The mark197205 and Shagly thread!

mark197205 said:
Most guys are just too shallow for their own good, there is one out there that will not care about the down sides, they will onlybe interested in you as a person.

thank you for not joking about it and thanks for you're response
# 47

Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,Post 42,Post 43,Post 44,Post 45,Post 46,

Stephen immediately called for Desiree as he moved from the main room to the bedchamber. He hurried back to Katherine who was now sliding from Marcus arms, and steadying herself on her two feet. Fear reached into Stephen's heart as he looked at his love's sister. "What did he do to her? Is she.. " Stephen's heart felt as if it were being squeezed tight, and he knew his Desi had not survived the torture that Katherine had endured.

"She lives Stephen. He sold her." Katherine told him, her words barely above a whisper.

The color in Stephen's face dropped further as did his body. He sat down in the one chair that was at the table. "What happened?" he asked, unable to fight the gnawing fear that was ripping into his gut.

Katherine moved to kneel at her friend's side. Her hand rested on his knee. "A man named Anthony came. I know not any more about him. Horatio had planned this along time ago. From the first moment he had realized there were two of us on that trip to the abbey. He had contacted this man after grabbing me, and when he had gotten his hands on the both of us together, he knew he'd be able to continue his plans."

Stephen's fists were clenched tight as he continued to hear the words flow from Katherine's lips. She told him, how when Desiree had left she had fought the man, but was unable to free herself. Her own tears fell as she was continually hit by Horatio as she pleaded with him not to do this. "Desiree fought for her life, Stephen." She hung her head, "She left here untouched by Horatio, but I fear that will not be the case now. She has been gone three days, I know not where they took her."

Marcus moved to Katherine's side, and helped her up. "The ship, the man in the village mentioned, must have been the one this Anthony used."

Stephen nodded his agreement, and rose from the table. "I will find her, and bring her home," he stated flatly. His eyes turning to look about the cabin. "Leave here, take your Lady back and gather those children. I will stay and see that Horatio's body is dealt with, after I look around this hovel and see if there are any clues as to who this man is."

With a heavy sigh, Marcus hugged his friend and led Katherine away. Once outside he pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. "I love you," he whispered against her lips, and she answered back with the same words being pulled from her heart.

"He used me again, Marcus," the words choked her, as she spoke of the things Horatio had done. "How could you still love me after all that has happened," she asked of him.

Marcus cupped her face, and looked deeply into her features. "He is gone, and no longer will he harm you or the ones you love. I have loved you for so long, that nothing would ever kill that. You are all I'll ever need, or want in this life, with or without Horatio's lands. It will always be you, what he has done can not be taken away, but I will show you what true love is."

She touched his face, and brought his lips down to hers, the kiss speaking the words that she could not. Soon they seperated and Marcus helped her to mount his steed. The pain from the wounds Horatio had inflicted caused her to wince, but soon she was settled against Marcus chest, and were heading toward the village that they had passed through.

As they made their way slowly back, they were greeted by the young girl, who now was somewhat cleaner then when Marcus had seen here. "I see you have your Princess," Abby smiled at the woman and her escort.

"Aye, and I see you have washed up some," Marcus winked at the small creature.

Katherine smiled down, and introduced herself, the young girl curtsied, then ran ahead of the horse, toward her home, calling for her father as she went. When they arrived, Marcus once more asked the man to come back to his keep with him, and once more the man refused. The two men found an old wagon, and as much as Marcus' horse made his dislikes known he was eventually hooked up to the wagon and forced to pull it. More arguements were passed between Father and children, as the two little mites were loaded into the wagon.

The young lad Deak voiced only little arguement, the idea of staying with his sister was all that really mattered to him. His finger was finding its way into his mouth, as his sister was pleading not to leave. "They will teach you to read, and write, my dear one," her father told her.

"I have no need for those skills, I wish to stay here with you." Her heart felt as if someone were ripping it out, no longer did she like the man and the woman that were taking her away. "I'll not be happy, and I'll come back here, you know it!" she told her father.

