”What Happened to All the Nice/Good Guys?” How to answer that...


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
There are exactly three answers that cover this:

1) She left them in the Friendzone (for badbabysitter we'll use the long spelling: "Let's just be friends").

2) She has bad choices in men.

3) Or maybe she’s just not a nice girl herself.

But in any case… the answer is that it’s her problem. Tell her to deal with it and don’t come crying to you. She would say the same thing to you.
I think all the nice guys married all the nice girls.
There seems to be this sense of entitlement that when a woman can't find a good man, she blames everyone but herself.

Only an idiot tries to shame her into "dating nice guys". Truth be told, if a woman says "What Happened to All the Nice/Good Guys?", nice guys should run from her until she gets some counseling.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be carrying a pink swastika wrapped in a rainbow flag"

What a stupid quote.

It's like stamping each one of your threads with, "I'm a hateful, uneducated fuckstick".

It suits you perfectly.
I heard they all have a nice house, nice kids, a nice dog and live in Niceland.

Sometimes they even go on nice vacations when they get a break from their nice jobs.

That does sound nice. And you know what, I have actually seen folks like this. They're simple folk who keep away from politics. Follow the bare minimum of religion. Focus on their work, their family, their well-being.

Selfish a$$holes!!!
There seems to be this sense of entitlement that when a woman can't find a good man, she blames everyone but herself.

Only an idiot tries to shame her into "dating nice guys". Truth be told, if a woman says "What Happened to All the Nice/Good Guys?", nice guys should run from her until she gets some counseling.

Guys fall into this trap to you know. Those nice guys get their white knight syndrome on and set out to rescuing all the damsels in distress and fail to appreciate the woman who has established herself, doesn't need the guy's 'help' to save her from herself/her life situation.
Guys fall into this trap to you know. Those nice guys get their white knight syndrome on and set out to rescuing all the damsels in distress and fail to appreciate the woman who has established herself, doesn't need the guy's 'help' to save her from herself/her life situation.
I hate the white knight behavior. I really do. It's proof that he has no sense of pride.

Where Have All The Good Men Gone? In Fact, They’re Right Under Your Nose!
Posted on May 23, 2013 by Shawna Kaye
“Where have all the good men gone?”, is a question that has crossed the minds of plenty single women. Ladies, at some point we’ve all huddled together with our girlfriends bemoaning the selection of men in the dating pool, and when all is said and done we usually come to the conclusion that all the good one’s are taken. Quite frankly they’re not, and you’ve been under the wrong impression. This is the one myth that women have been passing around for ages, and has been sabotaging their love lives. I want to dismiss this myth once and for all, because ladies there are tons of good men out here and you’re missing out. So, if you believe there’s no good men left, this will become your reality; just remember your outlook, determines your outcome. Trust me, it’s in your change of perspective is where you will find your good man.

It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah! Yes it is, and good ones! I swear to you, there are great eligible bachelors looking for good women to settle down with. So, you know what that means; what you’re looking for, is looking for you! Good men are right under your nose, but you’ve got to keep your eyes peeled. Good men are living right next door, attending the same schools, sitting at the same coffee shops, or you might’ve just placed them in the ‘friend zone’. On the other hand, could it be that you’re too busy paying attention to Mr. Emotionally Unavailable, to see the other guy who has been showing you interest. At any rate, you’re just ignoring, or overlooking them.

Now, what on earth would compel a single woman to ignore a good man? The answer is simple, he doesn’t fit into her picture perfect mold of what she wants, or believes she should have. All things considered, don’t take this the wrong way, but the reason why a woman can’t find a good man is her own fault. Yes I said it. Women hold the power to finding a good man, given that she makes the decision on which guy she allows to date her. So, it comes as a surprise to me, that women are passing up seemingly good men, just because he doesn’t fit her ideal. Naturally, we all have an ideal mental image of what we desire in a partner, for me I like a man at least 6 foot tall, built like a football player, and handsomely cute. However, if the man I’m dating lacks any of those characteristics, I’m not kicking him to the curb for that. As a matter of fact, my first love was 5’8, and no way near 6 feet, but I fell in love with him despite this. Anyway, I’m sharing this with you, because I want you to understand that in order to find love you have to change your perspective and have an open mind.

