Democrats Not Interested In Gun Control Before Election


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Because they know the majority don't want any further gun control laws, only enforcement of existing laws.

Democrats show little appetite for Biden's call for gun control

President Biden on Monday marked the fourth anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by calling on Congress to pass gun-control legislation.

But there seems little if any chance his calls will be answered.

Democratic lawmakers are showing little appetite for tackling the controversial issue ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, exasperating activists frustrated over the lack of action at a time when Democrats control the White House and both branches of Congress after 10 years of Republican or split control of Congress.

Negotiations between Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) stalled out over the summer, and there’s been little to no talk in the Senate Democratic Caucus about picking up two gun control bills that passed the House in March.

Igor Volsky, the co-founder of Guns Down America, said that Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) promised anti-gun violence groups the Senate would vote on background checks legislation in the summer of 2021, but the bills didn’t make it to the floor.

“We've been promised by Senate Majority Leader Schumer as far back as March, April that there would be a vote during the summer, then it got pushed back even further. They're using this familiar playbook of making all kinds of promises during the campaign and then fail to deliver anything when they’re in power,” Volsky said.

More here:
We've had little appetite for it since the 80s and 90s and conserrvatives were at least partially on board because, well we know why these people change their stripes.
Hey wrongway, you Dumb-Fuck American...

Are you ever going to come back to this thread and answer for your stupidity????

Originally Posted by Rightguide View Post
Looks like Chinese-inspired propaganda, due to the list of Chinese contributors. It's also a year old.


Well people here have been trying to explain to you RWCJ's for well over a year.

I guess your just too stupid to catch on eh?

Kind of like this little exchange from a couple days ago....

Originally Posted by Rightguide View Post
1507 people clown, per the CDC. So it's probably more.

75% of those who allegedly died of Covid had four accompanying comorbities.


Originally Posted by Fuzzy1975 View Post

Why don't you just shut up, you Dumb-Fuck just posted an article that supports Vaccines, to try and show up Vaccines are bad....damn you're a fucking idiot....

"New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests 99.999% of people who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 did not have a severe breakthrough case that led to hospitalization or death...."

"166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19."

"The new data suggests 1,507 people (about 0.0001%) of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19."

Originally Posted by Rightguide View Post
The question was if anyone has died of the vaccine, you friggin' dope. Yes, 1507 have died, shut the fuck up.

I'm vaccinated too, butthead but they have killed people and many more have been injured short of death. So the point is, individuals should have the last word on whether they get the jab. Not some dipshit in DC who hasn't a fucking clue about the medical conditions of every human being.

Originally Posted by Fuzzy1975 View Post
You act like that is a secret or somthing you Dumb-Fuck American.

Can you read this, it is from your link....

"The new data suggests 1,507 people (about 0.0001%) of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19."

It doesn't say the Covid Vaccine....

Of course you're vaccinated, you're too much of a chicken to stand up to your "principals" to the rest of your drivel....
So as you can see, wrongway is really a pretty stupid person, stuck in a quagmire of his own ignorance....*chuckles*

And I will never ever let you forget about it...chuckles
Will someone please pay attention to Fuzzy so he doesn't start crying again?
If you can't control a gun, don't buy it. Ignore the macho BS and buy what you can aim and fire with competence.
Hey wrongway, you Dumb-Fuck American...

Are you ever going to come back to this thread and answer for your stupidity????

Originally Posted by Rightguide View Post
Looks like Chinese-inspired propaganda, due to the list of Chinese contributors. It's also a year old.


Well people here have been trying to explain to you RWCJ's for well over a year.

I guess your just too stupid to catch on eh?

Kind of like this little exchange from a couple days ago....

Originally Posted by Rightguide View Post
1507 people clown, per the CDC. So it's probably more.

75% of those who allegedly died of Covid had four accompanying comorbities.


Originally Posted by Fuzzy1975 View Post

Why don't you just shut up, you Dumb-Fuck just posted an article that supports Vaccines, to try and show up Vaccines are bad....damn you're a fucking idiot....

"New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests 99.999% of people who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 did not have a severe breakthrough case that led to hospitalization or death...."

"166 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19."

"The new data suggests 1,507 people (about 0.0001%) of those fully vaccinated people died from COVID-19."

They probably got it from the vaccine but here is the data complied by VAERS, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The numbers are much higher. Understand that VAERS is managed by the CDC:

"As of February 4, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report an unimaginable 1,103,893 Covid-19 vaccine adverse events (all locations).

Over 1.1 million people are now reported to have been negatively impacted (or killed) by these experimental covid shots in the past 60 weeks. This is up 1.4% from last week. More alarming, this week’s VAERS data also indicates an unbelievable 25,566 deaths from the Covid-19 investigational vaccines. This is a significant weekly increase of 2.1% from last week’s report of 25,036. The death rate has typically been growing about 2% each week, so we should monitor this closely.

Further, VAERS reports 43,970 permanent disabilities have been caused by the covid jabs. This is an increase of 2.7% from last week.

The system also indicates that a total of 28,180 life threatening events have occurred from these gene therapy vaccines."

So, Fuzzy go ahead and refute all of that and get back to me, but please don't come back with another loaded diaper. Clean yourself up and take a few deep breaths first.
Ahh, Cunningham's publication in the NEJM. *chuckle*
Cunningham? What's wrong with NEJM? Are they somehow not valid anymore?
The authors, based at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and the Department of Health Policy and Management at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard,​
Do you have any facts to refute this post? Do you have more research on the subject than the professionals listed?
Factually Cunningham's paper is correct, just highly misleading.

For example from the CDC's own data firearms don't show up as a major cause of death among "children" until the 14 + years of age threshold. And I would argue that these are no longer "children." Coincidentally the age of 14 is when these adolescents start becoming involved in gang memberships in the inner cities.

Cunningham then stretches the window out to 44 years of age. Are we to believe that these are ALL children?

We know, and have known for years, that violent criminal activity is primarily male, that it begins in the mid-teens and tapers off in the mid-thirties, peaking in the mid-twenties. In this Cunningham is revealing NOTHING new.

The only thing Cunningham has done is to stretch the window of "childhood" beyond any reasonable credibility.
Factually Cunningham's paper is correct
Thank you for agreeing with me and the article.

The Leading Cause Of Death In Children And Youths Is Now Guns​

You should read the whole thing and comprehend it before responding. No one included 44 year olds as children, sparky.
for those ages 1 to 24 years, death due to gun violence and accidental injury are now more common than death due to motor vehicle accidents.​
In fact, accidents remain the leading cause of death among all individuals between ages 1 and 44 years. Congenital abnormalities remain the leading cause of death in the first year of life.​
It is. That's why, right in the headline, it says, "Children and youths."

And I doubt it, you can't even adult as an octogenarian.
Of course, you did, sweetheart. Because no immature man-children have ever joined the military due to poor upbringing with a need to be told what to do with their life.

Care to address the topic with facts that dispute the NEJM?
Yeah. I don't really want to deal with the level of hate you bring to discussion(s).
lol You brought nothing to the discussion anyway besides an irrelevant and ignorant reply. I guess calling you on your bull shit means I'm hating. Snowflake says what?