Divide by Zero

First thought: Moochie started a new alt? But I don't think she is much into math...
Got to the picture: nope, not Moochie. But hm... nice... all that fur... May I touch?
Looked through your posts: oh, you are the one who made that "Moochie fan" picture! That explains it!
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So now I need to solve for X and trade towels with you? Do you offer tutoring in math to some of us who are less gifted with algebraic equations? I’ll probably need some hands-on practice as well.
Know = N?

What is Know = k and we divided k by zero?
First thought: Moochie started a new alt? But I don't think she is much into math...
Got to the picture: nope, not Moochie. But hm... nice... all that fur... May I touch?
Looked through your posts: oh, you are the one who made that "Moochie fan" picture! That explains it!

I don’t find our voices all that similar.

Besides, I’ve been around since she was in school.
So now I need to solve for X and trade towels with you? Do you offer tutoring in math to some of us who are less gifted with algebraic equations? I’ll probably need some hands-on practice as well.

Life is just one system of equations to solve.

I’ma great tutor, but I’m not sure you need it.
Here’s the thing:

When MG existed, I wrote a ton. Constantly. Not here. I don’t write erotica. There are people who are great at that. Not me.

I enjoyed writing, but somewhere along the line, it left me. Somewhere around the time I had to bring Fade on board.

I had a huge focus on taking pictures. Mostly of the shit I see. And I enjoy it. I will continue to.

But Fade can go now. MG can return. Better name anyway. It flows, it’s easy, in identified as MG.

I will focus on writing more.

And I’ll post pictures so I don’t get reported and deleted again.

Nothing worse than being deleted.

Not here. Not anywhere.

I have always thought of you as MG,
Even when you had Fade.
Makes sense to me to come back to your origins
And pick up the story where you left off.

Everything you have shared
Have been inspiring.

It doesn’t have to be erotic to be intriguing.
You have many insights and experiences to share.

I like the blue hue to this picture.
I owed somebody a towel.
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I have always thought of you as MG,
Even when you had Fade.
Makes sense to me to come back to your origins
And pick up the story where you left off.

Everything you have shared
Have been inspiring.

It doesn’t have to be erotic to be intriguing.
You have many insights and experiences to share.

I like the blue hue to this picture.

Thank you.

The mind is a strange place.
Age is a tricky thing for the mind to deal with.

No question. We all know this.

It’s that moment, however, when I didn’t really recognize myself. As if it changed overnight.

I’m incognito. Perhaps.

Struggling to find that second wind I once had.

Accepting instead of adjusting.

The tired eyes I see in the mirror.
Replacing the face my mind has convinced me I would see.

I wonder if those who knew me a decade ago could pull me out of a lineup.
It’s an honest question.

I don’t want the answer to.

I’m okay with it. I’m not fighting it.

Just keep rolling.

True words.

I find there’s a power in the accepting.
Sure, we change,
But less than we think.
Some things must stay the same.
Sure, we change,
But less than we think.
Some things must stay the same.

There's the inner and the outer to consider, though mirrors can be so callous in their shattering of inner delusions!
Seriously though, I agree, much does stay the same and being honest with ones inner identity is important isn't it?
There's the inner and the outer to consider, though mirrors can be so callous in their shattering of inner delusions!
Seriously though, I agree, much does stay the same and being honest with ones inner identity is important isn't it?

Even on the outside...
This summer a man called me by the name that I have not used in over 25 years. It took me a few seconds, but then I recognized him too -- that was my HS boyfriend. Of course we both changed, but... I don't think I would have picked his current picture out of a set, but in person it was different.
Sure, we change,
But less than we think.
Some things must stay the same.

There's the inner and the outer to consider, though mirrors can be so callous in their shattering of inner delusions!
Seriously though, I agree, much does stay the same and being honest with ones inner identity is important isn't it?

Even on the outside...
This summer a man called me by the name that I have not used in over 25 years. It took me a few seconds, but then I recognized him too -- that was my HS boyfriend. Of course we both changed, but... I don't think I would have picked his current picture out of a set, but in person it was different.

I appreciate the discussion.

Why I put this line in:

The tired eyes I see in the mirror.
Replacing the face my mind has convinced me I would see.

My mind still thinks I’m 25. I surprise myself most mornings. And I cannot do what I once did.

Maybe the most difficult thing to accept is not what we see, but what others see.

I would guess who we were close with are going to see pieces of us that others don’t. Others are more surface.

One of my children has more my coloring than the other. The other has my features. I can tell a lot about people based on which kid they think looks like me most.