How about instead of going for your usual type, you allow yourself to be open to something new. What about that guy who doesn’t have the bulging muscles, but he calls you everyday, or text you “good morning” every morning; how about giving him a chance? What about that guy whose not 6 feet tall, but he remembers your birthday, and other days of importance to you, that’s your guy! What about the guy who doesn’t wear all the fancy labels, but he’ll come and pick you up from work at the drop of a dime if needed. How about him?

Perhaps, on the other hand you might want to check your friend-zone, your ideal man might be there. All good relationships start off when both parties were friends, hung out, and have lots in common. Sometimes the perfect man for you; your soul mate, is not going have that body like Vin Diesel, he’s probably not going to have swagger like Jay-Z, and he’s probably not going to look like Brad Pitt; so you’ll have to look pass that.
(Now imagine if I'd written that... I'd have gotten Fedora'd and neckbearded in a heartbeat!)
I hate the white knight behavior. I really do. It's proof that he has no sense of pride.

I always took it for misplaced chivalry. Or...

relic of the patriarchal system wherein the women need to be the weaker sex. :D

Wow LJ, have you given up your cause to provide dating tips to clueless women now?

(Now imagine if I'd written that... I'd have gotten Fedora'd and neckbearded in a heartbeat!)

No idea what that means so can't imagine it.
I always took it for misplaced chivalry. Or...

relic of the patriarchal system wherein the women need to be the weaker sex. :D
White knight behavior has the ulterior motive of winning sexual favor with the woman the guy is rescuing... or, less consciously, gaining the respect and admiration of other women who are observing.

Wow LJ, have you given up your cause to provide dating tips to clueless women now?
Only if you believe I wrote that article. :eek:

No idea what that means so can't imagine it.
Nice guys and guys who advocate for them are said to wear Fedoras and have unkempt beards that extend down past their neckline.


It's a common feminist insult on the Internet nowadays.

Basically it means you're being accused of egregious misogyny. If a man had written that above article, he'd be accused of hating women on a Hitleresque level.
White knight behavior has the ulterior motive of winning sexual favor with the woman the guy is rescuing

Reminds me of an Oscar Wilde quote,
“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

Nice guys and guys who advocate for them are said to wear Fedoras and have unkempt beards that extend down past their neckline.

It's a common feminist insult on the Internet nowadays.

Basically it means you're being accused of egregious misogyny. If a man had written that above article, he'd be accused of hating women on a Hitleresque level.

I don't get it, could be a cultural thing.

Also, I know a couple of 'nice' guys who I've seen this happen to and who shared their perspective with me. Looking at things from such a guy's point of view made me realise the folly that many people commit (not me of course, I am perfect :D).

So, as a self-proclaimed feminist I wouldn't have mocked a guy who wrote such an article. But again... that whole cultural thing. For me feminism is really the way Badbabysitter described it in your other thread- advocating for equal rights for women.
Guys fall into this trap to you know. Those nice guys get their white knight syndrome on and set out to rescuing all the damsels in distress and fail to appreciate the woman who has established herself, doesn't need the guy's 'help' to save her from herself/her life situation.

Guilty as charged.

White Knight captures Queen, mate in 2 moves.
Reminds me of an Oscar Wilde quote,
“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

I don't get it, could be a cultural thing.

Also, I know a couple of 'nice' guys who I've seen this happen to and who shared their perspective with me. Looking at things from such a guy's point of view made me realise the folly that many people commit (not me of course, I am perfect :D).

So, as a self-proclaimed feminist I wouldn't have mocked a guy who wrote such an article. But again... that whole cultural thing. For me feminism is really the way Badbabysitter described it in your other thread- advocating for equal rights for women.
Y'all need to retake feminism from the charlatans that are fucking up its rep. But that's the same with every ism. Christianity has it even worse with misguided followers.
So, as a self-proclaimed feminist I wouldn't have mocked a guy who wrote such an article. But again... that whole cultural thing. For me feminism is really the way Badbabysitter described it in your other thread- advocating for equal rights for women.

You have a need in India....there is nothing here or in BBS's home nation of Canada even remotely close.

Their biggest bitch is they got their equal rights/opportunities and they are pissed about getting the responsibility/obligations that come with them. They are pissed b/c there is no guaranteed win at the end of the race.

They want to be "respected as a man's equal" toss in equal portions of "chivalrous treatment as a proper lady" and expect to get guaranteed better than male results in life on top of that otherwise it's 'patriarchal oppression ....HAHAHAHAHA they are fucking loony.
You have a need in India....there is nothing here or in BBS's home nation of Canada even remotely close.

