Are Black and Hispanic People Deplorables?

Unlike deplorables, they have good reason to be suspicious of the government.
Thomas Jefferson conducted some of the first involuntary vaccine experiments on his slaves, injecting them with a vaccine and then exposing them to small pox.

Then there's the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments conducted by white doctors on black service men, which resulted in severe health problems, including blindness, mental impairment and death.

The most dispicable insult and injury foisted on black people by white American medical institutions, is the exploitation of their bodies, particularly black women in gynaecological research.

Maybe there's a connection between the white medical establishment's racist cruelty, and vaccine hesitancy among black Americans.


Then there's the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments conducted by white doctors on black service men, which resulted in severe health problems, including blindness, mental impairment and death.

To be fair, they didn't go full Dr. Mengele -- they didn't inject their patients/subjects with syphilis -- they all caught syphilis the usual way. But, the doctors did make them think they were being treated for it, when in fact they were merely monitoring the progress of the untreated disease.
To be fair, they didn't go full Dr. Mengele -- they didn't inject their patients/subjects with syphilis -- they all caught syphilis the usual way. But, the doctors did make them think they were being treated for it, when in fact they were merely monitoring the progress of the untreated disease.

Yes, I'm aware, and that in no way makes what they did any less racist or ghoulish.
Not deplorable as they have no moral agency, no will if their own. They are helpless ciphers, tended to by the Democrat Party.
And the deplorables wonder why we consider them racist...

Who's the racist, the guy who says blacks and Larinos are full human beings with moral agency or the one who says neither can be found wanting because they are, essentially, children?
None of which suggest that Blacks or Latinos are children without agency.

Uh huh.

The reasons blacks and Latinos give for not getting the vaccine are identical to those given by whites. Yet the left refuses to hold the former to account while pummeling the latter. Why?
Uh huh.

The reasons blacks and Latinos give for not getting the vaccine are identical to those given by whites. Yet the left refuses to hold the former to account while pummeling the latter. Why?

The left draws no such distinction -- anything they say against anti-vaxxers applies to any such regardless of color.
The left draws no such distinction -- anything they say against anti-vaxxers applies to any such regardless of color.

The evidence that refutes that is above. Not a peep has been uttered against blacks or Latinos by any mediaa organ, whereas white conservatives has been vitriolic and pervasive
The evidence that refutes that is above. Not a peep has been uttered against blacks or Latinos by any mediaa organ, whereas white conservatives has been vitriolic and pervasive

No media cite in this thread indicates any difference.
If you were a black person, knowing America's institutionally racist medical history, would you eagerly take a vaccine that was produced under the name "Operation Warp Speed", and was originally being pushed by the racist traitor in chief.???

At this point, it basically comes down to what rationale a person has for not taking the vaccine, or wearing a mask.

A Deplorable purely political reason is the most pathetic.

The evidence that refutes that is above. Not a peep has been uttered against blacks or Latinos by any mediaa organ, whereas white conservatives has been vitriolic and pervasive

Seems to me the media has - quite rightly - encouraged EVERYONE to get the jab, regardless of their race or their politics. What you are possibly seeing (but I think you're more likely just imagining it) is recognition that one group has cause to be wary of the government while the other is just a bunch of paranoid whiners. That does not mean anyone in particular approves of the former's avoiding vaccinations; we just recognize that context exists.

Of course, the whole antivaxxer movement can be traced back to Jenny McCarthy. Can't get any whiter than her, can you?