The weekly ABC...Themed thread:

F is for Flashlight!

One of those small tactical flashlights. :)


  • flashlight.jpg
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You can always be relied upon to produce something original and a glimpse of tities. Love it. :heart:
Thank you, fish, I try to have fun!! :heart:
Thank you, wilderness!! :kiss::heart:
Great photo, Tali! Your pics always make the Halloween season on LIT fun!:heart::kiss:
Thank you, Flash, it is my favorite holiday!! :heart:
Creepy! But I like creepy.

I wanted to post a picture of my fallus, but my fat belly got in the way so you can only see my feet.

Thank you, Inbef, I dig creepy too! And it's a furry belly, so it's awesome!!! :devil::kiss:
Love it! Cleverly done.
Thank you! :heart:
F is for Flask.

Nice flask you have there, Biglove and thanks for the fur, cheers!!