He kissed her cheeks, and hugged her tight, "Do this for me. Become a lady that will care for many, do you hear this? Do not let others live like this, you have a great name, a great family, and will one day make a great leader to your people." He placed her in the cart and walked over to Marcus. Nick reached into his shirt, and pulled out the papers he had promised Marcus earlier, "These are her mother's people. They know of her and Deak, but have chosen not to act, but if they ever do, it will not be good. You must protect them both. Do I have your word?" Nick asked, his eyes speaking volumes.

Marcus opened the packet, read the words, and turned to look at Nick. "You can not be serious,"he asked, scanning the names of the young ones family history. He could tell by the solemn look on Nick's face that he was in fact speaking true. "I'll care for them both as if they were my own, you have my word."

"Then they will be protected."

"Father," Abby cried, pointing toward the location of the cabin where Katherine and Desiree had been captive. "A fire!"

The group turned to look. A thick cloud of smoke billowed against the blue sky, as a lone rider emerged into the village. "Let's go home," Katherine whispered as she pulled the packet of papers from Marcus hands, and looked down on them. Her own reaction kept hidden as she folded them up and placed them in the deep folds of her gown. "Seems we now house a Princess and a Prince, my love."

"Aye, more adventures, but first our wedding," he smiled down at her, kissed her lips, and with Stephen by their side headed home.


Post 48
Last edited:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,Post 42,Post 43,Post 44,Post 45,Post 46,

Stephen immediately called for Desiree as he moved from the main room to the bedchamber. He hurried back to Katherine who was now sliding from Marcus arms, and steadying herself on her two feet. Fear reached into Stephen's heart as he looked at his love's sister. "What did he do to her? Is she.. " Stephen's heart felt as if it were being squeezed tight, and he knew his Desi had not survived the torture that Katherine had endured.

"She lives Stephen. He sold her." Katherine told him, her words barely above a whisper.

The color in Stephen's face dropped further as did his body. He sat down in the one chair that was at the table. "What happened?" he asked, unable to fight the gnawing fear that was ripping into his gut.

Katherine moved to kneel at her friend's side. Her hand rested on his knee. "A man named Anthony came. I know not any more about him. Horatio had planned this along time ago. From the first moment he had realized there were two of us on that trip to the abbey. He had contacted this man after grabbing me, and when he had gotten his hands on the both of us together, he knew he'd be able to continue his plans."

Stephen's fists were clenched tight as he continued to hear the words flow from Katherine's lips. She told him, how when Desiree had left she had fought the man, but was unable to free herself. Her own tears fell as she was continually hit by Horatio as she pleaded with him not to do this. "Desiree fought for her life, Stephen." She hung her head, "She left here untouched by Horatio, but I fear that will not be the case now. She has been gone three days, I know not where they took her."

Marcus moved to Katherine's side, and helped her up. "The ship, the man in the village mentioned, must have been the one this Anthony used."

Stephen nodded his agreement, and rose from the table. "I will find her, and bring her home," he stated flatly. His eyes turning to look about the cabin. "Leave here, take your Lady back and gather those children. I will stay and see that Horatio's body is dealt with, after I look around this hovel and see if there are any clues as to who this man is."

With a heavy sigh, Marcus hugged his friend and led Katherine away. Once outside he pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. "I love you," he whispered against her lips, and she answered back with the same words being pulled from her heart.

"He used me again, Marcus," the words choked her, as she spoke of the things Horatio had done. "How could you still love me after all that has happened," she asked of him.

Marcus cupped her face, and looked deeply into her features. "He is gone, and no longer will he harm you or the ones you love. I have loved you for so long, that nothing would ever kill that. You are all I'll ever need, or want in this life, with or without Horatio's lands. It will always be you, what he has done can not be taken away, but I will show you what true love is."

She touched his face, and brought his lips down to hers, the kiss speaking the words that she could not. Soon they seperated and Marcus helped her to mount his steed. The pain from the wounds Horatio had inflicted caused her to wince, but soon she was settled against Marcus chest, and were heading toward the village that they had passed through.

As they made their way slowly back, they were greeted by the young girl, who now was somewhat cleaner then when Marcus had seen here. "I see you have your Princess," Abby smiled at the woman and her escort.

"Aye, and I see you have washed up some," Marcus winked at the small creature.

Katherine smiled down, and introduced herself, the young girl curtsied, then ran ahead of the horse, toward her home, calling for her father as she went. When they arrived, Marcus once more asked the man to come back to his keep with him, and once more the man refused. The two men found an old wagon, and as much as Marcus' horse made his dislikes known he was eventually hooked up to the wagon and forced to pull it. More arguements were passed between Father and children, as the two little mites were loaded into the wagon.

The young lad Deak voiced only little arguement, the idea of staying with his sister was all that really mattered to him. His finger was finding its way into his mouth, as his sister was pleading not to leave. "They will teach you to read, and write, my dear one," her father told her.

"I have no need for those skills, I wish to stay here with you." Her heart felt as if someone were ripping it out, no longer did she like the man and the woman that were taking her away. "I'll not be happy, and I'll come back here, you know it!" she told her father.

He kissed her cheeks, and hugged her tight, "Do this for me. Become a lady that will care for many, do you hear this? Do not let others live like this, you have a great name, a great family, and will one day make a great leader to your people." He placed her in the cart and walked over to Marcus. Nick reached into his shirt, and pulled out the papers he had promised Marcus earlier, "These are her mother's people. They know of her and Deak, but have chosen not to act, but if they ever do, it will not be good. You must protect them both. Do I have your word?" Nick asked, his eyes speaking volumes.

Marcus opened the packet, read the words, and turned to look at Nick. "You can not be serious,"he asked, scanning the names of the young ones family history. He could tell by the solemn look on Nick's face that he was in fact speaking true. "I'll care for them both as if they were my own, you have my word."

"Then they will be protected."

"Father," Abby cried, pointing toward the location of the cabin where Katherine and Desiree had been captive. "A fire!"

The group turned to look. A thick cloud of smoke billowed against the blue sky, as a lone rider emerged into the village. "Let's go home," Katherine whispered as she pulled the packet of papers from Marcus hands, and looked down on them. Her own reaction kept hidden as she folded them up and placed them in the deep folds of her gown. "Seems we now house a Princess and a Prince, my love."

"Aye, more adventures, but first our wedding," he smiled down at her, kissed her lips, and with Stephen by their side headed home.

(not done yet..., but almost...)


Yet more twists and turns, an amazing imagination you have Red. :kiss: :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,Post 42,Post 43,Post 44,Post 45,Post 46,

Stephen immediately called for Desiree as he moved from the main room to the bedchamber. He hurried back to Katherine who was now sliding from Marcus arms, and steadying herself on her two feet. Fear reached into Stephen's heart as he looked at his love's sister. "What did he do to her? Is she.. " Stephen's heart felt as if it were being squeezed tight, and he knew his Desi had not survived the torture that Katherine had endured.

"She lives Stephen. He sold her." Katherine told him, her words barely above a whisper.

The color in Stephen's face dropped further as did his body. He sat down in the one chair that was at the table. "What happened?" he asked, unable to fight the gnawing fear that was ripping into his gut.

Katherine moved to kneel at her friend's side. Her hand rested on his knee. "A man named Anthony came. I know not any more about him. Horatio had planned this along time ago. From the first moment he had realized there were two of us on that trip to the abbey. He had contacted this man after grabbing me, and when he had gotten his hands on the both of us together, he knew he'd be able to continue his plans."

Stephen's fists were clenched tight as he continued to hear the words flow from Katherine's lips. She told him, how when Desiree had left she had fought the man, but was unable to free herself. Her own tears fell as she was continually hit by Horatio as she pleaded with him not to do this. "Desiree fought for her life, Stephen." She hung her head, "She left here untouched by Horatio, but I fear that will not be the case now. She has been gone three days, I know not where they took her."

Marcus moved to Katherine's side, and helped her up. "The ship, the man in the village mentioned, must have been the one this Anthony used."

Stephen nodded his agreement, and rose from the table. "I will find her, and bring her home," he stated flatly. His eyes turning to look about the cabin. "Leave here, take your Lady back and gather those children. I will stay and see that Horatio's body is dealt with, after I look around this hovel and see if there are any clues as to who this man is."

With a heavy sigh, Marcus hugged his friend and led Katherine away. Once outside he pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. "I love you," he whispered against her lips, and she answered back with the same words being pulled from her heart.

"He used me again, Marcus," the words choked her, as she spoke of the things Horatio had done. "How could you still love me after all that has happened," she asked of him.

Marcus cupped her face, and looked deeply into her features. "He is gone, and no longer will he harm you or the ones you love. I have loved you for so long, that nothing would ever kill that. You are all I'll ever need, or want in this life, with or without Horatio's lands. It will always be you, what he has done can not be taken away, but I will show you what true love is."

She touched his face, and brought his lips down to hers, the kiss speaking the words that she could not. Soon they seperated and Marcus helped her to mount his steed. The pain from the wounds Horatio had inflicted caused her to wince, but soon she was settled against Marcus chest, and were heading toward the village that they had passed through.

As they made their way slowly back, they were greeted by the young girl, who now was somewhat cleaner then when Marcus had seen here. "I see you have your Princess," Abby smiled at the woman and her escort.

"Aye, and I see you have washed up some," Marcus winked at the small creature.

Katherine smiled down, and introduced herself, the young girl curtsied, then ran ahead of the horse, toward her home, calling for her father as she went. When they arrived, Marcus once more asked the man to come back to his keep with him, and once more the man refused. The two men found an old wagon, and as much as Marcus' horse made his dislikes known he was eventually hooked up to the wagon and forced to pull it. More arguements were passed between Father and children, as the two little mites were loaded into the wagon.

The young lad Deak voiced only little arguement, the idea of staying with his sister was all that really mattered to him. His finger was finding its way into his mouth, as his sister was pleading not to leave. "They will teach you to read, and write, my dear one," her father told her.

"I have no need for those skills, I wish to stay here with you." Her heart felt as if someone were ripping it out, no longer did she like the man and the woman that were taking her away. "I'll not be happy, and I'll come back here, you know it!" she told her father.

He kissed her cheeks, and hugged her tight, "Do this for me. Become a lady that will care for many, do you hear this? Do not let others live like this, you have a great name, a great family, and will one day make a great leader to your people." He placed her in the cart and walked over to Marcus. Nick reached into his shirt, and pulled out the papers he had promised Marcus earlier, "These are her mother's people. They know of her and Deak, but have chosen not to act, but if they ever do, it will not be good. You must protect them both. Do I have your word?" Nick asked, his eyes speaking volumes.

Marcus opened the packet, read the words, and turned to look at Nick. "You can not be serious,"he asked, scanning the names of the young ones family history. He could tell by the solemn look on Nick's face that he was in fact speaking true. "I'll care for them both as if they were my own, you have my word."

"Then they will be protected."

"Father," Abby cried, pointing toward the location of the cabin where Katherine and Desiree had been captive. "A fire!"

The group turned to look. A thick cloud of smoke billowed against the blue sky, as a lone rider emerged into the village. "Let's go home," Katherine whispered as she pulled the packet of papers from Marcus hands, and looked down on them. Her own reaction kept hidden as she folded them up and placed them in the deep folds of her gown. "Seems we now house a Princess and a Prince, my love."

"Aye, more adventures, but first our wedding," he smiled down at her, kissed her lips, and with Stephen by their side headed home.

(not done yet..., but almost...)

Hehehe.....Fantastic! Thank you for such a great read, Red. :rose:
Sulk said:
Hehehe.....Fantastic! Thank you for such a great read, Red. :rose:

Your welcome :kiss: ~ one or two more will finish this up... then I won't hog Delta's thread anymore... I have talked to Mark and he thinks just a seperate one where I post stories, but allow comments like the ones between posts would be good to put up on playgrounders. There are possible 2 or 3 sequels to this, and I'll be turning this one into a novel for publication. Right now without the ending or going back and adding detail I'm under 45,000 words. :D
Delta Smooth said:
:kiss:'s for red!

*giggles*... thanks for the :kiss: 's Delta ~ I really didn't know the story would go the way it has ~ I never planned it out, just wrote as it came to me ~ Thank you for the use of your thread ~ :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
*giggles*... thanks for the :kiss: 's Delta ~ I really didn't know the story would go the way it has ~ I never planned it out, just wrote as it came to me ~ Thank you for the use of your thread ~ :kiss:

you're welcome dear :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Your welcome :kiss: ~ one or two more will finish this up... then I won't hog Delta's thread anymore... I have talked to Mark and he thinks just a seperate one where I post stories, but allow comments like the ones between posts would be good to put up on playgrounders. There are possible 2 or 3 sequels to this, and I'll be turning this one into a novel for publication. Right now without the ending or going back and adding detail I'm under 45,000 words. :D

Woo Hoooo! :D

The thread idea is a damn fine one! I'll be keeping an eye out for that and subscribing.

Where are my manners? Hello and good afternoon, Ms. Smooth. :rose:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I will still haress you folks here with my wit and charm ;) :kiss:

you're so sexy that i highly doubt anyone would call it harrassment :D :kiss:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Your welcome :kiss: ~ one or two more will finish this up... then I won't hog Delta's thread anymore... I have talked to Mark and he thinks just a seperate one where I post stories, but allow comments like the ones between posts would be good to put up on playgrounders. There are possible 2 or 3 sequels to this, and I'll be turning this one into a novel for publication. Right now without the ending or going back and adding detail I'm under 45,000 words. :D

YOU have to know that I read this start to finish (or not finish as the case is LOL) today and its a damn good thing I had the day off, because I would have had to call in sick!!! its wonderful! kept my attention in a way very few can,,, Kudos girlie its a wonderful story, you have a great tallent.
GoddessOfSouls said:
YOU have to know that I read this start to finish (or not finish as the case is LOL) today and its a damn good thing I had the day off, because I would have had to call in sick!!! its wonderful! kept my attention in a way very few can,,, Kudos girlie its a wonderful story, you have a great tallent.

Thank you ~ :rose: I appreciate your compliments :)

Post 28,Post 29,Post 30,Post 31,Post 32,Post 33,Post 34,Post 35,Post 36,Post 37,Post 38,Post 39,Post 40,Post 41,Post 42,Post 43,Post 44,Post 45,Post 46,Post 47....

Three months later...

Katherine looked out the window of her bedroom, the cold air hitting her skin. She had been standing there for hours, watching her husband and his men work and train in the cold winter air. A chill ran through her and she closed the shutters and turned back toward the room, that now held memories of love, and the ones of hate were slowly being tucked away.

Her fingers could still fill the bumps where the chain rings had been. if she bent down to look for them. She had only done that twice, and now she barely thought of them unless disturbed by a dream or at times like these when she was amazed that she could live in this room. Marcus had done wonders with it. Bright colors graced its walls, the window had been widened and now sunlight would pour in, as well as moonlight. She gathered her shawl, remembering the afternoon promise of a story after the children's lessons.

Abby and Deak had made the first month very rough for Marcus and Katherine. Abby had run away three times in hopes to reach her father, and it wasn't until they told her that leaving meant her brother would have no one; she finally stayed put. Stephen had left in search for Desiree, and no word had arrived from him. All they knew was the name of the man that had purchased her. Katherine's stomach curled in disgust at the thought of her sister now a slave to someone as sick as Horatio had been. Stephen had burned the cottage, and the man's body after finding the name of Horatio's "friend". He had left a week later, only staying long enough for the wedding of Marcus and Katherine.

Now Katherine looked at the faces of the two adopted children, and leaned against the frame of the nursery door. How different these children's lives would be if they were allowed to grow up as their true birthright should have dictated to them. A Princess and a Prince now lived in a cold keep that was constantly on guard during troubling times, where thousands of miles away, their relatives lived in splendor. Pushing her hair from her eyes, Katherine stepped in and took over the care of the two wee ones and story time was soon in full swing.

Marcus was drawn toward the sound of laughter and giggles, and his smile was wide when he reached the nursery room. His wife stood high on a table while a long green snake slithered around the floor, and two children ran around squealing trying to catch the slithering creature. "What are you doing with that in here?" his face unable to contain his grin, as he tried desperately to sound angry.

Abby grinned back, just as Deak's small foot landed on the snake. Marcus ruffled the girl's hair, amazed at its softness, now that it was clean and well kept. He picked up the offensive snake that was upsetting his wife, and handed it to Abby. "Take it and your brother outdoors, then return to cook. She has some cakes for you to enjoy."

That was all it took for the two children to run from the room, the long squiggly tail of the snake flipping in the wind. "Thank you, gallant Knight," Katherine said, as Marcus helped her down from the table.

"You have changed wife. If I remember correctly from stories your father told me, he and your mother often had creatures in their beds."

"Yes, and they were found at the most unfortunate times," Katherine blushed. Now realizing how angry she would be if she had found frogs and crickets in her bed in the middle of love making. "I do hope we don't experience that."

"Why do you think I strip the bed, before we make love?" he joked with her, as he led her toward their room. "Let us go see if they have any creatures waiting for us there now."

Katherine rolled her eyes and looked to him, "You know they do not, you just wish to have your way with me."

"Nay, not at all. I'm here only to search out little critters that will make you squeal."

With a sly smile she turned her head and looked at him, "I only wish for a large critter to make me squeal in my bed." She winked before running her hand down the front of his tight slacks. The moan he made only increased the pressure of her hand as they reached the door of the room.

Marcus pushed the door open and quickly pulled her inside. His arm wrapped around her waist as he pushed the door closed with his foot. Soon her back was to the door and his hands were exploring her body. Fingers scrapped down her neck, and across the front of her dress. Katherine's fingers moved into his hair, and down his shoulders. Her teeth bit at his lips seconds before his tongue captured hers and their kiss began to heat the all ready boiling passion that was aroused.

He knew he'd never get enough of her, after the first month of slow explorations and of learning her body, taking the time to ease her into the joys of loving instead of the horror she had experienced, he now consumed her as often as she allowed. To Marcus joy that was very often. Moving his hand to the front of her bodice, he freed some of the hooks with patience but soon the others were torn from their stitching.

"I fix more clothes since I have been married to you, then I have in a lifetime before I knew you," Katherine chuckled.

"Well stop wearing so damn many with hooks!" he growled as he captured a now exposed breasts with his mouth. Marcus sucked on the white skin, then slid his tongue down to nuzzle and tease her right nipple as his fingers teased the left. His teeth tugged on the hard button, holding it while his tongue rubbed back and forth across the pink pearl.

Katherine bit her lip, and dug her fingers into his shoulders, her own body hungry for more. She moaned in sorrow as she felt his mouth leave her nipple, then gasped in delight as he captured the other, and began a sweet torment on her skin. "Please love," she whispered, her sex begging for the tug that was working her breast.

"In time," he mumbled against her chest. His tongue licked over the ridges of her areola, before pressing his mouth completely over the discolored flesh and drawing the precious mound of porcelain between his lips. With nimble fingers he slipped his hand to the back of her waist and unhooked the offensive skirt that blocked his way toward the treasure he craved.