Their biggest bitch is they got their equal rights/opportunities and they are pissed about getting the responsibility/obligations that come with them. They are pissed b/c there is no guaranteed win at the end of the race.

They want to be "respected as a man's equal" toss in equal portions of "chivalrous treatment as a proper lady" and expect to get guaranteed better than male results in life on top of that otherwise it's 'patriarchal oppression ....HAHAHAHAHA they are fucking loony.
Those aren't feminists you're talking about. They're female chauvinists. They're as much feminist as the Christian Identity group is Christian.
Y'all need to retake feminism from the charlatans that are fucking up its rep. But that's the same with every ism. Christianity has it even worse with misguided followers.

I have no idea of what the ground reality is in the US or Canada so I won't comment. But I have a couple of male friends who speak in very disillusioned terms...

The way BBS described her beliefs in your other thread (I haven't read any of her other posts) was close to my own ideas on feminism.... Again, never having been in that part of the world so I wouldn't know what is practised there in the name of feminism.

You have a need in India....

They have been trying for a while now to get The Women's Reservation Bill passed here in India which will allow 33% of seats reserved for women in Parliament.
Indira Gandhi was PM before I was born and recently we've had Pratiba Patil as President (you should look up that video of her flying in a sukhoi)... And yet we feel the need to put women in office not based on merit but to fill a quota?

Their biggest bitch is they got their equal rights/opportunities and they are pissed about getting the responsibility/obligations that come with them. They are pissed b/c there is no guaranteed win at the end of the race.

They want to be "respected as a man's equal" toss in equal portions of "chivalrous treatment as a proper lady" and expect to get guaranteed better than male results in life on top of that otherwise it's 'patriarchal oppression ....HAHAHAHAHA they are fucking loony.

Most equal rights movements get perverted along the way because you'll always have a section of the public that wants privileged treatment. Its the sense of entitlement that people develop... they feel the world owes them for grievances committed in the past. But that's human nature I suppose.
Why thank you! I'm borrowing Lori's bewbage for her special day.

Flattery will, of course, get you everywhere.

Ok, give me the link to Lori's ID so I can PM her with my flattery. Since I now have a penis, I ought to start using it on some of the women on this site.
I just wanted to add that the article I posted above, mirrors what a lot of men have been saying for years. When guys said it, though, they got, as I described it, neckbearded. Fiercely. It got twisted into "telling women who they should date" and "denying women the right to make their own choices". Google "nice guy syndrome" and you'll see what I mean.

What little you've said has literally raised the overall IQ of that ages-old discussion by 20 points.
I just wanted to add that the article I posted above, mirrors what a lot of men have been saying for years. When guys said it, though, they got, as I described it, neckbearded. Fiercely. It got twisted into "telling women who they should date" and "denying women the right to make their own choices". Google "nice guy syndrome" and you'll see what I mean.

I think it is a cultural thing. All the women I know wouldn't make fun of a nice guy. The only women I know who are chasing the bad boy are the married ones who are cheating (but that's a different issue).

Going back to the article, it's dating advice not a dictate from a tyrant leader so I find it hard to believe that any one would make this statement "denying women the right to make their own choices".

If this is an example of feminism, then yes, I can understand why so many find it hideous. I can only say that a cause should not be judged based on the fools advocating it.
Those aren't feminists you're talking about. They're female chauvinists. They're as much feminist as the Christian Identity group is Christian.

Yea and tea party members aren't republicans....:rolleyes:

You can't go to a "women in history" class much less a "feminist" function of any kind without running into one of these "Were all victims of the patriarchy and anyone with a differing view is part of the patriarchal oppression!!!" nuts.

I have no idea of what the ground reality is in the US or Canada so I won't comment.

Most equal rights movements get perverted along the way because you'll always have a section of the public that wants privileged treatment. Its the sense of entitlement that people develop... they feel the world owes them for grievances committed in the past. But that's human nature I suppose.

That's exactly what has happened in the US and exactly the kind of feminist BBS is. Talk a lot about equality...a lot...big equality bullshitting. But when it get's down to the meat hitting the metal if she doesn't get equal or better results in life because of her vagina, she is owed by all for the male patriarchy that kept her from doing anything with her life. It's fucking loony.
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