“When Al Qaeda hits us again, remember that DHS was watching me.


Jan 23, 2011
A friend of mine on Facebook posted a picture of the rear window of a pick-up truck that had the following written on it: “When Al Qaeda hits us again, remember that DHS was watching me.

So, while Congress and our hapless Commander-in-Chief have been chasing their tails violating the Second Amendment and attacking law-abiding US Citizens, another terrorist bursts onto the scene.

The tragedy in Boston today is a very loud message to our leaders in Washington.

While you’ve been targeting the innocent, the monsters have been allowed to flourish.

And tell me, Mr. President, will you fly the families of those killed in Boston to Washington to demand that the US do something to protect its citizens from terrorists?


You never go after the monsters. Instead you target people like me.

Meanwhile, as Islamic terrorists try to create horror at another American institution like the Boston Marathon, DHS and the Army have been pointing an accusing finger at “Evangelical Christians” and “Military Veterans.”

While you guys try your damnedest to infringe on the Constitutional rights of US citizens, the real killers apparently move unmolested through our streets.

Will Obama go on television and blame some obscure You Tube video that nobody has seen?

Will the Justice Department classify this as “workplace violence?”

The sheer stupidity is only outmatched by the complete incompetence of the Obama Administration.

And, by the way, what happened to the survivors from the consulate attack in Benghazi and why are they being kept from speaking with anyone from Congress?

I used to scoff at those who said, “Obama is a Muslim sympathizer.”

I’m beginning to think they were right and I was wrong for scoffing.

Read more at http://iowntheworld.com/blog/#LdZKxCv1t0qbTwC6.99
lucky me:rolleyes:

couldn't be a HOT GIRL

its you, and old FART

Im so lucky:rolleyes: