgs and twerking terrestrials, I'm off to the observatory for the evening, fingers crossed there are clear skies. Hope everyone has a good night filled with orgasms and whatnot.

You have a good night as well...take a cupcake for the road and enjoy the stars :rose:
Oh yes, everyone's assignment the past few days was to post cute pet pics! Let's see them!

Flirty banter? With Tiamo? Hmmm... I think I might be able to make that happen. Because that's NEVER happened before. Nope. When have I ever flirted with Tiamo?

And ask and ye shall receive.

I've resized a pic of my pussy.

Oz is his name.