Katherine slipped her feet from the slippers and was allowed some room to move from the door. Marcus waited while she slipped the skirt and petticoats down, leaving only the bloomers that were now being pulled from her body by Marcus anxious hands. "I thought you said, 'In time'?" she chuckled as she watched him kneel before her.

"I lied. I do that you know," he told her, just before his mouth pressed into the curls of her sex. The words she had been going to say were gone from her mind, as she felt the first lick of his tongue against her mound. Her fingers fluttered to her side, and her back leaned once more on the door for support as his mouth claimed her.

Marcus ran his tongue over the hardened aroused bud of flesh that called to him. He flicked it back and forth, then began to lick the sides and bring hungry sounds from his own throat. His fingers parted her lips, and his tongue devoured her sex. With gentle but firm bites he marked his territory claiming her clit as his and making her want his mark. The scent of her brought him to a more aroused state, and he savored the smell. His nose nuzzled deep into her, as his tongue moved down the parted lips.

With long strokes of the firm muscle from his mouth, he cleaned the mound before him, only to dirty it again, as he released more juices from her body. Marcus washed her flesh, taking and gathering the nectar she emptied from his ministrations. Two fingers made a quest for the walls of her pussy, as he inserted them, pushing more honey for his thirsting self. Marcus stroked the walls, curled his fingers, and gently scraped the sides. His wife's whimpers pulled him toward a goal that he enjoyed reaching.

Katherine's fingers curled into fists, and her lip was assaulted by her teeth. Her hips were thrust toward his mouth. Sounds escaped her throat that she would never had called her own, but she knew they were. With each sweep of his tongue and gliding movement of his fingers she could feel her body responding tenfold. "Marcus," she whispered. He answered her call, with an increased rhythm of both fingers and tongue. Moving over her pussy, his tongue capture the flows of juice that his fingers pushed free.

She felt her toes curl as he pushed deeper, hitting the front of her sex, rubbing it then leaving it to wait for his return. Each time he teased her, she groaned her anguish. "Please," she begged him. Katherine felt the edge of the climax, and she knew Marcus was tormenting her, and it was at these times she fought a battle within herself. A battle to allow him to continue torturing her, the torture was sweet and wonderful, but to win the battle was the reward. "Oh God!" she muttered, as her fingers flew into his hair, and she forced his face deeper into the folds of her sex.

Marcus knew the fever inside her had won out, and now he moved faster. His tongue swept quicker over her clit, sucking and teasing it, as his fingers screwed higher and harder into her sweetness. The syrup thickened as he felt her body still for several seconds and he new from the change in flavor that her climax had been reached. He pushed his head back from her pussy and watched the expression of her face change. Her brows furrowed tight, her lips trembled and her eyes were squished as she rode the waves of lava that washed through her.

Katherine felt the power of his gift to her running through her veins. She called out his name, telling him to not stop, and she gasped in pleasure when he returned to gather up the come that ran down the walls of her sex, and out into his waiting mouth. Her body shivered in pleasure as the waves washed over her, and she felt the spasms take her higher and higher. Each sweep of his tongue brought quivers from deep within her, until she could barely breath.

His mouth, tongue and fingers worked the thick stickiness from her body, then he began the cleansing her mound now desperately needed. Marcus licked every part of her that had become covered in the hot flow of liquid velvet. He moved from the floor when he felt her body was ready for a time to catch its breath and equilibrium.

She watched him disrobe. Katherine's eyes barely able to open, but she forced them to take in the large erection he had for her. Her breath still ragged, but her body no longer caring, as she stepped out of the rolls of material her skirts and petticoats had made. Advancing toward him, he waited for her. Her eyes were full of passion, desire, lost, but most importantly, her eyes were free of fear. With confidence she wrapped her hands around the hard shaft of his cock, and stroked it with long movements.

The growl that passed Marcus' lips were the only sounds he made for the next several minutes, while his wife took charge of the rod that she was now inhaling. He moved his fingers into her hair, as she worked the large member in and out of her mouth. She captured it between her lips, allowed her tongue to move over it, as her fingers toyed with his testicles, and her mouth moved deeper. She sucked and pulled, while her other hand circled the base of his cock.

Katherine moved her mouth faster, and the melody she played on his sex, sent Marcus into his own frenzied need for release. He pushed his sex deeper into her mouth, while his fingers tightened in her hair. The silkiness of her mouth, took him to heights of pleasure that no women before had ever taken him. His heart ached from the love he felt for her, and as she pleasured him, he felt the boiling of passion in his veins.

He longed to plunge his cock deeper into the hot home her mouth offered, but his seed would not be wasted there. He pulled her up and carried her to the bed. "We'll not get a child if we don't do this right," he winked.

Katherine smiled, and shrugged her shoulder's, "I'm sure we'd manage getting you ready again."

Marcus chuckled back at her, then answered, "Aye, but why waste it?" He grinned wide as he settled himself between her legs, and pushed into her sweet folds. "God Kate," he groaned.

She smiled up at him, closed her eyes, and allowed her body to feel all the pleasure he gave her. Knowing that someday, she'd carry the child they both craved. The nightmares of Horatio would not interfere in her life, as long as she had her husband to care for her, and the love of her family to override all obstacles.


Katherine slept upstairs hours later, as Marcus read the missive he now held in his hand. A mixture of emotions crossed his face. The missive soon laid on top of the other he had received while he was making love to his wife. The first was one that gave him hope, and he knew would give his wife hope also. Stephen had found Desiree, but it would be along time before he could reach her. The other was grave news from Nick. The Prince he now had residing in his home would need to be watched carefully. Young Deak had overnight become a threat to a man who wanted his own son to be King.

~~~~~* :heart: *~~~~~

:rose: The End :rose:

To all those that took the time to read this, I thank you. It wasn't something I planned to do, it was just something that happened. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and I hope you liked it. I will work on additional stories as I feel them coming to conclude the loose ends I have left dangling. Thank you to Delta for allowing me to tie up this thread, and I thank Mark for the title and for continuing to read it as well as Sulk, and for the special folks that stopped on the thread to just post they were enjoying it. I'm glad to know it was a story that went over well. I look forward to writing Stephen and Desiree's story, as well as Abby and Deak's. :kiss:

Well Done!

I use to have this favorite Author who I would wait sometimes a year or two to get the next in her series just because I was often waiting at the book store for her new release. which I would devour with a hunger hard to understand. unless you were there. My Husband at the time always knew that when he couldnt think of what to get me it was a safe bet that anything by this Author would please me. and it did get him out of many a dog house.

I find that I Have the same sense about this story of yours, you have the same knack of making us want to know more about all of the people you have either touched on YOU my Dear have left your insidious mark upon the minds of your readers.. VERY WELL DONE!
GoddessOfSouls said:
I use to have this favorite Author who I would wait sometimes a year or two to get the next in her series just because I was often waiting at the book store for her new release. which I would devour with a hunger hard to understand. unless you were there. My Husband at the time always knew that when he couldnt think of what to get me it was a safe bet that anything by this Author would please me. and it did get him out of many a dog house.

I find that I Have the same sense about this story of yours, you have the same knack of making us want to know more about all of the people you have either touched on YOU my Dear have left your insidious mark upon the minds of your readers.. VERY WELL DONE!

GoddessOfSouls ~ Thank you for your wonderful words and I am touched that you found my work so enjoyable. I have fallen for these people even the Father of Lady Katherine and Desiree. I belive Lord Philip will have to find his happiness as well, whether it be with his current Mistress Elizabeth or not, I haven't a clue. I have no clue where any of these people will travel ~ but I thank you for enjoying the ride the first two took ~ :rose: